The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 461 The North Pole

Chapter 461 The North Pole

Regardless of whether it is SHIELD or Hydra, the operating system that was first placed on the space carrier was cracked through the cooperation between the technicians under Maya Hansen and the technicians under Sitwell, and the real problem came out. The program contained in the blade chip that Ling Xiao personally inserted on the space carrier.

It was through this procedure that Hill controlled all three space carriers, manipulated them to lock each other, and finally destroyed them all.

The problem now lies in this program. When she was in Washington before, Hill thought that the three space carriers had all been destroyed, coupled with the non-stop attack of Hydra agents outside, so she didn't notice that there was a The space carrier has quietly left.

But it’s different now. Although the First World War in Washington has passed, no one can guarantee that once the operating system is turned on, whether there will be a signal transmitted to Hill’s hands, and it is more likely that it will be transmitted directly to Nick Foer. Rui's hands.

Given Fury's character as an old fox, I'm afraid he might not let Hill know some things, lest others ask her something.

Split management, it is precisely because of this management system that Hydra has been lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D. for so many years without being discovered. The snake branch was completely destroyed, and even retained the seeds of future revival.

"Since it's dangerous, don't start the operating system without thoroughly analyzing it." Ling Xiao thought for a long time before making a decision.

"Okay." None of the others had any objections. They couldn't be said to be a shadow of a snake. With Alexander Pierce's shrewdness, he personally launched a surprise attack on Nick Fury before his identity was revealed, but in the end he was allowed to escape. Even in the end, he directly destroyed all his plans, and even took his own life. How could they not make them feel very afraid of Nick Fury.

Among the people present, except for Ling Xiao, no one knew how many backhands Fury did before the disintegration of SHIELD, and these backhands made SHIELD stand up again after a few years. world.

Since the operating system cannot be started, Ling Xiao's body can no longer leave for the sake of future plans. He needs to personally control the space carrier to continue moving forward. After all, this is the edge of the high seas of the United States. If he stays here for a long time, he is likely to be killed. Others found it, so they had to leave.

As for the destination to leave, Ling Xiao has already thought about it, and that is the North Pole. Only a deserted place like the North Pole can completely isolate the possibility of outsiders' discovery, and in the North Pole, Ling Xiao still has a lot of things to do. The ship was just an outpost.

The stealth system of the space carrier has been repaired and perfected, so naturally there is no need to move forward cautiously. Under Ling Xiao's control, the speed of the space carrier has reached [-] nautical miles per hour, and it is heading towards the North Pole at high speed. One destination is the port of Nuuk in Greenland.

In order to ensure that there are no accidents, the space carrier is still sailing underwater, and it is day and night. The stealth system of the space carrier is manually activated, and there is Ling Xiao's main body in charge. The system can also isolate the transmission of the signal.

Ling Xiao's body went to the North Pole, but his soul stayed in New York until the prohibition against leaving New York was lifted, and he hurried back to California. He came to Tulare's manor first, and met Gan Jing and Chang Xi, and Yuriko Koyama and Keiko Takahashi who were guarding her.

After the end of the First World War in Washington, Ling Xiao sent Yuriko Koyama, Keiko Takahashi, and Sandman back to California.

After living in Tulare for four or five days, Ling Xiao returned to Los Angeles with a group of people, but because of the exposure of his identity, he seldom went to his own pharmacy. Gan Jing went to the pharmacy because of his heavy studies. The number of times also plummeted, and there gradually no longer attracted people's attention.

I thought it would be peaceful for a few days, but unfortunately, the day after Ling Xiao returned to Los Angeles, someone came to his door.

Looking at the woman standing outside the door of the villa with a hood covering her entire face, Ling Xiao frowned and asked carefully, "Victoria?"

"You really recognize me!" The visitor smiled, reached out and took off the hood on his head, and saw several deep scars on the visitor's face, but Ling Xiao recognized it immediately The identity of the person who came was none other than the customer who had been to him before, Victoria Hand, the eighth-level agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Why did you make it like this, come in quickly!" Ling Xiao hurriedly let the door opener Victoria Hand let in, and then closed the door again.

