Chapter 43 Invasion

The dinosaur exhibition hall on the first floor exhibits a large number of bone fossils. These things are not easy to get or sell, and the value is not that high.Therefore, there are not many guards patrolling back and forth on the first floor, and various technological means are relied on here to protect others from intrusion.

This group of men in black was fully armed, with dark helmets covering everyone's faces, and the special black special combat uniforms on their bodies were filled with various equipment, allowing them to enter the exhibition hall unimpeded along the way.

At this moment, in the monitoring center of the entire museum, three people are sitting there and staring at the screen dynamics in a dozen key positions, but there is nothing unusual on it, and even the alarm equipment that has been activated by someone is not there. There was no sound at all.

It was a premeditated break-in, far from theft, it was robbery, it was a gang of naked robbers.

There are not many guards on patrol on the first floor, and it is even more scattered in the vast space of the first floor.This team of twelve men in black immediately shot and killed a guard sitting at the security checkpoint on the first floor as soon as they entered the exhibition hall.

Immediately afterwards, the twelve people separated into two to change into the clothes of the guards, dragged the corpse on the ground into a hiding place, and sat at the security checkpoint again.Others quickly bypassed the security inspection equipment, went straight to the elevator without stopping, and then entered the basement floor through the elevator. These people knew at a glance that they had a purpose.

You know, there are more than 2 exquisite samples from all over the world on display in the three-story Gem and Mineral Hall of the Natural History Museum, which is also home to one of the highest quality and largest gold exhibitions in the world .

Except for the underground treasure house, which can be said to be the place with the highest value of theft in the entire museum, and those people actually gave up these things and ran to the basement floor. If it is said that there is no premeditation, no one will believe it.

Compared with the exhibition halls on the ground, the guards on the cold basement floor are much stricter. Even entering and exiting each door requires different passwords and certificates. The more you go in, you need more things, such as fingerprints, palm Eye lines, eye lines, and even higher and higher authority, some places cannot be entered even if someone inside you cooperates.

Fortunately, the goal of this group of men in black was only after entering the second gate on the basement floor.

Two gunshots of "whoosh, whoosh" were fired, and the two patrolling guards were killed on the spot. This group of people separated two people to guard the first access control on the basement floor, in case the back road was blocked by people. While others are moving on.

Clearing all the obstacles along the way, these people quickly arrived at the second gate.It can be seen that these people are very professional, even though there are strange treasures in the boxes scattered around, these people are still unmoved.

They stood vigilantly at the second gate. A man in black took out a tablet computer from his body, and quickly hacked into the computer system of the second gate. Only half a minute later, the second gate was closed. It opened silently.

Two men in black guarded behind the gate, while the others quickly entered the treasure house, which was also the place where hundreds of dazzling jewels that had been exhibited during the day were stored, including the four A jewel of great value, and that rumored cursed gem.

These people are so professional, they didn't even look at the hundreds of pieces of jewelry that were easily obtained, and went straight to the five glass counters in the innermost part of the treasure house.

The same man in black with the tablet computer from before stepped forward very quickly and began to crack the alarm system of the glass showcase.

You know, once the alarm here is triggered, it will be directly connected to the alarm platform of the Los Angeles Police Headquarters, and it will be known to all the officers of the Los Angeles Police Department almost instantly. It may be difficult for them to leave.

"Hurry up, third child, we only have 5 minutes." A man in black couldn't help urging, and it was very rare that his companions didn't look for other jewelry while they were waiting. It can be seen how well-trained and disciplined this team is.

"No problem." While speaking, the man in black holding the tablet computer had cracked the alarm system of the first display case, and the display case was put away instantly, revealing the first jewelry in front of everyone.

The man in black holding the tablet computer went straight to the second glass counter without even looking at the jewelry on it.

Seeing the jewels directly in front of them, these people breathed a sigh of relief, but their faces were still dignified. The No.3 man in black stood up at this time, took out a special hollowed-out device from his body, and turned the Cover it with a piece of jewelry, and then directly pick up the jewelry from the hole above.

At the same time, this piece of equipment was firmly fixed on the booth when the jewelry was taken away, and an iron plate was even popped out of it, pressing on the booth instead of the jewelry.

At this time, these black-clothed people are really relieved. You must know that the weight sensor is installed on the booth, which is not connected with the previous alarm system, so as long as there is a slight carelessness, the alarm will go off. It sounded instantly.

Everything went smoothly, perhaps because they had done their homework, the four valuable gems and the cursed gem were taken out together, the five gems were not put together, but were taken out carried by different people.

After doing all this, the group quickly evacuated the treasure room, and then quickly headed for the elevator entrance on the basement floor, which was the only exit connecting to the outside.

The men in black guarding the gates quickly followed the brigade and looked around vigilantly. The walking routes of these people avoided the patrol routes of the guards very well. Even if they were unlucky and were discovered, they would Immediately kill those who find it, and don't care about the alarm that has been notified to the monitoring center.

Soon the group arrived at the elevator door, and a group of ten people boarded the elevator together. However, just as the last person entered the elevator, a harsh alarm sounded suddenly, and the faces of the ten people changed at the same time, and the guns in their hands were the first. Time is in your hands.

"No, boss, the elevator is locked." The man in black with the tablet immediately stepped forward and began to crack the elevator's shielding system.

"Understood!" The boss of the man in black had a serious face under his helmet, and he responded immediately, letting his five companions leave the elevator and head towards the entrance, delaying the guards who might be chasing him at any moment.

What is strange is that the boss of the man in black did not choose to take back the gemstones on the other four companions, but just stood in the elevator with the other four and waited, just like the sound of gunshots at the gate in the distance. don't care.

He did have a reason not to care, because the weapons in their hands were much stronger than those small pistols in the hands of the guards.

"Okay!" The man in black holding the tablet finally breathed a sigh of relief. He finally unlocked the elevator screen lock in time.

"Let's go!" The boss of the man in black immediately said to his companions, regardless of the remaining five companions.

"Yes, boss!" The man in black holding the tablet did not hesitate at all, and immediately pressed the elevator and walked straight up.

Because even he doesn't know what went wrong just now, and the alarm will sound suddenly, but he is not worried about the safety of the companions below, because the elevator has been unlocked, as long as it is not being locked, the companions below can evacuate smoothly It's not a problem, and the above also needs them to open the way.

Soon, the five people went up to the first floor, the elevator opened, and a burst of gunshots rang out. Several bullets shot into the elevator in an instant, and the two men in black who were about to get out of the elevator were immediately shot and fell to the ground.

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(End of this chapter)

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