The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 412 Berserker

Chapter 412 Berserker

The heroic civil war is more led by the US government, but after the knights of the round table, the British government may not be willing to follow in the footsteps of the Americans in these matters, so it is understandable to win over some superheroes up.

Ling Xiao was thinking about these things, when the phone on the table rang suddenly, and the name of Coulson was written on the caller ID, it was really interesting, he had just sent Budorak away, and Coulson's call came , S.H.I.E.L.D., always so worried about him.

"Hello, Phil, what have you been up to lately?" Ling Xiao answered the phone and said casually.

"I'm dealing with something about Asgard, Ling, I need your help." Coulson's voice on the other end of the phone was slightly dignified, and Ling Xiao couldn't help being curious for a while , asked in a low voice: "Can you tell me more about it?"

After pondering for a moment, Coulson said, "I'm afraid not. The phone line is not safe. You'd better find time to meet us."

Ling Xiao shrugged, nodded and said, "Okay, where are you now, I'll hurry there."

Coulson said hesitantly: "We are in Norway now, but we are about to take off to Seville, Spain. There are some things we need to consult with a professor at the University of Seville. We meet in front of the University of Seville. How about it?"

"Well, I have no objections. Let's talk about it when we meet." Ling Xiao hung up the phone, stroked the stubble on his chin, and lowered his head in thought.

What is the thing that can be related to Asgard, he has no impression in his mind, but this does not prevent him from going to have a look, maybe he can gain something from it.

After making some arrangements for the factory, Ling Xiao immediately took a plane to Spain. Everything followed the normal procedures and did not use his own abilities.

Seville is located in the south of the entire Iberian Peninsula. It is the only city in Spain with an inland port. It is a cultural city with a history of 2000 years. It has a prosperous economy and beautiful scenery. It enjoys the title of "Garden City" in Spain.

The University of Seville was founded in 1551. It is a public university with a history of hundreds of years. The school ranks 13th in Spain and ranks within 500 in the world. Although it is not a top first-class institution, it is It is also very famous, receiving a large number of international students every year.

Ling Xiao didn't understand what Coleson came to this university for, but this did not prevent him from admiring the school's ancient European-style buildings leisurely. It was not until his phone rang that he rushed to the gate of the college again and saw Cole Sen, and his two squad members, Fitz and Simmons.

After exchanging pleasantries, and after Coulson's introduction, Ling Xiao finally understood what happened.

In a Norwegian national park, a pair of Norwegian pagan men and women found an old tree surrounded by boulders, cut open the old tree, and there was a silver stick with strange patterns carved in it. It was strange that the woman held the stick Finally, he possessed infinite power and killed a guard in the park.

Coulson's team was in charge of investigating this matter. After restoring the stick model, it was found that it had something to do with the stick and the Asgardian warriors.

And at this time, the man and woman did not stop, but committed crimes everywhere, setting off one riot after another in Oslo, the capital of Norway.

In order to find out the truth of the matter, Coulson took a stick to find an authoritative historian and mythologist at the University of Seville. When Thor's Hammer of Thor was discovered in New Mexico, Coulson had consulted The professor's opinion happened to come to him this time.

"Then why didn't you just arrest those two men and women?" Ling Xiao asked in surprise as he walked: "According to SHIELD's methods, it shouldn't be difficult to arrest those two people, right? Can't we just study it directly?"

"Things are not that simple." Coulson shook his head slightly, and said solemnly: "These two are the leaders of the Nordic pagan hatred group, and the number of members under them is gradually increasing, and no one knows what the silver stick is. How many people can be endowed with powerful power, if you act rashly, it is likely to cause a lot of casualties, and even we need the cooperation of the local government, so..."

It’s really hard for Coulson to say some things directly. The strength of SHIELD’s European branch is not as strong as that of the headquarters in the United States. Many things require the local government to send elite special forces soldiers to assist, so once the local government has If you have doubts, then things will not be easy to handle.

Ling Xiao nodded understandingly, then stopped, and asked as if he suddenly remembered something: "In this case, why don't you go directly to Thor, I remember that he should still be on the earth at this time. "

"We couldn't get in touch with him, not even Dr. Foster. The two of them didn't know where to play." Coulson sighed helplessly, looked at Ling Xiao and asked, "Ling, If you can get in touch with him..."

"Forget it." Ling Xiao spread his hands and said, "If Thor really wants to live a two-person world with Jane, let alone us, even Asgard may not be able to find him. And even Fei I tried my best to find it, and I can also imagine his stinky face."

"So!" While speaking, Ling Xiao and his group had already entered the main teaching building. Under the leadership of Coulson, they came to the third floor, outside the office of Professor Elliot Randolph, who taught Nordic mythology. At this time I just saw a female student come out of the office with a bad face.

Coulson nodded slightly to the female student, and then led Ling Xiao and others into the office, and said hello, "Professor Randolph."

"Agent Coulson, please come in." Professor Randolph asked the four of them to sit down, and after some pleasantries, he asked in a deep voice, "I guess you found something in Norway?"

"A tree is in the national park." Coulson nodded slightly, and then continued: "But unfortunately, we are not the ones who found it."

Coulson turned around and took out a half-round stick from the black box that Fitz was carrying, before introducing, "This is its 3D model."

Professor Randolph rubbed the engraved pattern on the half-round stick, and said in amazement: "This is really amazing!"

Seeing Professor Randolph carefully observing the half-round stick in his hand, Ling Xiao had a weird smile on his face.After entering this office, he subconsciously performed a simple spiritual scan on Professor Randolph, but the result surprised him greatly.

Professor Randolph has a magnetic field that is different from that of people on Earth, and this magnetic field is somewhat similar to Thor. This is not a person on Earth. Reminiscent of his special familiarity with Asgard, Ling Xiao already understands a little bit What.

"I believe this is the staff of the Berserker, let me have a look." After carefully observing the half-round stick for a while, Professor Randolph came to a preliminary conclusion, and then opened a book on the table while introducing: "This myth dates back to the end of the 12th century, about the mighty warriors of Asgard, ah, I found them, the soldiers of the Berserkers, this is an extremely powerful and fierce regiment."

Professor Randolph pointed to a soldier holding a staff high on a page of the book, and said to several people: "Berserkers are like ferocious beasts, they will destroy everything that stands in their way. A Berserker has the power of 20 other fighters."

"In other words, no matter who gets the staff, whoever has superhuman strength?" Coulson keenly pointed out the key to all this.

Professor Randolph gave Coulson an appreciative glance, and said, "The staff has powerful magic power, which can make soldiers fall into an uncontrollable state of anger."

Ling Xiao frowned, and said, "How did the Asgardian Berserker's staff come to the earth, and it seems to be divided into several pieces?"

"This is Ling. He is an external consultant of our S.H.I.E.L.D., helping to deal with this incident." Coulson quickly explained that Ling Xiao was unwilling to announce himself as a consultant of S.H.I.E.L.D. After the identity, SHIELD gave him an identity.

Of course, this is not false, Ling Xiao is indeed the medical consultant of SHIELD, just like Stark is the weapons consultant of SHIELD.

Professor Randolph obviously has a good understanding of S.H.I.E.L.D. Hearing Coulson's introduction, he immediately looked at Ling Xiao with something wrong, curious, wary, and vigilant.

(End of this chapter)

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