Back in the living room, Ling Xiao asked Hand to sit down, then stood in front of her, carefully inspected the wound on her face, and then breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "It's okay, you were injured The time is not long, the degree is not very serious, and there is still treatment."

"Thank you so much!" Unexpectedly, Victoria Hand was very calm, and did not feel any joy because her damaged appearance might recover. Instead, she calmly raised her head and looked at Ling Xiao, He said calmly, "Ling, let's make a deal!"

"Deal?" Ling Xiao paused for a moment, and the concern on his face disappeared immediately. He slowly sat down in front of Hand, and asked in a deep voice, "What deal?"

Seeing the rapidly changing expression on Ling Xiao's face, Hande shook her head lightly with such an expression on her face, and then she continued: "Ling, I need you to help me kill two people, kill them, from now on From now on, I will only be loyal to you alone. How?"

Ling Xiao took a deep look at Hande, stretched out his hand and poured himself a cup of strong tea, then looked up at Hande, and asked softly, "You trust me so much?"

"Hehe!" Hand couldn't help smiling, sat there, and said calmly: "Any avenger is not easy, Thor is the prince of Asgard, Stark is the largest billionaire in the United States One, Hulk is the Ph.D. in physics who studies the most in-depth field of gamma rays. Rogers is Captain America before World War II. Natasha is only a few years younger than him. As for Hawkeye, Barton’s experience is better than you know I don't know how many times more complicated it is. And you?"

Hande glanced at Ling Xiao up and down, and then said with some disdain: "Compared with other people, your experience is not much different from a piece of white paper, but in fact, your style of acting is also very cautious , Lao La, even the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau couldn't find anything unusual in you, why do you say?"

"So that's the case!" Ling Xiao couldn't help but smile, and it is true. If analyzed from this aspect, his strength is still much worse than his experience: "So, these discoveries of yours Neither was reported to Fury."

"I don't need to report anything, Fury may not have noticed your abnormality, but your behavior made him choose to believe you!" Hand shook his head, sighed, and said: "For example, when you Fighting the aliens with all your strength during the First World War in New York is enough for Fury to trust you!"

"Hehe!" Ling Xiao smiled, put down the teacup in his hand, and then said with a chuckle: "Who told you that I did my best!"

Ling Xiao likes to keep his hand in everything he does, even during the New York War. His biggest hole card, the list of gods and demons, has not yet appeared in front of people.

Hand's eyes couldn't help becoming serious, she took a deep breath, and said: "I am quite useful to you, I know that many SHIELD has no secret bases that have not been exposed, and there are still many unrecorded The secrets of the S.H.I.E.L.D. file, whatever you want to do, you'll need me."

"I'm not interested in the secrets of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Fury, but you are indeed the person I need." Ling Xiao nodded lightly. His current booth is getting bigger and bigger, and he urgently needs Capable people help him sort out, and Hande's ability can really help him.

As the eighth-level agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. who is in charge of the hub base, Hande can sort out everything gently and clearly, and Ling Xiao doesn't need to worry about it at all.

Hearing Ling Xiao let go, Hande finally breathed a sigh of relief, Ling Xiao stared at her and asked, "Tell me, who exactly do you want me to kill?"

"Grant Ward and John Garrett!" Hand clenched his fists tightly, and then told Ling Xiao about his experiences during this period.

It turned out that Coulson once suspected that clairvoyance was a super human being who had been in contact with S.H.I.E.L.D., so they brought some senior agents into the North Pole, where they held a secret meeting about clairvoyance, because the northern lights can block the signal. Pass it on, just like Ling Xiao is doing now.

After many arrangements and investigations, they finally found a person who was similar to a clairvoyant, a man who was paralyzed and could only speak by machine. He told what happened between Skye and Coulson and why he To track down the cause of Coulson's medication was to treat all of his ailments.

(End of this chapter)

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