The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 455 Aftermath

Chapter 455 Aftermath

"Thank you, Lawyer Hogarth." Standing at the door, Ling Xiao stretched out his hand to say goodbye to Lawyer Hogarth. Her arrival today is very important, not to mention Talbot before, but the few federal investigators who came later Bureau agents are not easy to deal with.

Although the people from the FBI had a kind tone, they still asked tricky and detailed questions, and in some places they deliberately set language traps for Ling Xiao.

If Hogarth hadn't been by Ling Xiao's side to remind him, he would really fall into the language trap of these people if he accidentally said something wrong.

It seems that although people from the White House have greeted them in advance, the people from the FBI still haven't discounted the slightest in terms of mission execution.

"You're welcome, Mr. Ling, just call me if you have anything to do." Hogarth shook hands with Ling Xiao, then turned and left.

Putting away the business card Hogarth handed over, Ling Xiao turned around and returned to the room, and Rogers was already showing signs of waking up.

Standing at the entrance of the hospital, Hogarth looked back at the location of the Ling Xiao ward, and shook his head slightly. She couldn't have imagined that just because she hadn't seen her for a few years, the pawn that was used by others had become a super important player. hero.

At this time, the phone in Hogarth's bag suddenly rang. She answered the phone and listened for a while, but soon her face became gloomy. After a long silence, she said to the other end of the phone: "Since he is going to resign, Then let him resign."

After hanging up the phone, Hogarth got into the car immediately, stepped on the accelerator, and left the hospital quickly.

The impact of the disintegration of S.H.I.E.L.D. is far-reaching, but life continues, especially for those who have nothing to do with Hydra. There was a new call, a new recruiting call.

For these elite agents who have nothing to do with Hydra, whether it is the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security and other federal agencies, these talents are in high demand.

According to the available information, most of the hardest-hit areas where Hydra lurks are field departments such as special forces. Head snake spy, and not much.

At this time, in addition to the strict screening of Hydra spies, it is also time for various agencies in various countries to compete for resources. No matter which intelligence agency it is, it is hurrying to compete with Hydra for God. The remaining resources of the shield.

It can be seen that in the next period of time, the contradictions caused by these resources will inevitably lead to a deadly confrontation between various intelligence agencies and Hydra. end.

After all, Hydra has been lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D. for so many years. Of course, their eyes will not only be on S.H.I.E.L.D. It ended in victory, but it was Hydra who actually got benefits.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s major bases, hubs, slingshots, sandboxes, refrigerators, and space carriers in the United States were invaded by Hydra at the same time after Alexander Pierce sent a wake-up signal, and some places were attacked by Hydra agents. mastered, and then left after searching for all the resources, and some were agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. take over.

Don't look at Hydra's reaping a lot of benefits in this turmoil, but they also suffered heavy losses. The failure of the insight plan exposed all Hydra spies lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D. In the middle of the war, other branches of Hydra are gradually exposed to the eyes of the governments of various countries, and what they will face next will be a powerful attack by the governments of various countries and the Avengers.

Several high-level government officials who were recruited by Hydra, such as the senator who presided over the military committee that collected Tony Stark's Iron Man armor during the Iron Man incident, according to the information leaked by SHIELD , the senator, who has been identified as a member of Hydra, has been arrested.

Because of this incident, the governments of various countries have also begun to conduct self-inspection. Many Hydra members have been identified. Of course, a considerable number of people have hidden deeper, and even Hydra will take some worthless members. Throw it out, let some people hide deeper.

Moreover, there are also many contradictions between Hydra itself. Although the Hydra in name has the slogan of "cut off one head and grow two heads to replace it", it also reveals a bloody reality, that is, Hydra There is little trust between the various parts, and there are even deep-seated contradictions.

And this point was undoubtedly revealed in a series of subsequent incidents. Many bases of Hydra branches were directly posted on the Internet by anonymous people, which triggered strong attacks from governments and the Avengers. Of course, these are all things to come later. .

Rogers' waking up made everyone breathe a sigh of relief. Although his injuries had healed long ago, he was inexplicably unable to wake up. This made everyone very worried, and Rogers who woke up was also a little silent. Ling Xiao asked about the Winter Soldier Bucky.

Ling Xiao himself only knows that the Winter Soldier fell into the Potomac River after falling from the space carrier, and the subsequent search found neither his trace nor his body, which shows that he escaped alive, Rogers Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief and come back to life.

Even Rogers, after waking up, was interrogated by many intelligence agencies. Of course, compared to Ling Xiao, they were much more polite to Rogers, and of course none of the things that should be asked were left behind.

Rogers is much calmer, and he has nothing to hide. He has said all the things that should be said, but he heard that someone mentioned that Nick Fury died in the war and his body has been found. He was still stunned by the matter.

"Ling, do you really believe that Fury is dead?" Back in the ward, after a long silence, Rogers still asked Ling Xiao this question.

"Who knows, maybe the old fox was unlucky and didn't escape this catastrophe." Ling Xiao shrugged indifferently, and then continued: "Anyway, as long as I didn't see this guy die with my own eyes, even if I saw the corpse, I also don't believe that the old fox is really dead!"

Ling Xiao had already been asked about this matter by the relevant department before, but what he said was very direct and frank.

He didn't see the process of Nick Fury's death with his own eyes, and he didn't see the body, so he couldn't make a judgment. However, in his personal opinion, good people don't live long, and scourges last for thousands of years. Nick Fury didn't die so easily .

In fact, even if Ling Xiao didn't say anything, other intelligence agencies would not easily believe that Fury was dead.Although the DNA on the body matches Fury's DNA, and there are eye masks and other items he used at the scene, the indistinguishable appearance of the burned face is always suspicious.

After being imprisoned for a few days, Ling Xiao, Rogers, and Falcon, who had also recovered, were released together, but as soon as they left the hospital, the three broke up. Rogers had his own things to do, Falcon wanted to follow, but Rogers refused.

Ling Xiao didn't ask too much. The next short period of time will be a very rare period of peace in the future. The shock caused by the appearance of Hydra will sooner or later spread to Ling Xiao, and he has only a little bit left. time to rest.

However, Ling Xiao didn't expect that the trouble would come so quickly. After only two days in the Mutant Academy, he was called back to New York by Stark.

However, as soon as he stepped into the top office of Stark Tower, an unexpected person appeared in front of Ling Xiao.

"Hill, why are you here? What are you?" Looking at Hill who was sitting outside and doing some work like answering the phone, Ling Xiao was surprised.

"As you can see, I am now the assistant to the chairman of Stark Industries." Hill smiled calmly and said, "Okay, please come in, the people inside have been waiting for you for a while!"

Ling Xiao frowned slightly, Hill's expression was not quite right, Ling Xiao glanced at the door in front of him, pushed the door open and walked in.

As soon as he entered the door, seeing the person sitting on the high-end leather chair behind Stark's desk, Ling Xiao couldn't help laughing at himself: "It really is you, Fury, you old fox, you Sure enough, he didn't die!"

(End of this chapter)

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