Chapter 420 Clairvoyance

For the practitioners of the Xiantian realm, the realm of night travel is easy to reach, as long as they practice hard, one day they will be able to reach the realm of soul wandering at night.

However, the realm of day travel is different. Compared with the gentle power of the yin, the power of the sun is extremely violent. Any practitioner who dares to directly introduce the power of the sun into his body will only be burned to ashes by the fire of the sun. .

Therefore, for ordinary practitioners, if they want to break through the realm of day travel, they can only swallow the purple energy of the early sun day by day, and absorb the purple energy of the early sun that spreads between the heaven and the earth every morning. The time will be extremely long.

Ling Xiao is different. With the gentle power of the sun attached to the Sword of Victory, the speed of his practice can be said to be a thousand miles a day. Compared with other orthodox practitioners, it is more than a hundred times faster, and there is no loss.

Originally, when his cultivation base was gradually refining ether particles in the list of gods and demons, his own innate qi had reached the limit of the innate middle stage, and his soul also improved by leaps and bounds after obtaining the ancient winter coffin. Not long after, The whole body has been transformed into the body of Taiyin.

And with the blessing of the sword of victory, the speed of the fusion of yin and yang in his body is far beyond the reach of ordinary people. It is because of the accumulation of all these resources that Ling Xiao finally broke through from the innate middle realm to the first in this day. The Heavenly Empress Realm, entering the Realm of Soul Day Tour.

Today is a cloudy day, and the power of the sun is not very strong. Ling Xiao lay in the pool of his villa, feeling left and right curiously.

He really didn't expect that the day tour of the soul would be such a feeling. From the perspective of the soul, everything has its own color, the dark blue of the water, the turquoise of the trees, the thick yellow of the mountains, and the blue and white of the sky. Some people look at mountains but not mountains, and look at water not the taste of water.

However, Ling Xiao knew in his heart that he was still far away from the subtle state of seeing mountains as mountains and seeing water as water. At least it was something he could only touch after his cultivation broke through the Jindan realm. These are still very early.

Although he has completely broken through to the realm of innate day travel, Ling Xiaoren continued to practice very cautiously for a few days. When his cultivation was a little more stable, he took advantage of the cloudy sky and when the power of the sun was not so strong. Start the soul tour.

The soul came out of the mountain directly from the secret cave under the villa, without using any additional abilities from the list of gods and demons at all, as if it was its own supernatural power.

Mountain crossing, perspective, invisibility, spiritual control, flying, controlling the five elements, manipulating wind and thunder, and creating illusions, it seems that everything is just something he can do with a single thought.But as soon as this desire came to mind, it was completely obliterated by Ling Xiao himself.

He believes in the conservation of energy. If you want to achieve something, you must first pay something, and such as mountain climbing, perspective, invisibility, etc. The display of your own magical powers will inevitably consume something. Before everything is clear, He will not act recklessly and spend recklessly.

Stretch your left palm forward slightly, and with the movement of your spiritual consciousness, a stream of water immediately rushed from the pool to between Ling Xiao's five fingers. In the middle of the game, he transformed into a cute little bear for a while, a cute cat for a while, and a ferocious wild wolf from time to time. In the end, even the Jotunheim frost giant that Ling Xiao had seen before seemed to be alive. Appeared in his palm.

Immediately after Ling Xiao let go of his hand, the water immediately fell from his hand into the swimming pool. At this time, she began to realize the changes in herself in detail.

Compared with before, the power of spiritual consciousness in Ling Xiao's soul has been consumed, but this consumption is very little, as if he only used a little power of spiritual consciousness to directly pry the nearby vitality Variety.Compared to what was done before through the physical body, consuming true energy, and using abilities, it seems that the most correct and labor-saving method is to communicate directly with the vitality between the soul and the world, and perhaps it should be like this.

Although it is said that the consumption of spiritual knowledge is very small, there is also a limit. Once the limit of spiritual knowledge consumption is exceeded, then all that is waiting for him is the collapse of his soul.

If Ling Xiao had used his own abilities without knowing restraint before, what awaited him would be an extremely dangerous approach.

Taking a deep breath, suddenly, Ling Xiao's entire spirit dissipated in the pool. Except for the fluctuating water flow, nothing seemed to be able to face him.

