The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 303 The Dust Settles

Chapter 303 The Dust Settles

Rogers put his shield in front of his chest, and his right shoulder was pressed against the back of the shield, ready to meet the energy attack of the Chireka soldiers on the opposite side, but the attack he was waiting for did not come. For a moment, it seemed that he was hit by some inexplicable blow. The Kirita soldier in front of him collapsed to the ground as if his soul had been sucked out.

No, it's not just the Kirita soldiers in front of Rogers, all the Kirita soldiers on the entire battlefield and on the entire earth are like machines that suddenly lost power, without any movement.

At this moment, the airships flying in mid-air and the strange-shaped warships all fell from the sky, setting off a lot of dust.

It did it, Stark he did it, and everyone understood what happened in an instant.

Standing on the top of the Stark Tower, Natasha raised her head and stared at the blue space door high in the sky. She faintly saw the terrifying scene of the crimson mushroom cloud rising in the deep universe.

"Hurry up, Tony!" Natasha kept muttering, she knew that there was not much time left, and she had to close the Rubik's Cube and the space gate before the nuclear explosion storm affected the space gate, otherwise In other words, even if Manhattan survives the invasion of aliens, it will be difficult to avoid the pollution of nuclear radiation. In this way, Manhattan may be abandoned, and their hard work will be wasted.

"Turn it off, Natasha." Of course Rogers knew the horror of the power of nuclear bombs. Although he had never seen a nuclear bomb explode with his own eyes, the United States had already developed a nuclear bomb before it was frozen. It was this news that made the first The collapse of the Three Reichs accelerated.

Since he regained consciousness, he has gained an in-depth understanding of this ultimate weapon that ended World War II, and the super bomb that still has the dominant terror deterrent effect half a century later, and is very impressed by its terrifying power. I have lingering fears.

Therefore, even if the threat of the Kirita people has been eliminated, he still must close the space door as soon as possible, so as not to let Manhattan be affected by nuclear radiation.

Natasha, who also came from World War II, also knew this in her heart, so after Rogers gave the order, Natasha immediately retracted her gaze, held the spiritual scepter firmly, and pushed forward fiercely, the top of the spiritual scepter The Mind Gem finally collided with the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

In an instant, the huge energy tornado emitted by the Rubik's Cube suddenly dissipated, and the blue space gate hanging high in the sky was closing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There was a soft sound of "wave", as if the water bubbles had been squeezed, and this space door that brought infinite disaster to the earth was finally closed.

Rogers lowered his head in grief, but the next moment, the cheers of "Oh" sounded, he raised his head suddenly, and saw a figure falling rapidly from a high altitude, it was the iron man Tony Star who had risked his life. gram.

A burst of cheers sounded everywhere, and Rogers shook his head in amazement, and said in disbelief: "Good guy!"

"No!" Thor, who was standing next to Rogers, immediately noticed something was wrong, and said solemnly, "He's not slowing down."

Although he didn't know what happened, Thor knew that Stark's situation was very wrong. If he just let it fall from the sky, he would have to fall into a pulp. Without thinking about it, Thor turned quickly Raised Thor's Hammer, ready to fly up to catch Stark.

However, some people were faster than Thor, a fiery red line of fire rose from the west to the sky, and in the south, another steel armor also flew towards Stark, but they were not the fastest, I saw a green figure jumping up violently, grabbing Stark before everyone else.

Hulk hugged Stark and slammed into the tall building opposite. After breaking through a large wall, he fell heavily on a scrapped truck on the ground.

It's just that before he landed, Hulk had already turned Stark over. He landed on his back first, blocking the violent impact for Stark. Stark laid it aside, stood up, and roared at the Thunderbolt and the war machine Colonel James Roddy flying over, with a look of satisfaction beyond words, and the Thunderbolt in midair curled his lips in disdain.

"Is there still breathing?" Rogers and Thor ignored the little confrontation between Hulk and Human Torch, and the two hurried over, helped Stark up, took off the mask on his face, and checked his situation .

At this moment, Stark was lying on the ground without breathing. Rogers wanted to listen to his heartbeat, but found that the thick armor on his chest blocked him, and the most important ark reactor on Stark's body had already exhausted its energy. .

The atmosphere suddenly quieted down. Rogers' face was full of sadness. Although he didn't say anything, the others had already realized that Stark was probably dead. For a moment, everyone felt a little difficult to breathe, and their hearts throbbed. pain.

At this moment, a silver dagger that was one foot long and three fingers wide suddenly rose from Stark's body. Before everyone could react, the dagger turned into a streamer and went straight to the north. Stark, who was motionless on the ground, suddenly made a sound.

With a sound of "ah", Tony Stark suddenly opened his eyes, raised his head, and looked around blankly, without the slightest focus in his eyes, as if returning to the earth from the depths of the universe in the blink of an eye, which made him very uncomfortable.

Seeing that Stark woke up suddenly, the faces of the people on the side showed surprised and happy smiles. Hulk even raised his head, roared loudly in all directions, and patted his chest vigorously to vent his emotions.

"What the hell is this?" Hulk's roar finally made Stark wake up. He glanced at everyone, blinked his eyes, and said with some horror: "What happened just now, don't tell me someone did it for me!" artificial respiration!"

"Haha!" Cheerful laughter rang out suddenly, and after a while, Rogers' voice gradually fell. He looked at the people around him, clenched his fists, and said in a deep voice, "We won!"

One sentence restored the surrounding calm, Thor, Hulk, Human Torch, Colonel James Roddy, and the newly arrived Invisible Woman, Storm, Spider-Man, Harry Osborn and others, everyone It was hard to hide the excitement on his face, and in the end Peter Parker was the first to raise his hands and shouted: "We won, we won, we won this damn war!"

"Oh!" The cheers seemed to be contagious, and they sounded from the wreckage of the battlefield. Whether it was the superheroes who participated in the battle or the ordinary people who survived by luck, everyone walked out of the shelter and took to the streets, cheering loudly stand up.

The Huiming sword pierced the sky, crossed the street, and finally shot into a tall building next to 46th Avenue. Before Jenny Pereira could react, the sword light fell into Ling Xiao's spirit. Ling Xiao, who had his eyes closed, slowly opened them.

"Ling, are you okay?" Seeing Ling Xiao opened his eyes, Jenny came to him anxiously and asked with concern.

"I'm fine." Ling Xiao reached out to hold Jenny in his arms, kissed her on the forehead, and said softly, "Honey, listen outside, everything is over."

"Hmm!" Jenny replied lightly. Of course she knew what was happening outside. Through the large floor-to-ceiling windows, she could clearly see the roof of the Stark Building in the distance. She saw all the scene where the space door was closed before. In the eyes, naturally know what happened.

"It's good that you're fine." Jenny vaguely felt Ling Xiao's selfishness. Before that, he let himself follow him into the building to prevent accidents from happening. The attack of the nuclear bomb showed that his worries were justified.

Sensing this caring heart, Jenny didn't say much, hugging Ling Xiao's back tightly, breathing and hearing each other, her heart felt extremely warm at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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