316 Rescue

More than half a year has passed since the last time in New York, and the impact of the incident has finally spread from the east coast to the west coast.

Not long after the Kiritas invaded, several incidents of bank robbery with alien energy weapons occurred on the east coast. Although SHIELD dealt with it in time, there are more and more such incidents.

Even the West Coast has seen several recent bank heists armed with modified alien energy weapons.

Most of the energy weapons left by the Kirita people on the earth were damaged and unusable due to inexplicable reasons, but a small part still fell into the hands of criminals. After some scientists' transformation, the power of energy weapons has declined. , but it can be used normally.

Ordinary policemen would only be beaten when confronted with this kind of robbery using energy weapons, and they couldn't even fight back with gunpowder guns in their hands.

More and more intelligence revealed that behind this series of incidents, there was a mysterious organization manipulating these incidents, but inexplicably, SHIELD carried out raids based on intelligence several times, but they always came to nothing.

Perhaps because of the current bad situation, perhaps because of the invasion of aliens, although it is now at a critical stage of the general election, President Ellis has signed a document that relaxes restrictions on certain biological and technological research.

In the past, this approach would inevitably attract strong criticism and protests from all parties, but under the background of alien invasion, people's tolerance has suddenly increased a lot.As soon as such a document came out, the support of President Ellis not only did not drop, but rose sharply. According to the current election situation, President Ellis' re-election is a foregone conclusion.

The turmoil of the outside world did not interfere with Ling Xiao, who was in a semi-reclusive state. After his breakthrough in cultivation, his life pattern remained the same as usual, staying in the pharmacy during the day and returning to the villa to continue practicing at night.

In the evening of this day, Ling Xiao was in the hangar, looking at the manual while maintaining various parts of the aircraft.

This butterfly aircraft had been in his hands a few months ago, Ling Xiao also reported to an aircraft piloting school for learning, and during this time, he also sent this aircraft to Stark Industry, paid a sum of money for them to help load the stealth system.

Although this kind of stealth system is not very necessary now, it is better than nothing in case something happens in the future.

After the aircraft returned to his hand again, Ling Xiao engraved the name he had thought of for a long time on its body: destiny, destiny.

With the Destiny plane, it is much more convenient for Ling Xiao to travel between Los Angeles and New York.Two hours, at the speed of Destiny, two hours is enough for him to fly from Los Angeles to New York, which is much more convenient.

"Ringlingling..." Suddenly, Ling Xiao's phone rang, he frowned, and pressed the answer button: "Hello, Catherine, what's the matter?"

"Ling, I need your help, hurry up, something has happened!" Beckett could lower his voice urgently, and Ling Xiao could hear her anxiety in her voice: "The location is in the center of Ventura, you Hurry over here."

With a "snap", Beckett hung up the phone, Ling Xiao frowned, what happened to make Beckett so anxious.

Although the matter may be very urgent, Ling Xiao did not rush to the place where the incident happened immediately. He first entered the underground secret cave, put on the armor of heavenly soldiers, and took the list of gods and demons before driving to Wentu La downtown.

Ventura is located in the northwest of Los Angeles, half an hour's drive away. Ling Xiao came to the outskirts of a five-star hotel according to the address given by Beckett, frowned, and found Beckett's location at this time with mental strength.

Beckett took Kevin Ryan and Esposito to hide in a white van. The group of Guigui didn't know what they were doing. Seeing something strange in Ling Xiao's heart, he turned towards Walk over to where the truck is.

"Bang bang bang!" Beckett, who had been staring at the screen, suddenly heard the noise outside, and immediately subconsciously pulled out the pistol from his waist. Kevin and Esposito also did the same. , and just after Beckett opened the door, it was Ling Xiao who was frowning tightly who appeared outside the car.

"What are you doing, why are you so nervous!" Ling Xiao glanced at the three of them, and then asked in a deep voice.Aware of the satisfaction of the three of Beckett, Ling Xiao had secretly used his spiritual sense to check all the people in the vicinity, including the inside of the villa, but found nothing!

"It's you, Ling!" Beckett put away his gun, waved his hand at Ling Xiao, and said, "Come in quickly, don't stand outside."

"Okay!" Seeing that the three of them looked nervous about the imminent battle, Ling Xiao closed the door after entering the compartment.His gaze fell on the monitoring screen in the car, which displayed the monitoring screen of a certain floor inside the hotel.

"What happened, can any of you explain it to me?" Ling Xiao looked at the three of Beckett and asked in a deep voice.

"It's like this." Beckett turned around and whispered to Ling Xiao: "At noon yesterday, a weird robbery happened in downtown Los Angeles!"

"Strange?" Ling Xiao couldn't help asking: "What kind of weird way, let you policemen in the urban area come to Ventura to handle the case?"

"Yesterday at noon, in a bank in the city center, a middle-aged man walked up to the counter and asked the staff to prepare $10 in cash for him. However, the strange thing is that the staff did not hesitate at all, and directly said He took out 10 U.S. dollars and handed it to the middle-aged man without even going through any formalities. If it wasn’t for the fact that such a sum of money was missing afterwards, such a thing would never have been discovered.”

"Could it be that the staff over there colluded with others?" Ling Xiao blinked and put forward his own point of view.

Beckett shook his head slightly, and said with certainty: "No! A staff member happened to be the family member of a certain shareholder of that bank. He doesn't have any memory of what happened, if it wasn't for the video surveillance footage, he wouldn't remember seeing that middle-aged man at all."

"Do you suspect that middle-aged man has special abilities?" Ling Xiao somewhat understood why they were so nervous!

"It may also be some special weapons." Esposito interjected, no matter what, they must deal with it seriously.

"Can you call me here because you want me to help you?" Ling Xiao scratched his head. Beckett and others didn't know that he had special abilities, so he shouldn't be asked to help.

"Hmm!" Beckett turned around and pointed to the corridor above the screen, and said in a deep voice: "Ling, that guy lives on the eighth floor, room 803. We mentioned the hotel's residence records, but it shows that room 803 is not No one lives there, and we only discovered its location by hacking into the surveillance system."

Ling Xiao stroked his chin and said softly, "You mean the hotel staff were also confused?"

"It should be like this." Beckett nodded, and said, "We monitored for a long time, and found that some hotel staff were delivering lunch and dinner to the room, but they didn't seem to remember anything after they came out. Ling , I need you to help me approach him."

"What do I need to do?" Ling Xiao readily agreed, and he also wanted to see who this person could easily control other people's spirits.

In this world, the only mutants with psychic abilities that Ling Xiao has ever seen are Professor Charles and Jean Grey. Of course, it is impossible for there to be only two mutants with psychic abilities in the world, and this one is the third one he has encountered. indivual.

(End of this chapter)

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