The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 364 Resurrection

Chapter 364 Resurrection

In the cave cave at the belly of the mountain, Ling Xiao sat cross-legged on the edge of the Linghu Lake, exhaling lightly, and the pure spiritual energy was absorbed into his body by him. The spiritual energy supplied in the body is also enough for his practice.

And not only that, Ling Xiao also arranged a Taiqing gossip array in the cave, using Linghu as the base of the formation, to draw all the dozens of small spiritual veins around the cave, which also caused the cave to The aura in it increased greatly.

Borrowing Jenny Pereira's ability to manipulate earth and rocks from the list of gods and demons, Ling Xiao began to transform the cave. The side of the Linghu Lake was isolated by him alone and existed as a quiet room for cultivation.In addition, next door, he also built a pharmacy, which is different from the pharmacy used to conceal the existence outside. This pharmacy stores precious medicinal materials that Ling Xiao has cultivated for several years.

When I was at the seaside villa in Los Angeles, the water vapor in the spiritual energy in the secret cave at the bottom of the mountain was much greater than the earth energy. A considerable part of the medicinal materials were not very suitable for such an environment, and the growth trend could only be said to be average, but just now Transferred to this cave, these medicinal materials, which are highly dependent on the earth's energy, immediately revived their vitality.

Of course, it is necessary to build an alchemy room, a rest room, the main control room for the formation, and some warehouses for secret treasures.

With a flash of his figure, Ling Xiao had already teleported away from the cave cave in the belly of the mountain after his practice, and appeared in another cave cave one kilometer away. staff in white coats.

"How is it? Are you still used to the environment here?" Ling Xiao's voice suddenly sounded behind Maya Hansen.

In an instant, Maya Hansen turned around quickly, holding a scalpel tightly in her right hand, her eyes were glowing red like flames, until she saw clearly that it was Ling Xiao, the red light in her eyes slowly dissipated .

"You're here!" Maya Hansen nodded slightly, before turning around and continuing to work, she said, "This place is very good, without Killian's crazy thoughts, everyone's minds are much more stable."

"That's good!" Ling Xiao smiled and said: "After a while, I will recruit a group of young female cleaners. There are too few women in your research team. If things go on like this, accidents will easily happen. of."

"Whatever you want!" Maya Hansen waved her hands indifferently. It seemed that what Ling Xiao said was not as interesting as the research in front of her.

Ling Xiao gave a helpless wry smile, and glanced at the desperate soldiers who were still patrolling secretly, their figures flickered, and they had already appeared in the pasture opposite.

Gan Jing stayed in the ranch for only one day, and began to worry about things in Los Angeles. First, the pharmacy was temporarily closed, and second, she had some things to deal with at the school, so on the second afternoon, Ling Xiao took Gan Jing back to Los Angeles.

Los Angeles is only 270 kilometers away from the ranch purchased by Larry in the central valley map of Ling Xiao. In fact, with Ling Xiao's cultivation base, an extreme teleportation is enough for him to teleport from his own villa in Los Angeles to the stream ranch. However, Ling Xiao Never do this.

He went to the Stream Ranch, either by car or by Destiny. Even if he had to teleport, he would choose a place to stop halfway to recover enough energy before proceeding to the next step.

The reason why he was so cautious was that if someone set up an ambush in the ranch, he would have no power to fight back when his true energy was exhausted.

If someone can really achieve this step, it means that Ling Xiao's desperate fighters in Anderson's private park have been completely subdued, and the opponent's strength is extraordinary. The consequences could be disastrous.

After returning to Los Angeles, Ling Xiao's life seemed to be much more regular, at least in the eyes of many people.

During the day, he would either stay in the pharmacy, or go out to give skin care to others, because Ling Xiao spent a lot of time in the pharmacy, and Gan Jing spent more time on his studies.

American higher education has always paid attention to liberal entry and strict exit. Gan Jing has been studying for a doctorate for two years. Concentrate on studies.

At noon, Gan Jing returned to the pharmacy in his pickup truck. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Ling Xiao and several customers intently watching the LCD TV hanging on the opposite wall. She subconsciously asked, "What happened?"

"A new superhero has appeared!" Ling Xiao shook his head slightly, pointing to a black man who flashed by on the TV and said: "There was an explosion in a building in the East City, and a superhero broke into the A woman was rescued from a burning building."

When he said these words, Ling Xiao's eyes were complicated. Others might not notice it, but Ling Xiao's keen eyes had already seen a father with a child with an unnatural expression among the crowd swept by the camera lens, especially It was the black and gold centipede flashing across his left wrist.

No one knows what this means better than him. Los Angeles is going to be completely chaotic. The centipede fighters under John Garrett began to appear. These centipede serums developed from the incomplete Extremis virus obtained from within SHIELD , has the same instability as the Extremis virus, and may explode at any time, and these centipede fighters do not know how many there are in Los Angeles.

And this also means that after Coulson's resurrection, he officially walked from behind the scenes to the front of the stage and began to form his own team, and the final direction of this matter will eventually lead to the remains of the Cree who led to Coulson's resurrection , and the technology possessed by S.H.I.E.L.D. to create human clones.

Ling Xiao is also interested in these things. On his list of gods and demons, many superheroes will die in previous battles. Having this technology means that Ling Xiao can put the characters on the list of gods and demons at any time. Recruited into reality, especially two of them with special identities.

One is the broom star Ma Shi, and the other is the gods of melting and disintegrating, Eilei and Feilian.

The Gods of Frozen Disintegration, Elai and Fei Lian, are characters who only appeared on the list of gods after Ling Xiao broke through to the innate middle realm. They belong to the priesthood that ranks above Ma on the list of gods and demons, because they belong to the same god , so they appear simultaneously.

"Historical Records Qin Benji" said: "Feilian begets evil. Evil comes with power, and Feilian is good at going. Both father and son serve Yin and Zhou with their talents and strength."

This pair of father and son has great strength, "the horns of strength, bravely fighting bears and tigers", while Fei Lian "walks thousands of miles", his strength should not be underestimated.

The god of ice melting and disintegration does not refer to the literal ability to melt ice and snow. According to Xiaoyue Bangling's explanation, the "ice melting and disintegrating" person is fierce if he meets the sun in the morning and the sun in the morning.If the year of noon meets Ziri, the water will overcome the fire, and the fire will be extinguished and disintegrated.If the year of the child meets the noon day, the fire will fry the ice and the ice will disappear. If the morning is on the afternoon and the child is on the child, all the tiles will freeze, which is auspicious.

That is to say, what the gods of melting ice and disintegration grasp is the law of mutual generation and mutual restraint of everything in time. According to different time changes, even if it is water and fire, it can be completely reversed.

After mastering this ability, even for the most powerful person, Ling Xiao can find out his flaws, and then according to the corresponding time changes, defeat the enemy in one fell swoop.

Think about Mephisto, when the two met, although Ling Xiao had Leifa in his hands, all he could do was protect himself, but now that he has this ability, Ling Xiao is confident After procrastinating the battle until a certain moment, defeat the enemy in one fell swoop.

Going back to the centipede warrior incident, many people, things, and things in the upcoming Coulson team are extremely interesting, and Ling Xiao is most interested in Skye, who will be in charge of S.H.I.E.L.D. Shockwave, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and at this time, her own plan is also smoothly unfolding step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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