The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 36 Shorting Stark

Chapter 36 Shorting Stark

When leaving the pharmacy, Ling Xiao subconsciously looked up at an apartment across the street, with a slight sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Those two unlucky guys are probably still in deep sleep. Last night Ling Xiao sneaked into that apartment and taught each of those two guys a small lesson to ensure that they will be in the next few weeks. , Back pain and leg cramps every day, every day is not good.

After leaving the pharmacy, Ling Xiao didn't go to see Xiaosi. They made an appointment later. What Ling Xiao really wanted to go to in the morning was a stock brokerage company located on Wilshire Avenue in Beverly Hills.

Wilshire Avenue is where the banks and commercial buildings of Beverly Hills are located. There are countless top department stores on this street.

The nearby Beverly Shopping Center is also the favorite of many celebrities. There are nearly 190 specialty stores in the center. The appearance is quite special. It is characterized by the transparent escalator and the hard rock restaurant on the outside. The temporary hospital in the movie "Volcano Eruption" right here.

When he was at home, Ling Xiao didn't tell Gan Jing the truth. He actually invested 170 million US dollars in Stark Industries, but he didn't directly buy the stock and wait for it to appreciate, but directly shorted it.

The 140 million US dollars just acquired a few days ago, together with the more than 30 private money Ling Xiao had saved during this period, were all invested by Ling Xiao in short selling.

Stock shorting means that when an investor expects a certain stock to fall in the future, he sells the stock he does not own when the current price is high, and then buys it when the stock price falls to a certain level, so that the price difference is the investor's profit.

Theoretically, it is to borrow goods and sell them first, and then buy them back.Generally, in the regular short market, there is a platform for neutral warehouses to provide loans.

In fact, this is a bit like the credit transaction model in business.This model can make a profit in the wave band of price decline, that is, first borrow goods at a high level and sell them, and then buy them back after they fall.In this way, buying is still at a low level, and selling is still at a high level, but the operating procedure is reversed.

Although Ling Xiao didn't know how long Tony Stark had been kidnapped, Tony Stark immediately announced the closure of all the weapons departments of the Stark Group after his return.

For an arms company, this means that its main business will be shut down, its annual turnover and annual profit will drop, and its stock will naturally plummet, and it can even be said to be cut in half. It is his good luck .

With such prophetic news, Ling Xiao didn't know what to do, and he invested all the money in his hand that Gan Jing didn't know about.

Ling Xiao parked the car in the underground parking lot of a building. This time, no one was following him. Of course, it is very likely that the opponent was too clever, and even Ling Xiao couldn't find it.If you are really such a master, you don't need to follow Ling Xiao, you just go straight to it.

After locking the car, Ling Xiao took the elevator directly to the No.18 floor of the building.Because he made an appointment in advance, Ling Xiao came directly to his stockbroker's office, and at this time, the other party was also watching the news on TV.

"According to our station's reporter in Afghanistan, it has been confirmed by the military that the chairman of Stark Industries, Tony Stark, was attacked by terrorists in Afghanistan yesterday afternoon. It is reported that this time Tony Stark came to Afghanistan It was to show the military the Jericho missiles of Stark Industries, and this large military purchase order of up to 20 billion US dollars was the reason why Tony Stark came to Afghanistan.

It has been confirmed that a total of [-] American soldiers on the three Humvees protected by Stark have all been killed, and the remains of the soldiers have been found, but the body of Tony Stark has not been found so far. It is very likely that he is still alive. live.

No organization has claimed responsibility for the attack so far, and Stark Industries' stock price has plummeted since the stock market opened this morning."

Seeing Ling Xiao enter, the middle-aged man who was sitting on the office chair and watching TV immediately stood up, walked out with a smile, shook hands with Ling Xiao, and said, "Ling, your judgment this time is very accurate, Si As expected, the stock of Tucker Industries has fallen sharply, and you may make a lot of money this time."

"Hello, James!" Ling Xiao shook hands with his stockbroker James Dean with a smile, and said very modestly: "I'm just lucky. By the way, how is the current stock trend?"

"Come on, come here and take a look." James Dean greeted Ling Xiao before coming to a computer, and said to Ling Xiao: "Look, the Stark Group's stock is now 124 US dollars a share, and it has fallen. At $104 a share, the decline reached 16% and even continued to fall.”

"Yeah!" Ling Xiao nodded lightly, and asked in a low voice: "James, how far do you think Stark Industries' stock will fall?"

"That depends on how the situation develops." James Dean pondered for a while, and said: "If there is no news about Tony Stark, then the stock of the Stark Group company will probably fall by about 70%. After all Although Tony Stark is very important to Stark Industries, the real person in charge of Stark Industries is actually the group's top executive, Obaday Stein. He is also the third largest shareholder of Stark Industries. He's here, and Stark Industries' stock isn't going to go down there. And..."

"And what?" Ling Xiao frowned slightly, he had a bad premonition.

"After the stock of Stark Industries began to fall, I found that someone was selling a lot of shares of Stark Industries, otherwise, with the method of Obaday Stein, the stock of Stark Industries would not fall so fast Yes." There was a hint of worry on James Dean's face, traders like them were most afraid of the bloody stock market predators, which made their previous judgments completely useless.

"Then could that person be Obada Stein himself?" Ling Xiao touched his chin and whispered.

"Obadi Stan, how could it be Obadi Stan?" James Dean looked at Ling Xiao with some surprise, frowned and asked, "Ling, do you have any inside information, or would you Will it be so accurate to grasp the precise time when Stark Industries' stock will fall?"

James Dean had reason to doubt Ling Xiao, because just three days ago, Ling Xiao approached him through his UCLA alumni relationship and asked him to help short Stark Industries' stocks.

At that time, the market was very optimistic about the stock of Stark Industries. After all, Stark Industries was likely to win a large arms order of nearly US$20 billion from the Ministry of Defense. At this time, Ling Xiao came to the door and directly asked Shorting Stark Industries stock is fun!

As an alumnus, James Dean, who graduated from the Anderson School of Management, persuaded Ling Xiao a few words. Seeing that he was still so stubborn, he could only agree to his request. The commission in is unchanged.

But now it seems that everything is very strange. In three days, the accident came. Tony Stark was arrested in Afghanistan, and the stock of Stark Industries plummeted. Stan's suspicion cannot but make James Dean have such a conjecture.

"What inside information can I have?" Ling Xiao smiled softly, and said very calmly: "James, I am just a small businessman who runs a pharmacy, and this time I mortgaged the house to make such a sum Qian, as for the inside information you mentioned, I don’t have any inside information. I’m just betting that Stark Industries won’t get orders from the Ministry of Defense. After all, although the quality of Stark Industries’ ammunition is good, the price is generally high , The Ministry of National Defense may not necessarily purchase their group's arms, and with the Hammer Group on the sidelines, such a thing is not impossible."

"Is that so?" Hearing what Ling Xiao said, James Dean's tone eased. After all, Ling Xiao's explanation was very reasonable, and it's normal to take a gamble at this time.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile, what's wrong with him, it's not that he hasn't investigated Ling Xiao's background, this is just an ordinary junior, what kind of means can he get such a I am also suspicious about the inside information.

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(End of this chapter)

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