Opening his eyes, Ling Xiao felt as if he saw himself in the mirror when he saw the soul that was almost exactly the same as his own body.

Although it feels a little strange, the matter of one body and two bodies is not incomprehensible, it's just that there is an extra perspective, and it is still Ling Xiao's hidden consciousness hidden deep in his heart that governs all of this.

If Ling Xiao's soul travels before the day tour realm, then he will not have the slightest protective ability in his body, but after breaking through to the innate and post-day realm, although Ling Xiao's soul travels day by day, he still has half of the power of the soul soul left behind. In his own body, because of the sudden state of the realm, even with only half of the power of the soul, Ling Xiao's strength is still many times stronger than before.

Traveling with spirits and souls, whether it is a day trip or a night trip, out of caution, you must prepare a protective device.When traveling in the night tour before, half of Ling Xiao's soul would be attached to his own dark sword, but in the day tour, although the dark sword can still be used, the most suitable one is the piercing sword.

The whole body of the Guanxiao Sword is made of the sun's iron, and it exudes the gentle power of the sun, which is of unspeakable benefits to Ling Xiao's spirit.

It can even be said that even if Ling Xiao's body dies, relying solely on the power of the sun exuded by the Guan Xiao Sword, coupled with the Chuyang Ziqi absorbed by Ling Xiao through his soul every day, he can still survive in this world, and even After being rebuilt by Fury, he was resurrected.

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao's soul sat cross-legged opposite to his own body, with a key sword floating in the middle, and two auras, one blue and one purple, emerged from both bodies and merged into the body of Guan Xiao's sword. On top of it, two golden auras also shot out, blending into Ling Xiao's body and soul.

After an indeterminate amount of time, Ling Xiao's body left, leaving behind the divine soul that was still performing sacrifices to the Guan Xiao Sword.

During this time, although it seemed that Ling Xiao was staying in Los Angeles obediently, he was still paying close attention to the movements of Coulson's team.

For Hydra, the movement of Coulson's team has always been in their attention, especially in the near future. In any case, he cannot be allowed to get close to the core secrets that Hydra is working on, so they are fortunate to send Coulson together. The eyes of the team members were drawn to the goal of Clairvoyance.

Since the end of the Berserker incident, Coulson's team has stepped up their pursuit of Clairvoyance while dealing with the endless incidents of superhuman beings.

And at this moment, Clairvoyance dispatched three centipede soldiers to snatch the prisoner General Edison Ball from the impregnated federal prison.

Coulson's agent team took the initiative to apply to accept the case, and learned from it that the centipede soldier serum had solved the problem of explosion, and the centipede laboratory reopened, and began to sell stable centipede soldier serum on the black market, collecting a large amount of money. money.

For this potential opponent, Savin ran back to Tulare specifically to discuss with Ling Xiao how to deal with it. Ling Xiaobi waved his hand and told him to go back directly, so he didn't need to pay attention to the so-called centipede warrior. Developed in Extremis Virus, it has no value to them.

Moreover, they don't need to intervene in dealing with the centipede warriors. Coulson's team will take care of all the troubles, and even if Coulson's team encounters troubles, Clairvoyance will take the initiative to throw out this pawn.

All they need to do now is to wait patiently, and after the centipede warrior's headquarters is taken over in one pot, they will get rid of all the centipede warriors in the world.

In order to solve the problem of centipede fighters as soon as possible, Coulson took the initiative to find Pearson, who had been recruited before, and asked him to help participate in the event of exterminating centipede fighters, so after finding the centipede laboratory, Coulson Immediately led a raid there.

Although the laboratory was destroyed, Rui Na and Boer, who were in charge of the laboratory, escaped. At the same time, they found Pearson who had not been injected with nutrients but was still alive. Overjoyed, they captured Pearson's son and proposed exchanged Pearson for his son.

It turned out that the problem with the centipede warrior serum hadn't been completely solved, it was just being suppressed with nutrients, and it hadn't been fundamentally improved, but Pearson had inexplicably stabilized the serum, why didn't it make them ecstatic, and This is exactly what Coulson planned.

(End of this chapter)

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