Chapter 436 Leave

The silver-white light pierced the sky directly, and with a slight screaming sound, it rushed towards Ling Xiao's position. Only a few minutes later, it had returned to the grove where Ling Xiao and the other three were. When Sif and Lorelai found out, they had already entered Ling Xiao's top door directly.

After the Huiming sword entered his body, his soul returned, and Ling Xiao slowly opened his eyes.

Phantom also has some eyesight and ability, otherwise he would not be able to focus on his own dark sword, and then use the pretense of arresting Lorelai to snatch the dark sword from his hand.

But how did he know that the Huiming Sword is the sword practiced by Ling Xiao's painstaking efforts, how could it be so easy to snatch it away, Ling Xiao can sense the position of the Huiming Sword at any time, even if there is no soul attachment, as long as it is within a radius of two kilometers, Ling Xiao stretched out his hand and made a light move, and the long sword would automatically fly back to his hand.

And as long as the spirit and soul are connected, the Huiming sword that falls into the hands of others will immediately become Ling Xiao's trump card, just like the scene in that room before, if it weren't for the phantom's ability, it was really special, otherwise it would have been a long time ago Just died.

However, many problems have also been exposed in the middle. If the opponent is also a strong spiritual power, after capturing the Dark Sword, he will soon suppress the brand marks on the sword, and even use it as a bait to lure Ling Xiao into the trap.

Today, the person I am facing is a phantom, and the mental ability is not strong. If it is replaced by Professor Charles, Magneto, or even a superpower like Master Gu Yi, then Ling Xiao's soul will definitely go and never return, so Today's incident also warned him to be careful in doing things in the future.

In fact, it is because there are other people around. If Ling Xiao is only there alone, according to the space fluctuation left by the phantom teleportation, Ling Xiao can immediately track the space where he is, and then kill him in an instant. Huiming sword was taken back.

However, it is also possible that people who are proficient in calculations will set traps and ambushes, such as Nick Fury, even if he just summoned Iron Man, Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye, Ling Xiao is indispensable Also drink a jug.

To say a thousand words and ten thousand, the real reason is that Ling Xiao's dark sword is too easy to be taken away by phantoms. A space teleportation technique can plant dozens of foreshadowings for trapping and killing him. Ling Xiao was startled. It seems that in the future, he still needs to prepare a few more defensive techniques for space transfer.

The method of using the ancient winter coffin to freeze the space is too slow to take effect. Compared with people who are proficient in instant art, this time is enough for them to go far away, and this method is too obvious and easy to be noticed. It seems that it is still You have to think of something on the sword.

Although Ling Xiao thought so much, only a short time passed. Seeing Ling Xiao opened his eyes, Sif hurriedly asked, "How are you, are you okay?"

"Well, it's all right!" Ling Xiao smiled slightly, and then looked at Lorelai who was still sitting there with some surprise, and couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Sif, why haven't you put A collar for her to put on?"

"Don't worry, we'll talk about everything after reuniting with Coulson." Sif shook her head and explained with a calm face.

In fact, she has other plans in her heart. Although I don't know which force is playing Lorelai's idea, but Lorelai is from Asgard after all, and she doesn't want to see Lorelai wearing a neck ring If she is captured by others, then she will really become a fish on other people's chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

Instead of that happening, it would be better if Lorelai was temporarily sealed off by Ling Xiao as she is now. If she is captured by others, Lorelai will be able to wait until the effect of Ling Xiao's technique disappears. Then she was able to restore her own abilities, and she didn't care about what happened after that.

Sif doesn't even know why she thinks this way, as if she came to the earth, and some changes happened in her heart that she didn't even know about. As for the consequences, she secretly had a trace of fear in her heart , There is also a glimmer of anticipation, a glimmer of excitement.

When seeing Coulson again, Ling Xiao will inevitably be complained by Coulson, and then ask him in detail what happened.

Naturally, Ling Xiao didn't intend to help Gambit and others to cover it up, not to mention that there were people from Hydra involved. Ling Xiao hoped that Nick Fury could investigate something from it, and finally get rid of the truth of what happened. Lost Sif, concealed some of his abilities, and then roughly explained it.

Naturally, no one would refute his words. Sif did not appear in Ling Xiao's description at all; and before Lorelei was brought to Coulson, Sif had already put the neck ring on. Bringing it to her neck, the effect of her mana disappeared in an instant.

Under the night, in the Las Vegas airport, the "bus" was quietly parked in the middle. Taking advantage of a little time, Ling Xiao took Sif to stroll on the road below. At this time, there were no planes in the sky It was about to land, and there was no plane on the ground to take off, so there was silence.

The breeze blew, bringing a burst of coolness, Ling Xiao sighed inexplicably, and said: "Although I don't know what happened between you and Lorelai, you really don't mind these things at all. ?"

Sif smiled slightly, and said calmly: "Odin ordered to capture her alive. As his warrior, I obey his will."

"At any cost and consequence?" Ling Xiao said softly, turning around and staring at Sif's eyes.

"Just as you humans are bound by the law, we in Asgard also have our own rules." Sif's voice was firm. As an Asgardian warrior, some things are not what she wants Yes, just like what happened back then.

Suddenly, a beautiful smile bloomed on Sif's face, and she stepped forward to give Ling Xiao a tight hug, and whispered in his ear: "It is my trip to the earth to be able to fight side by side with you. After that, the biggest harvest."

After finishing speaking, Sif turned around and went back to the plane directly. She didn't hesitate in her footsteps. Ling Xiao didn't know what was going on in his heart. He sighed inexplicably, raised his head, and saw that the top of his head was always hanging in the sky In the cold moonlight, he turned around and returned to the plane.

"I assure you, Lorelai will be severely punished for the crimes she committed against mankind!" Sif rapped her left chest vigorously, and then said to Coulson and Melinda: " Bye, son of Cole, and bye, Melinda May!"

"Goodbye Sif, I hope we can really see each other again." Thinking of the long lifespan of the Asgardians, Coulson sighed slightly.

Sif took Lorelai from Ling Xiao, then nodded to everyone, and stepped off the plane, the colorful light descended, and the blink of an eye had disappeared.

"Okay, Coulson, it's time for me to go too. I'll contact you later if you have anything to do!" Ling Xiao didn't plan to get too involved in the internal affairs of S.H.I.E.L.D. Snake's spy, he doesn't like to play tricks with people.

It didn't even need Coulson and the others to send it off. Ling Xiao directly bought a plane ticket and went back to Los Angeles. The plane ticket was only about a hundred dollars. An hour later, Ling Xiao had already returned to Los Angeles.

Although Las Vegas looks prosperous, the city smells too much money and hides a strong hostility, so it is not suitable for living. It is not even as reassuring as your own seaside villa, let alone in Lingxiao. After placing the ancient winter coffin back in the magic circle, the temperature of the villa dropped instantly.

Ling Xiao flipped his hand, and a gray stone appeared in his palm. The stone was very ordinary, but it was just picked up from the ground, but it was full of dense words written on the stone. Lelei explained the reason for coming to Earth from the beginning to the end.

It turned out that the reason why Lorelai came to the earth was not through the space channel at random. She did so for her own purpose, that is to find her sister, Amora Lorelai, who used to be the Asgard of Asgard. The sorceress, a member of the Valkyrie.

Both the Lorelei sisters like to use their own charm and tricks to dominate men, and use words and physical contact to confuse almost all opposite sexes, whether they are gods or mortals, they are used by them, but compared to their younger sister Melody, The older sister Amora is the real enchantress.

(End of this chapter)

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