Chapter 409 Exchange

Standing in the light rain, Thor, who was wearing a silver armor and a red cloak, looked at Ling Xiao who came into sight, his eyes were full of complexity.

"Ling, father wants to see you, come with me." Thor held Thor's hammer tightly in his hand, he didn't want to hear rejection from his friend.

"Okay, I've been waiting for you to come to me a long time ago." Ling Xiao chuckled, he was not surprised that Thor's arrival, the Reality Gem fell into his hands, how could Odin be at ease, In the entire Nine Worlds, no one knows better than him how powerful forces are coveting these gems.

"Thor!" As soon as Jane rushed out of the door, she saw Thor standing in the colorful light and nodded slightly to her. The next moment, Thor and Ling Xiao had disappeared into the light of the Rainbow Bridge. Everyone in the same place could only look at each other, not knowing what happened.

The colorful light of the Rainbow Bridge gradually dissipated. Standing in the control center of the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard, Ling Xiao nodded slightly to Heimdall holding the guardian sword. , Heimdall was not directly involved, so Odin did not impose any punishment on him afterwards, unlike the other four people, who do not want Odin to be charged now. As for the final punishment, it is still unclear. Know.

"What are you looking for this time, Ling, I think you should know." Thor looked at Ling Xiao worriedly.

Ling Xiao nodded, smiled, and said, "But I have no intention of giving up the spoils I got easily."

Hearing that Ling Xiao's tone was not so resolute, Thor breathed a sigh of relief, and while walking forward, he said in a deep voice: "With my father's character, I will not snatch ether particles from you. In the matter of Lukis, you not only saved the mother, but also ended this disaster with me, and you are kind to the whole of Asgard, so my father should have heard that you gave up the ether particles at the same time, Give you some compensation."

"Yeah!" Ling Xiao smiled lightly and didn't speak. Thor is still a little naive in the final analysis. Odin may not directly take the ether particles from him, but the coercion and temptation are indispensable, but Ling Xiao is indeed ready.

Counting all the infinite gems, the space gem is the first infinite gem owned by Thanos, but it was taken away by Odin later, but it is precisely because Thanos once controlled the space gem, so even Odin in the peak state Ding also couldn't fully grasp it, and was forced to be placed on the earth in the end.

The soul gem is the second infinite gem owned by Thanos, but due to a secret plan, the soul gem was handed over to Loki by Thanos and brought to the earth, but due to the failure of Loki's plan, the soul gem is now in the hands of Aegis Bureau's hands.

The power gem is now stored in an unknown planet in the universe. Only when it is found by Xingjue and it is best sold to collectors, will it be in the universe. Xingjue, Ling Xiao does not believe that he has that time Luck, if he can find the power gem before Xingjue, he'd better wait in secret.

The Time Stone is now in the hands of the Ancient One Mage, and it has been in his hands for an unknown number of years. With his powerful strength, he has not been able to fully control the Time Stone. In the end, it can only be handed over to Doctor Strange. What is going on? Ling Xiao didn't know the reason for it for a while.

And only the soul gem was completely controlled by the magic stone Adam, and then it was exchanged by Thanos after paying a heavy price by Thanos. However, even so, Ling Xiao doubted whether Thanos finally controlled the soul gem.

So with Ling Xiao's current strength, even if he breaks through to the Jindan realm in the future, it will take decades to fully control the Reality Gem.And now in the entire universe, there are too many people who covet reality gems, Thanos is one of them, and there is another very greedy guy, that is the collector, who offers high rewards in the universe to pursue infinite gems, Countless interstellar hunters are searching throughout the universe like hunting dogs.

This time Malekith tried to use ether particles to destroy the entire Nine Kingdoms, and the Reality Gem was already clearly visible to the discerning eye.

Even if the collector himself doesn't make a move, there will be countless powerful star hunters coming to Earth, trying to take away the Reality Gem from Ling Xiao.And in this universe, there are too many people stronger than him, it may be difficult for him to keep the gem of reality in his hand.

