The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 338 Final Plan (Thanks to book friend Tiger v Feng for the reward, plus 1 more chapter)

Chapter 338 Final Plan (Thanks to book friend Tiger v Feng for the reward, add another chapter)

In mid-air, the steel battle armor controlled by Ling Xiao and Stark pulled seven or eight White House staff and service personnel of Air Force One, and slowly landed on the water. The next moment, the two let go, and a dozen The person fell down with a bang bang bang.

However, to their surprise, they did not fall directly into the water. At some point, a circular ice cube with a thickness of two meters and a diameter of ten meters appeared on the surface of the water and caught all these dozen people .

"We should go." Amidst cheers, Ling Xiao got into the steel armor again, then soared into the sky, and flew towards Miami.

The black sky had enveloped the earth at some point, and at this moment, in a secret laboratory in the Port of Miami, Killian injected Pepper with the most complete Extremis virus with his own hands.

At this time, he is not worried about the possible destruction of Tony Stark at all, because the US President Ellis will soon fall into his hands, and Stark himself is still far away in New York.Killian was not at all worried that Stark would return to Miami, and he even looked forward to Stark's arrival, because only by killing him completely in front of Pepper could he defeat her defenses and completely possess her. she.

Pepper, who was injected with the perfect extremis virus, quickly recovered from the danger of exploding, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Killian gently rubbing her face.

"You're awake, Pepper. Nice to see you again." Killian looked at Pepper, his affectionate gaze directly into her eyes.

"Tony will not be threatened by you." Pepper recalled for a while, and understood her current situation. She only remembered that she and Maya took the plane to Washington, but in the middle of the flight, Maya suddenly The shot knocked her out, and after that, she seemed to have a very long dream, and she seemed to be in a sea of ​​lava and fire.

Feeling inexplicably thirsty in his mouth, Pepper couldn't help asking, "Where am I now?"

"In Miami." As if aware of Pepper's discomfort, Killian picked up the clear water that was put aside, gave her a mouthful, and then said with some embarrassment: "Pepper, I arrested you not only for Threatening Stark, besides, you are still mine..."

"Trophy!" Pepper felt absurd for a while, seeing the expression on Killian's face, she quickly understood what Killian was trying to say, so she would not think that Killian would have any sincerity for her Feelings, all he has, are nothing but the dirtiest and most filthy desires in a man's heart.

As if the deepest secret in his heart had been told, Killian nodded in embarrassment, but in the eyes he looked at Pepper, there was actually an undisguised greed and crazy desire.

Pepper felt extremely ashamed and angry for a moment, how could she know such a person, and even regarded him as a friend, Pepper wanted to commit suicide in pain.

At this moment, there was a bang, and a steel armor fell down at the door. Pepper recognized this armor. It was Colonel Roddy's Iron Patriot armor. Pepper couldn't believe it. Even Roddy was under his control.

However, to Pepper's joy and horror, when the Patriot armor was opened, it was not Colonel Roddy but President Ellis who appeared inside.

"Welcome aboard, Mr. President." Killian raised his hand in a salute, but Pepper didn't know until now that he was actually on a ship, a damaged oil tanker in the port of Miami.

"Mr. President, have you heard of the elephant cemetery?" With a chuckle, Killian looked back at Pepper, walked to a TV, and said to the two: "Two years ago, the The buried truth is him."

"This is the Laux oil tanker." President Ellis recognized the ship at a glance, and his voice couldn't help being a little bit bitter.

"Of course you will remember that they sprinkled more than 100 million gallons of crude oil in Pensacola." Killian looked at President Ellis, sneered, and said, "Thanks to you, no one here is responsible for the law." responsibility."

President Ellis suddenly felt a burst of fear, he looked at Killian very nervously, and asked anxiously: "What do you want from me?"

Killian was slightly taken aback, as if he was very surprised by this question, he quickly shook his head, and said very lightly: "No request, Mr. President. I just want to find a good reason to kill you if you can get on TV. You see , I have done it. I have found a new political patriot, and tomorrow he will be in your office."

In a word, all of Killian's schemes are clearly stated. He has never been an extreme environmentalist, nor is he a terrorist, nor is he crazy. He is just a speculator.

"Hang him up!" Killian gave an order, and several of his men immediately lifted President Ellis up and pushed him outside.

These people put on the Patriot steel armor and hung him in the middle of the two cranes in the port. The mask was opened, and people below arranged to use high-definition cameras to film him, so that everyone could see his appearance clearly.

To be honest, there is no other way for Killian to do this. His original plan was for the Mandarin, the world's leading terrorist, to kill the president of the most powerful country in the Western world. very perfect.

However, now that his Mandarin has been discovered by Stark, Colonel Roddy and others, he is no longer useful, so he simply uses the Patriot armor, and he can also plant the crime on Colonel Roddy afterwards. .

After all, Colonel Roddy has already called the vice president, and once it is discovered that the vice president did not inform the president of the danger, then the accusation as a national hero will definitely bring variables to the vice president and the president. to him.When everything is settled, everything he said will be regarded as unreasonable sophistry.

And when Stark and Colonel Roddy sneaked into the port, what they saw was exactly this shocking scene.

There are capable gunmen with weapons all over the port, and President Ellis is hanging there, live on TV, in a very miserable situation.

"Oh my god!" Rody couldn't help covering his mouth in horror, pulled back, and said to Stark in a low voice: "These guys hang the president on the fuel tank and plan to burn him to death with oil."

"Viking funeral, public execution." Stark said the means used by Killian in one sentence. Even so, the pier was full of enemies just now, without steel armor, it was difficult for the two of them to get close to the core point. Not to mention saving the president.

At this time, the horn at the port suddenly sounded: "The live broadcast will start immediately, and everyone will return to their posts."

At this point, it was the most critical time for Killian to wait for the plan, and all the lights and cameras were aimed at President Ellis.

Seeing this scene, Colonel Roddy suddenly felt moved, turned his head to Stark and said, "The gun is ready, and I will take cover at my six o'clock direction."

After finishing speaking, he bowed his back and approached cautiously, so fast that he didn't even care about being discovered by others. After a hail of bullets, the two finally arrived at his predetermined target position, although they were so crushed that they couldn't lift their heads. , but Colonel Roddy still smiled and said to Stark: "Three, two, one."

As soon as the words fell, he leaned out of his body suddenly, aimed two shots at the two searchlights not far away, and the precise shooting immediately shattered the two searchlights.

The lights suddenly went dark. When I was standing in the command room, ready to start my peak performance, the screen suddenly went dark. The face of President Ellis captured by the camera suddenly became blurred. Ryan couldn't help but roared angrily: "No!"

This was Colonel Roddy's plan. He couldn't just watch Killian's plan unfold. Since he couldn't save the president for a while, he would ruin Killian's performance.

(End of this chapter)

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