The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 468 Class Confidential

Chapter 468 Tenth Level Secret

In the sky of Los Angeles, a red Ferrari fell from the sky, and the pedestrians who saw this scene screamed in horror, but the violent flames ejected from the four wheels of the car held the car firmly. Finally, slowly descend until it lands smoothly.

And in the high altitude not far away, a person wearing a parachute also slowly floated down, it was Melinda who left first.

The red Ferrari stopped at the place where Melinda landed first. After Coulson and Skye picked up Melinda, they quickly drove out of the block, entered the rolling traffic, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

At this moment, there was only a loud noise in the sky in the distance, and a huge fireball exploded in the sky. It was their Quinjet aircraft.

"Ling, how is he?" Coulson asked with concern while looking at Melinda while driving.

"Don't worry about him, he's fine. We're leaving Los Angeles and going to his manor in Tulare." Melinda wasn't worried about Ling Xiao's safety, but they themselves. The gun battle is enough trouble, now there is another plane explosion, the Los Angeles city government must be sick, the FBI, Homeland Security, and the anti-terrorism center have all been mobilized, and they can no longer stay in Los Angeles. go down.

According to the previous plan, everyone had already discussed that once Skye was rescued, they would immediately rush to Ling Xiao's villa in the Tulare mountain area. Compared with here, the remote mountain area is much safer.

In Ling Xiao's private estate, Coulson put an M14 in his handbag and said to Hill at the same time: "We need combat bases, weapons, and strategic resources. How many people do you have on your side?"

"Wait, Coulson, there is no support now, and there is no secret base." Hill approached Coulson, and persuaded in a deep voice: "We can no longer reorganize the team now, everything is over , S.H.I.E.L.D. has completely ceased to exist!"

Hearing what Hill said, Coulson smiled and said: "On the surface, it is gone, but in private, there must be. I know Fury has other bases!"

Hill sighed deeply, and said with a serious face: "I understand, Coulson, you have to kill Ward and Garrett and retrieve the soul scepter, but don't pretend that this is an officially recognized task. Hydra is our personal grievance. When everything is over, you should leave. Otherwise, why do you think that Fury put Ling in charge of this matter? He is preparing a way out for you. Your men are willing to If you don't want to, then continue to follow Ling, if you don't want to..."

"How?" Coulson glanced at Fitz and Simmons, who were chatting outside by the pool, sighed, and said, "Should they turn themselves in, and then reach an agreement with the government to work in a private company? These are not mine. style of."

Seeing Coulson's stubborn expression, Hill shook his head and said, "I've told you everything I need to say, and I should go too. You know where I can be found."

Hill left, and Coulson felt inexplicably lost, and his heart was empty, and Hill, who walked out of the manor, was also uncomfortable. Suddenly, she stopped, looked at the shadow of the house in front of her vigilantly, and let out a deep drink. :"who?"

"It's me!" Ling Xiao walked out of the shadows, looked at Hill and said, "Why, I'm leaving, and I don't even say hello to my master."

"You're really fine!" Hill put away his pistol, glanced at the moonlight above his head, and said to Ling Xiao: "Let's go, walk with me!"

"Okay!" Ling Xiao had no objection to this, and he said to Hill as he walked, "Are you still testing him?"

"What is the test? I can't understand it!" Hilton stepped down and looked at Ling Xiao with a surprised face, not knowing what he was talking about!

"Hehe!" Ling Xiao waved his hand with a smile, and said, "Don't be sloppy with me, with Fury's character, how could he give up such a big potential, let alone Coulson, and you, and How could Fury completely ignore other agents who are more loyal to S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Ling, you're thinking too much. The situation has changed now. It's not that Fury can do whatever he wants. You didn't see that everyone has gone to Europe now!" Regarding Ling Xiao's guess, Hill It was directly denied.

"Oh, that's right, ha ha!" Ling Xiao made it clear that he didn't believe it. For Fu Rui, an old fox, Ling Xiao still thought he knew quite well.

After a moment of silence, Hill said quietly: "Ling, do me a favor, watch Coulson carefully, don't let him get into trouble, he doesn't have much support right now, and even fewer people he can trust .”

"I will try my best to help." Ling Xiao nodded solemnly. If he was not interested in the previous S.H.I.E.L.D., it was because of the existence of Hydra, but for the new S.H.I.E.L.D. With a certain intention, from now on, he must prepare for the civil war.

"Goodbye, Ling." Standing at the gate of the manor, Hill gave Ling Xiao a hug and said, "I hope I can see you again in New York in a few days."

"Me too!" Ling Xiao smiled, he knew what Hill was talking about, Stark was not busy with the establishment of the Avengers headquarters, but few people thought that Fury would put Hill in .

Hill, Hill, looking at the vehicles going away, Ling Xiao sighed slightly, after all, Hill is different from Fury, she has a certain bottom line in doing things, and she is not as unscrupulous as Fury, so this is also true. The reason why he didn't step in to stop Hill from getting into the Avengers.

This time, although Ling Xiao didn't completely take down Ward and Pearson, both of them were severely injured, and Ling Xiao left his own mark.

In addition, he also harvested two hard drives, one is the tracking program used by Fitz to track other S.H.I.E.L.D. In front of Ling Xiao, after hesitating for a while, he still took the copy.

When he returned to the manor, Ling Xiao happened to see a team of Coulson sitting by the pool drinking beer and eating snacks. He smiled, walked over, and said with a chuckle, "Everyone, It seems that you are very leisurely!"

"Ling, you're coming." Seeing Mr. Ling Xiao, Coulson breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I knew you'd be fine."

Ling Xiao shook his head, sighed, and said, "It's a pity that the death warrior rescued Ward, and they were buried in the flames at the same time."

"It's okay, as long as they are still in this world, we will catch them sooner or later." Coulson seemed very confident.

"I hope that my hard drive has been destroyed." Skye, who was sitting on the recliner beside him, suddenly narrowed his eyes, and continued: "If it really falls into Ward's hands in the end, I hope he can take care of it." Enjoy the little gift I have left."

Sure enough, hearing what Skye said, Ling Xiao immediately understood that this girl must have tampered with her hard drive, but fortunately he didn't take it.

Ling Xiao smiled slightly, and said, "Tonight, rest well, no one will come to my house."

"Thank you, Ling!" Coulson sincerely expressed his gratitude to Ling Xiao. At this time, there are not many places where they can rest in peace.

"By the way, where's Mei?" Ling Xiao looked around, but didn't see Melinda, and subconsciously looked at Coulson.

"Mei is in the room now, and she's not used to such lively scenes." Coulson explained with some embarrassment.

Ling Xiao shrugged, and said indifferently: "Okay, I'll go up now and take a look to see if she needs anything?"

"Let's go, let's go up together. We need to discuss what to do next." After finishing speaking, Coulson brought Ling Xiao together, went outside Melinda's door, and knocked gently on Melinda's door. The door rang.

"Please come in." Ling Xiao and Coulson pushed the door open and went in, just in time to see Melinda standing by the window alone, looking at Fitz and Simmons who were fighting below.

Seeing the two people coming in, she nodded expressionlessly, and then said: "You guys came just in time, I have something to show you."

Melinda didn't care about Ling Xiao's existence, and directly opened the notebook in her hand. On the screen of the notebook, it clearly read "Level [-] confidential call, the person in charge of the Tahiti project to Director Fury, the final report".

 Sorry, the three consecutive updates these days have already consumed a lot of my energy, and it is difficult to add more updates.

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(End of this chapter)

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