Chapter 375 Slap

The location of the space film is not far from the entrance of the cave, and the next moment the real appearance of the opposite world appears on the laptop screen in front of Daisy.

This is a seemingly barren world, with flying sand flying, dark clouds covering the sun, black and gray mountains undulating, and even the ground under your feet is black.

Daisy watched this scene with great concentration, no matter how bad the environment was, this was the first appearance of another world she had seen.

Suddenly, the image on the laptop screen became disordered, and Daisy immediately raised her head and said to Ling Xiao: "Hurry up and fly back, we are too far away, and the signal has begun to weaken!"

After all, it was a world away, and the signal that was originally unimpeded within a few kilometers began to become intermittent after leaving the cave.

Ling Xiao immediately steered the aircraft to fly towards the cave, and he didn't stop until the image on the laptop screen became stable again.

At this time, Daisy said in amazement: "I didn't expect the other world to look like this. Gravity should be no problem, and there is air, but I don't know how much oxygen is there?"

"No matter how much oxygen there is in it, I can be sure that Jane is definitely not in the cave opposite us." Seeing Daisy's puzzled face, Ling Xiao sighed and said, "Honey, didn't you pay attention? Well, we found no trace of anyone along the way."

"In other words, Jane has never entered this cave!" Daisy said with some horror: "Ling, where did Jane go?"

"Don't worry!" Ling Xiao patted Daisy's little hand that was tightly grasping his arm, and said in a deep voice: "Honey, let's proceed step by step, first collect air and soil, as well as radiation, and analyze the composition to confirm that people can enter After that, wear an isolation suit to enter. As long as you can confirm that there is no problem with the air, then it means that Jane will not have any problems in the short term."

Since Jane Foster is not in the cave opposite, Ling Xiao has no reason to go in.Daisy nodded lightly, and said: "Okay, let's do this, Jane can get in, and with her ability, as long as nothing happens, she should be able to get out."

"While collecting air and soil samples for analysis later, Daisy, you'd better come forward and rent out this factory area, so that no one will find out the secrets inside." Ling Xiao raised his head and looked at the three children on the opposite side, He chuckled and said, "Children, you wouldn't mind doing a work-study program under the name of a Royal Holloway PhD."

"What nonsense, I haven't got a master's degree yet." Daisy, who was taking out the small robot, raised her head and gave Ling Xiao a white look.

"Honey, I said it's not you, it's Jane." Ling Xiao chuckled and made a stab, which made Daisy beat him angrily.

The three children on the opposite side couldn't help laughing. From the clothes they wore, Ling Xiao could tell that their family background was extremely ordinary. At this time, they could participate in things they were interested in and earn a lot of money. A sum of money is the most suitable for them.

"But Jane hasn't found it yet." Daisy, who was a little worried, raised her head, looked at Ling Xiao and asked, "Ling, why don't you just buy this piece directly, if we want to eliminate the government's interference in the future, we'd better Even if we bought all the factory buildings, it would actually cost less than 30 U.S. dollars.”

"Is it so cheap?" Ling Xiao asked in surprise. He originally thought that such a large factory area would cost at least a million dollars in London. The big price is really not worth it.

The time for the astral bodies of the nine worlds to gather will soon come, and it will not take long for it to pass completely, and the space overlap here will slowly disappear.

But since it's so cheap, it's better to buy it directly. Even if the news is leaked in the future, it can guarantee a certain degree of autonomy, and it will be useless in the future. After selling it, it can also make a fortune.

"That's good!" Ling Xiao nodded and said, "If possible, then buy it, but don't let anyone discover the secret inside."

"Don't worry, I know how to do it." Daisy's family is good, otherwise she would not have been able to go to university directly without any loan, and then her family would send her to study in the UK directly, and the house she rented was quite good. good.

Although he didn't know what exactly her family did, but seeing her confident appearance, Ling Xiao didn't say much.

Soon, the two carefully manipulated the detection robot, entered the opposite world, and started their work step by step, collecting air and soil, making samples, and preparing to take them back for analysis. The three children were also beside them. help.

At this moment, Ling Xiao suddenly raised his head, looked outside the factory building, and said with a strange expression: "Daisy, Jane is back!"

"Really? Where is it?" Daisy didn't notice Ling Xiao's strangeness at all, and looked at Ling Xiao with surprise on her face.

"It's just outside!" Ling Xiao nodded slightly, put the sample into the box, and then turned to Daisy and said, "Get out of here first, Daisy, don't come here again until this factory is settled. , these three children, I will take them to the academy for a few days."

Daisy understood Ling Xiao's meaning. He didn't want the news here to be leaked. He had the opportunity to visit Royal Holloway. As long as he gave a few words of advice, they would naturally not tell the matter easily, even to themselves. The same goes for my parents.

Following Ling Xiao, they carried the equipment and went out together. Daisy, who was a little curious in her heart, finally saw Jane in the open space outside.

Yes, Jane appeared in the open space outside. She disappeared in the middle of the factory building, but when she reappeared, she went outside. There are too many things that can be delved into, at least it shows the spatial passage of the entire factory area Not just one place.

"Jane, where have you been? You have been missing for almost five hours?" Seeing Jane appear, Daisy quickly put down the things in her hand and ran towards her.

"You didn't call the police, did you?" Seeing Daisy's anxious face, Jane couldn't help asking worriedly.

"I was going to call, but Ling refused. He said that once the government finds out about this, it will be even more detrimental to you." Daisy looked at Ling Xiao who was putting down her things, and explained: "Ling spent a hundred thousand dollars , bought a lot of detection equipment, went to another world to find you, but we didn’t find any trace of you, if you don’t show up again, maybe we have to call S.H.I.E.L.D.”

"It's fine if there's nothing!" Jane couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and said very fortunately: "If SHIELD knows about this place, they will definitely surround it, and this place will become a place like "Area 51" .Now we have a stable gravity anomaly, unimpeded, and our only competitor is ten years old..."

"Jane, Ling has already decided to buy this factory building." Daisy stretched out her hand to signal Jane to calm down, and then continued: "As for the three children you mentioned, I will take them to the college in the next two days. Take a tour, and you are responsible for coming forward to buy this factory area."

As a doctoral supervisor at Royal Holloway, it is natural for Jane to come forward, and she is a dual citizen of the United Kingdom and the United States.

"Is that so?" Jane looked at Ling Xiao who came over in surprise. She couldn't believe that Ling Xiao bought such a large factory area when he said he would buy it.

"We are also worried about your safety." Ling Xiao shrugged and explained: "Just now, Daisy almost forced me to go to another world to find you. By the way, we have collected enough air and soil samples. Go back Afterwards, as long as we come to the conclusion that we can enter, we will immediately enter the exploration."

"Another world, wait, you said it was a different world?" Jane now finally understands how this gravity anomaly occurred. She was about to speak, but suddenly said "Huh" in surprise, because just now, all around suddenly It started to rain, but the location where the three of them were was not drenched.

"This is..." Jane looked around, only to realize that it was centered on the three of them. At some point, a circle without rain appeared, and this seemed to be... Jane raised her head, and finally saw the standing Thor who was not far away, the next moment she couldn't help walking towards Thor.

"Jane!" Thor saw Jane, and quickly greeted him with joy, but Jane who had just walked in front of him suddenly slapped him across the face.

(End of this chapter)

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