Chapter 457

Ling Xiao doesn't know where the six infinite gems and soul gems are now. He just knows that they seem to be related to the magician Adam, but in the vast universe, it is not easy to find the planet where the magician Adam is.

The time gem should be in the hands of Mage Gu Yi now, but I don’t know if he has given it to Dr. Strange. Ling Xiao has no idea about this gem, whether it is the current Mage Gu Yi or the future Strange. Dr. Lankey, both have strong strength and extremely shrewd minds, it is most suitable for them to keep the Time Stone.

The space gem is now in Asgard, as long as Odin is not dead, no one will dare to covet a space gem.

As for the future, when Odin's lifespan is exhausted and Ragnarok comes, Ling Xiao will definitely participate in the battle against Hela, the god of death.

The best situation is that he can convince Hela to join forces with them to deal with Thanos. If he can't, he must not let Hela cause too much damage to Asgard's combat power.

The dusk of the gods can be caused by Hella, it can be caused by the flame giant Surtur, and it can also be destroyed by Thanos.

The space gem stays in Asgard, and the gods of Asgard can rely on the space gem to fight Thanos.

Regardless of the final victory or defeat, Ling Xiao will leave with the space gem and prevent it from falling into the hands of Thanos.

Where is the power gem now? In the depths of the vast universe, Ling Xiao is helpless even if he has some thoughts. All he can wait for is to find a way to get all the power gem and reality gem when the space gem falls into the hands of collectors Take them all back.

The collector is also an ambitious guy, otherwise he wouldn't be offering rewards around the universe for the remaining Infinity Stones.

Odin gave the Reality Gem to the collector for safekeeping. Ling Xiao didn't have much opinion. Compared with the star-lord who didn't know where he was, the collector was much easier to find. When Ling Xiao was strong enough, it happened to be Bring back the Reality Gem and the Power Gem together.

The most troublesome thing is the mind gem. The mind scepter has now fallen into the hands of Baron Sterak, and Ling Xiao is not in a hurry to get it back.

The position of Baron Sterak cannot be concealed from Ling Xiao at all. According to the news sent back by Mina Dond, Baron Sterak is ready to give up his power in the United States and transfer his foundation to Europe to avoid the US government and the Avengers. hunt down, and then use the mind gem to develop their own strength.

Ling Xiao does not intend to intervene in advance, he has deep concerns about the Soul Stone, Ling Xiao has always believed that Thanos must have tampered with the Mind Stone, thinking about the birth of Ultron, Ling Xiao dare not easily deal with the Soul Stone He will sit and watch until the birth of Ultron, and confirm that the consciousness of life in the Mind Gem has been thoroughly derived before he will try to use the Mind Gem.

The reason why Ling Xiao did this was because he had no choice but to do it. According to his research on reality gems, if any infinity gem fell into his hands, he wanted to completely refine it, even if he waited for his cultivation to refine it. In order to break through to the Golden Core Realm, it will take decades, and what is most lacking now is time.

Thanos is very strong, even if he doesn't collect all the infinite gems, his strength is one of the best in the entire universe, not to mention that he has a strong player like the Black Demon Five, if Ling Xiao only has an infinite gem in his hand, The gems are fine, if he has more infinite gems in his hand, maybe the next day, General Black Demon will kill him directly, and Ling Xiao will only have to flee in embarrassment by then.

So for now, what he can hold in his hands now is the soul gem that will remove all hidden dangers later.

The aftermath of the disintegration of SHIELD is still undecided. Natasha, Hill, and Rogers, who are deeply involved with SHIELD, are questioning the joint investigation team. In the joint investigation team, there are not only generals and congressmen from the US military , as well as members of the World Safety Council.

Compared with Rogers, who has made great achievements in battle, and Hill, who is deeply appreciated by the World Security Committee, Natasha, who has a rather flawed background, has suffered the most.However, after all, Natasha has rich experience, and she can control the whole situation in her own hands.

In particular, Natasha still has a killer trick in her hand, that is, the Security Council bypassed Nick Fury and forcibly bombed Manhattan with nuclear bombs.

Although they were able to put all the responsibility for the incident on Pierce, the order to launch the nuclear bomb was indeed acquiesced by the President of the United States and the Department of Defense. Otherwise, even the Security Council would not be able to say nothing. Just bomb Manhattan with a nuclear bomb.

Moreover, the existence of Hydra also makes the U.S. government very afraid. Judging from the information collected now, the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau controlled by Alexander Pierce is just a part of the huge organization of Hydra, and it wants to completely eradicate it in the future. Hydra will inevitably rely on the power of the Avengers, and the black widow Natasha Romanoff is one of the members of the Avengers, which makes them unwilling, but there is nothing they can do.

Perhaps it was also from this time that the U.S. government had the idea of ​​wanting to hold all the superheroes in its hands, and it was this idea that caused huge waves in the future and directly led to the Avengers alliance. disintegration.

The Avengers don't care about personal strength, but if they really want to compete with the governments of various countries, they really don't care enough.

Take Tony Stark as an example, his greatest super power is to have money, and as long as the U.S. government closes all his accounts, Tony Stark’s power will be abolished in half, and the same, others Each has its own weaknesses, coupled with the contradictions between them, it is not surprising that the Avengers disintegrated.

It was precisely because of the ongoing investigation that Ling Xiao was prohibited from leaving the east coast for a short period of time and could not return to Los Angeles, so he simply took Xu Liang and Zhou Qian to the beach of Long Island in the east for fun. After resigning from a job, you also need to relax.

Having been in the United States for so many years, Zhou Qian got her green card not long ago, while Xu Liang got her green card earlier. She has relatives living in the United States and has already been naturalized in the United States, so she got her green card much earlier. And in another year, she will be able to obtain American citizenship.

Seeing the two beauties with curvaceous figures, chest and buttocks playing in front of his eyes, Ling Xiao smiled and lay down on the beach, put on sunglasses, and basked in the sun.

Where they are now is Hampton on the easternmost coastline of Long Island. Here, Hampton faces water on three sides, and the coastline surrounds from the south to the east. It is the richest people from the top of New York gathered here.

Ling Xiao spent $[-] to rent a luxurious holiday villa for a month, facing the white beach.

In the villa, there is also its own swimming pool, a vast garden, and a quiet natural environment. The price of the villa alone is 1000 million US dollars.

Although Nick Fury entrusted him with the search for the spiritual scepter, Ling Xiao was unable to leave the east coast for the time being because of the US government's ban. These are all things that can't be helped.

In the middle of the night, the sea breeze blew directly into the bedroom along the balcony. On the spacious Simmons, lay three naked bodies.Ling Xiao lightly tapped the black sweet pussies of the two girls, and the two girls fell into a coma.

Compared with the two, Zhou Qian looked more beautiful. Although she was a little less beautiful, Xu Liang's figure was indeed much better than Zhou Qian's.

Ling Xiao glanced out the window, and saw that two black shadows were lying on the beach outside, closely monitoring him, and these people were members of the FBI.

Because the matter of S.H.I.E.L.D. is still under investigation, Ling Xiao is also prohibited from leaving the east coast, so it is normal for him to be monitored by people from the FBI.

It's a pity that compared with the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., the people of the FBI are not only much worse in tracking and surveillance technology, but also much worse in the equipment they use. Even Ling Xiao has left Villa, they all know nothing about it.

In the dark sky, a golden light pierced the sky directly and flew towards the open sea in the east.

In less than 20 minutes, Jin Guang had already flown hundreds of nautical miles above the high seas, and then fell straight down after a somersault.

(End of this chapter)

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