Chapter 33

It's hard for Ling Xiao to understand why he would spend tens of thousands of dollars on maintenance for some fashion shows. These women are really incomprehensible.

But regarding Michaela Baines' invitation, after a moment of silence, Ling Xiao nodded slightly, and said, "Well, I'm going to take a look too."

"Yeah!" Mikaela, who was very comfortable massaged by Ling Xiao, groaned softly, and then said in a low voice: "Well, you come early on Sunday, with my agent, assistant, and my makeup Master, let's go together."

"Okay!" Ling Xiao was taken aback for a moment, but quickly nodded in response. He thought for a moment that he and Mikaela were the only ones going together, but he didn't expect that there was also a management team.

Ling Xiao shook his head lightly, he quickly shook off the absurd thought that flashed through his mind, and concentrated on the work in hand.

As the fragrance permeated the entire quiet room, Mikaela Baines gradually fell into a deep sleep. At this time, Ling Xiao patted her on the back lightly. The next moment, Mikaela Baines Si turned over in an instant, and the front half of his body was completely displayed in front of Ling Xiao.

However, at this moment, Ling Xiao had a face of indifference. Regarding this extremely sweet scene, there was not even the slightest ripple in his mind.

He took out a blue-white talisman from his body, flicked it, and the talisman came out of his hand, and suddenly it was already floating above Mikaela Baines' body, spinning continuously.

Ling Xiao kept changing various spells with his hands, and then a white light shot out from his hand, shooting at the center of the bluish-white talisman. The talisman started to burn inexplicably.

Blue flames emerged out of thin air, constantly burning the talisman seals on it, which looked extraordinarily weird in the midair.However, what was even more surprising was that what fell after the talisman burned was not ashes at all, but a little bit of bluish-white light.

Under the control of Ling Xiao's hands, these light spots slowly fell on Michaela Baines' body, and then slowly merged into it.

When a quarter of the talisman was burning, Ling Xiao continued to control the burning of the talisman with his left hand, while his right hand was freed up, holding Michaela Baines's body in a weak grip.The next moment, Mikaela's entire body kept floating up with the lifting of Ling Xiao's right hand until she was three feet away from the bed.

Immediately afterwards, with a flip of his right hand, Mikaela Baines' body slowly turned over, and the light spots began to fall evenly on Mikaela Baines' whole body, and the most secret places were not missed.

In less than 10 minutes, the burning talisman in midair had completely disappeared, and its scattered light spots had all integrated into Michaela Baines' body.

However, all this is not over yet, Ling Xiao immediately took out a thumb-sized vial from his body. In the transparent prism-shaped vial, only a small store of light blue water clusters existed.

Ling Xiao flicked his right hand, and the vial shot out immediately, and finally stopped suddenly, stopping on the face of Michaela Baines.

The bottle cork was automatically pulled open, and three drops of water fell from the water bottle one after another, landing on Michaela Baines' eyebrows, nose tip and chin respectively.

The water droplets turned into a ball on Mikaela Baines's face, quickly covering its entire face, and then slowly blending into it.

Mikaela Baines' face became rosy and elastic at a speed visible to the naked eye after the water droplets melted into it.The small wrinkles on the face that were vaguely visible before, and the bags under the eyes caused by staying up late for a long time, completely disappeared at this moment.

After all this was done, Ling Xiao flipped his hand, and the transparent water bottle closed again, suspended, and with Ling Xiao's right hand retracted, it flew back into his hand, and disappeared as soon as he flipped his palm.

Ling Xiao took another step forward, standing in front of Mikaela Baines, who was suspended in mid-air, stretched out his palms, and began to slap her body continuously, so that those light spots and water droplets just now Deeper into the depths of Michaela Baines' body.

Ling Xiao's hands are extremely fast, but they look extremely light. His palms keep beating in mid-air, bringing out countless phantoms, which are really beautiful.

As Ling Xiao kept patting, Mikaela Baines slowly fell back on the massage table again. The next moment, although Ling Xiao stepped back and breathed a sigh of relief, today's maintenance service was completely over.

Ling Xiao pulled up a blanket from behind, then flicked it lightly, and the whole blanket gently covered Michaela Baines' body.

After finishing all this, Ling Xiao picked up the blanket beside him, and walked out of the quiet room with a tired face.

When the door was closed, Ling Xiao vaguely looked up at the ventilation hole in the corner of the roof, and then closed the door completely.

Just a few minutes after Ling Xiao left, a figure flashed out from the secret door of the quiet room, and narrowed his eyes slightly looking at the door.

Ling Xiao never expected that the unexpected guest who suddenly appeared in this quiet room turned out to be Phil Coulson who had just parted ways not long ago.Coulson glanced at the door, then came to a corner of the room, stepped on a chair, took out a camera from the air hole, and left quickly.

An hour later, Mikaela Baines finally woke up completely from a deep sleep, and lay down on the bed for a while, and Mikaela Baines, who had completely recovered, turned over the blanket on her body, and it turned out to be like this Standing up from the massage table, she walked to the long mirror beside her.

Looking at himself in the mirror, if he was suddenly single-minded, a happy and smug smile slowly appeared on Mikaela Baines's face, and finally he laughed smugly.

By the time Michaela Baines got dressed and came out of the quiet room, only the maid was left in the spacious living room clearing the cups on the coffee table, and Ling Xiao had already disappeared.

"Where's Mr. Ling?" Mikaela Baines frowned and asked the maid.

"Miss!" The maid put down her staff, turned around and said to Mikay Bernsla respectfully: "Mr. Ling came out of the quiet room an hour ago, took a short rest and drank a cup of coffee. Then he left. But before he left, he said that everything was business as usual, and hoped that you would transfer the money to his account as soon as possible.”

"I see!" Mikaela Baines glanced at the maid, turned around and walked quickly towards her bedroom.Originally, she wanted to ask Ling Xiao why the effect of youth maintenance this time was far better than before, but now that he has left, Mikaela can only call to ask.

Women have always been very concerned about their appearance. Ling Xiao's youth maintenance this time is far more effective than before, so after Mikaela returned to the bedroom, she hurriedly called Ling Xiao.

"Hello, who is it?" Ling Xiao was driving along Sunset Boulevard to Santa Monica Beach when the phone rang and he pressed the call button of the Bluetooth headset.

"It's me, Mickey, I have something to ask you!" Mikaela didn't make any greetings, and asked directly: "Ling, why do I feel that the youth maintenance this time is different from the previous few times?"

"Because it's really different!" Ling Xiao slowed down the car and explained while driving: "The youth maintenance service on your body has entered the second stage, from the previous youth maintenance to the youth recovery stage. That is Say, your current appearance will look younger than your timing age day by day. If you are willing to accept my youth maintenance service for the rest of your life, then after decades, you will still be able to maintain your current appearance , even younger."

"Is it so amazing?" Michaela Baines on the other end of the phone opened her mouth in surprise.

 After staying up all night, my mind is muddled



(End of this chapter)

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