The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 46 Black Hand

Chapter 46 Black Hand

Just when the boss of the man in black, that is, Philip Johnson, was far away from the old man in the suit, he suddenly turned and turned to a nearby apartment building. When he came out from the back of the apartment building, he He has changed his clothes, wearing a gray hood, jeans, and sneakers. Anyone who sees it will think that this is a person jogging in the middle of the night.

However, this person jogging in the middle of the night had no idea that he was being watched.Philip Johnson has already disposed of all the special combat suits he was wearing and the weapons he was carrying. Don't ask him how he disposed of them. He can guarantee that his things will never be discovered.

It didn't take long for Philip Johnson to enter a nine-story apartment building again, where the small apartment he had rented was located.He was very careful all the way back. He circled several times along the way, but he didn't find anyone following him.

After making sure that he was absolutely safe, Philip Johnson entered his hiding place.In this apartment, Philip Johnson has prepared enough water and food for half a month. He will never go out without something too necessary.

This is Philip Johnson's usual cautious behavior. Half a month is enough to slow down this wave of limelight. No matter how bad his luck is, if someone finds out here, it will not affect his family.

Before this mission, Philip Johnson had already told his family that he was going on a business trip for half a month, so he was able to cover up the past during this time.

After entering the room and locking the door, Philip Johnson sat deeply on the sofa alone, and heaved a sigh of relief.

It was only then that he began to think about the whole thing.Things have obviously changed. Philip Johnson did not expect that people from the London Museum of Natural History would follow Los Angeles all the way to protect this cursed gem, and this was not found in the previous intelligence.

What's even more frightening is that they already know his personal information. If nothing else, his home has already been targeted by others.Philip Johnson was not worried that those people would harm his family members, so if he took the risk of contacting his family members, with their means, he could follow these contacts to find his location.

At that time, I am afraid that not only those people will be the ones who want to kill him, but even the employer behind him may also make trouble for him.

It seemed that he was going to cut off contact with his family temporarily. Philip Johnson couldn't help sighing, but he was not worried about his family's life. He had already left enough living expenses for his family. At least for a few years, their life would be will not be affected.

Standing up, Philip went to the refrigerator beside him, took out a bottle of cold beer, and drank it in a big gulp.

With the bottle in hand, Philip walked to the closet in the living room and looked at a portrait of George Washington on the closet.

After looking at the portrait for a long time, he reached into the closet and tapped lightly. There was a slight sound, and the portrait of George Washington rose slowly. A hidden safe appeared in front of Philip Johnson. .

After quickly entering the password and passing the fingerprint verification, Philip Johnson opened the safe.

Inside the safe was a Desert Eagle, about $3 in cash, and a one-foot-long dagger.

At this time, Philip Johnson took out the three small bags hidden next to his body.It is three small bags, which contain three gems he snatched from the museum. Among these three gems, two belong to Scott West, and one is the famous cursed gem.

The three gems that took a lot of effort to get, Philip Johnson threw them in the safe without even looking at them.

Holding a beer bottle in his hand, Philip Johnson walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows. The mist outside filled the whole world, and only a silhouette of the buildings in the distance could be seen in his eyes.

Now there was a look of worry on Philip Johnson's face. He didn't know how much his subordinates could escape this time, but he was not worried that these people would be implicated in him.

Among all these people, only Philip Johnson knows the identity of everyone, and the others do not know the identity of others. Everyone uses code names when they meet. If the clues were revealed, it had nothing to do with him.

Although the vote tonight had achieved its basic purpose, the loss was equally heavy. It is at least certain that four people had died in the museum, five people escaped from the museum with Philip Johnson, and five people were left behind. In the end, I don't know how many escaped.

In their industry, as long as the target is obtained, no matter how much sacrifice is made, the industry will recognize that your mission has been successfully completed.

Having said that, Philip Johnson still hopes that his men will survive a few more.

How did this mission turn into what it is now? If everything went according to plan, their trip to and from the museum would not even take more than 15 minutes. But for some reason, the museum alarm suddenly sounded during the mission.

When thinking about this issue, Philip Johnson couldn't help but think of the old man in a suit who stopped him from going to live in the end. Now it is very likely that he sounded the alarm at a critical moment, causing them to lose half of their manpower, and half of them I don't know what happened now.

What is the problem? One reason is that their own information is not good enough, and the information provided by the employer misleading them is also a factor that cannot be ignored. It seems that he needs to increase the quotation when delivering the goods.

After thinking about these things, Philip Johnson put the finished beer bottle aside, walked to the bathroom, and went to take a shower.

The sound of splashing water soon sounded in the apartment, steaming mist permeated the entire bathroom, and the apartment suddenly became a little deserted.

Suddenly, there was a slight "click", and the door of the apartment opened silently, and a man in black crept into the room like a kitten, without making any sound. It can be seen that this is a woman, a woman with a good figure.

The man in black just took a sniff in the room, then immediately walked to the closet, touched the inside of the closet with his right hand, and soon the portrait of George Johnson on the closet rose up, revealing the safe behind it.

Looking at the safe in front of her, the eyes of the man in black revealed a serious look. She has also done some research on this safe. The password is not a problem. The trouble is the fingerprint verification inside.Of course, if you have enough time, cracking the fingerprint authentication program is not too difficult.

But now the sound of rushing water reminded her that the owner of the house was taking a bath inside, and men always take a bath very quickly.

After pondering for a moment, the man in black's eyes fell on the beer on the coffee table, and her eyes lit up instantly.He walked quickly to the coffee table, picked up the beer bottle, and returned to the safe again.

The man in black took out a translucent film from his body, breathed lightly on the beer bottle, and then pressed the translucent film on the beer bottle, and the film immediately recorded the fingerprints on it.

The man in black put the finished film on his hand, and then gently pressed it on the fingerprint verification area. At the same time, the pupils of the man in black stood up instantly, like a kitten in the dark.

Immediately afterwards, the man in black hurried to the safe, and unexpectedly entered the password of the safe accurately. With a soft sound, the safe opened.

The man in black quickly took out the three small cloth bags inside. After a little hesitation, she also took out the thirty thousand dollars inside.

However, with such an action, a sudden bell rang in the safe, and the man in black was startled. He didn't care to close the safe, and walked quickly to the door. At this time, Philip Johnson was already wrapped in a bath towel. The bathroom came out quickly.

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(End of this chapter)

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