And Ling Xiao's only chance is to use the Rainbow Bridge to leave the earth, or even leave the scope of the entire Nine Kingdoms, so that it is possible to keep this reality gem in his hand, but the problem now is that Odin does not want Ling Xiao to continue Keep this reality gem, so here comes the problem.

For Ling Xiao, the current reality gem is equivalent to tasteless to him. Although it is said that the reality gem can be used to refine magic weapons by interfering with reality, the problem is that with Ling Xiao's current cultivation base, even if it can be refined As a result, the power of the magic weapon is also quite limited.

And things like magic weapons are not to say that the more the better, after all, in the battle of the strong, there are only a few magic weapons that can be used from the beginning to the end, and if they are redundant, they will be cumbersome, and may even affect their combat effectiveness. play.

Of course, although the Reality Gem is like tasteless to Ling Xiao, it is absolutely impossible for him to give up the Reality Gem so easily.

On this point, when Ling Xiao met Odin, he expressed his tough attitude, but left a little leeway.

In the end, when Ling Xiao walked out of the palace of the gods and kings, although he lost the reality gem in his hand, he got another thing, the ancient winter coffin.

Of course, for Odin, it is absolutely impossible for him to admit to the outside world that he exchanged the ancient winter coffin for the reality gem. To the outside world, the reality gem was offered by Ling Xiao on his own initiative. For his contribution, Asgard specially rewarded Ling Xiao with the ancient winter coffin.

Asgard has recovered the space gem from the earth, so the role of the ancient winter coffin is not so necessary, and through the reality gem, they can also exchange more useful things from other powerful beings, but these are not Ling Xiao needs to know.

According to the custom of Asgard, after every victory in a war, there will be a celebration banquet. Of course, Odin never participates, and Frigga has always come forward, and Ling Xiao finally saw Sif again. Verstagg, Fandral and Hogan.

"Are you all okay?" Ling Xiao put down the wine glass in his hand, stood up and hugged each other with Sif before sitting down again.

"Fortunately, the father of the gods just imprisoned us for a few days and didn't punish us?" Sif smiled reluctantly. Vostagg, Fandral and Hogan didn't say much, even With Vostagg's carelessness, he also looked preoccupied when drinking.

Ling Xiao could tell that it wasn't that Odin didn't punish them, but that he hadn't figured out how to punish them.

Sif didn't want to say anything more on this issue, so she asked, "Ling, why didn't you see Thor?"

"Thor?" Ling Xiao took a breath and said, "He was called away by Odin just now, what's he talking about?"

"Oh." Sif responded with a feeling of depression, and then said nothing more, picked up the wine on the table and drank it. On the contrary, Vostagg and others kept asking Ling Xiao that they should leave Asgar After Germany, some events happened, and there are many details of the battle.

Ling Xiao knew that these guys wanted to ask more about Thor's situation, so he focused on Thor's performance in the battle, ignoring himself intentionally or unintentionally, and when he heard that Loki was dead. , Everyone's eyes showed complicated expressions.

Ling Xiao didn't realize that when he was telling these things, although Sif didn't intervene to ask, but she had been listening carefully. In the end, there was a trace of surprise on her face. Ling Xiao weakened his own existence intentionally or unintentionally in the whole incident. , The other three big men may not be able to hear this, but as a woman, Sif, with her natural delicacy and sensitivity, she still noticed that Ling Xiao was hiding a lot.

Especially when it came to Loki's death, Ling Xiao was ambiguous in some details, which made Sif look at Ling Xiao with doubts in his eyes.

Suddenly, Sif stood up abruptly, then reached out and poked Ling Xiao's arm. With his surprised eyes, he pointed to his back, where Frigga was already standing there with two maids, Vostagg, Fandral and Hogan quickly stood up and saluted Frigg.

Frigga just smiled at the four people, and after a few words of comfort, she took Ling Xiao and left directly, and came to the balcony. Under the bright starlight, Frigga first asked the two maids to come From behind, he looked at Ling Xiao again, and said with a chuckle, "Loki isn't dead, is he?"

(End of this chapter)

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