The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 291 Desperately Resisting

Chapter 291 Desperately Resisting (Thank you for your monthly support, add another chapter)

The Avengers looked coldly at the wailing Ciritans nearby, their eyes full of coldness, and waited for Rogers' order to go straight up to fight.

At this time, the portal above the head changed again. The expanding portal finally reached the point where more Kirita soldiers could enter the earth. Wandering away in all directions, and behind them, more strange warships are preparing to pass through the portal and invade the earth.

Everyone who saw this scene couldn't help their scalps tingling. Behind the portal, there were countless Kirita soldiers who were ready to fight.

"Give the order, Captain." Stark took a deep breath and looked at Rogers. During this time, his leadership has conquered everyone.

"Listen up." Looking at the countless Kirita soldiers above his head, Rogers said in a deep voice: "Before we close the portal, we must contain them first. Barton, I want you to go to the roof and find out the marching route of those guys .Stark, you hold your ground, and anything near those three streets, make them back, or burn them to ashes."

"Can you give me a ride?" Barton turned his head to look at Stark. Although his heart was heavy, the smile on his face was relaxed.

"Okay. You'd better hold on tight, don't fall." Stark finished speaking, walked behind Barton, grabbed his belt, only heard a bang, tail flames rose, and the steel armor had disappeared with Barton In the eyes of everyone.

"Ling, I want you to help Thor contain Loki, and then find a way to block the portal and hold them back." Rogers took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "It is best to let Thor summon lightning and burn them all." Get clean."

After finishing speaking, Rogers looked at Natasha and said in a deep voice: "You and me, we both have to control the war on the ground. And you, Hulk."

Banner, or the Hulk Hulk, who was called, turned around with a grim expression, only to hear Rogers say fiercely: "Smash me hard."

I like this order, Hulk grinned ferociously, bent his legs, and exerted his strength, the whole person had leaped up dozens of stories of high-rise buildings, punched a soldier into the building, and then lay down on the opposite building Another Kirita soldier who was shooting at him rammed into him with all his strength, and at the same time knocked him flat, he swept the other Kirita soldier who was shooting at him off the tall building.

With a roar, Hulk grabbed the neck of the remaining Kirita soldier, pulled him up and jumped violently, grabbed him and slammed him fiercely at another Kirita soldier on another building, immediately smashing the two of them together with unparalleled strength. Two collided Kirita soldiers smashed into the building and smashed into a pulp.

Hulk, who is infinitely tyrannical, looked at the right time, jumped into the air, and at the same time slammed his right fist. He smashed an airship that was just passing by into a fireball, but Hulk just borrowed his strength and smashed into another airship. An airship was launched, and the Kirita people suffered heavy casualties for a while.

Ling Xiao stepped on the flying sword and flew up to the Stark Building, and he reached the top of the building in a short time. At this time, Thor was suppressed by Hulk very badly. He had to be distracted from taking care of him, and Loki was urging the spiritual scepter to continue to put pressure on him.

When Ling Xiao saw Thor, the blond hair on his head, which was originally very flamboyant, clung to his face in embarrassment, cold sweat dripped down, and drops of blood fell to the ground along the dagger, and Thor's hammer in his hand was barely able to resist. Holding a spiritual scepter.

Loki can't be allowed to continue to gain the upper hand. Ling Xiao knows that Loki can't kill Thor. After all, there is Odin watching from above, but only Thor is not facing a life-and-death crisis, and Odin will not intervene. After all This is a war on Earth.

But once Loki, who has the upper hand, frees his hands, the space gates created by the Rubik's Cube will come closer and closer.

Space door!Thinking of this, Ling Xiao suddenly looked up, and at some point, the space gate that had been expanding had stopped expanding, and was even slowly shrinking back. This is, someone stepped in to help? !

Ling Xiao blinked vigorously, affirming his guess, and at this time, the only one who could and was willing to intervene to help was probably that one, the legendary Ancient One mage.

As soon as the ancient mage made a move, he sandwiched the two odd-shaped warships that passed through the portal at the same time, and couldn't move for a while.

Ling Xiao stepped onto the roof of the Stark Tower, and before he could take the next step, the ordinary black windbreaker on his body turned into a set of dazzling silver armor in an instant, which was exactly what Ling Xiao had been refining Celestial Armor.

With the Huiming sword in hand, the real air flowed. In an instant, the Huiming sword turned into three feet long. With a little step, Ling Xiao, who was holding the long sword, had already stabbed Loki's back fiercely. Moon fire.

As a Frost Giant, Loki is particularly sensitive to fire-attributed elements. He has already sensed the light of fire on Ling Xiao's sword, and he turned around sharply. The spiritual scepter in his hand quickly bullied him behind him. Ling Xiao slashed down fiercely.

With a muffled sound of "dang", something happened that made Loki dumbfounded. The long sword in Ling Xiao's hand was actually firmly against his spiritual scepter, and a force that was not weak and his own unparalleled strength followed along. The spiritual scepter bounced back.

At this time, facing Loki, Ling Xiao, who was completely covered by silver armor, had turned into a miserable green skin, and his figure had swelled by nearly [-] centimeters. A bloodshot stream ran down the corner of his mouth while biting his lower lip. flow out.

Even if he borrowed the Hulk's ability, coupled with alien creatures and heavenly armor, Ling Xiao, who has used all his skills, is still not Loki's opponent. Loki, who holds a spiritual scepter, is too strong.

Suddenly, Ling Xiao changed from slashing to slashing, and slashed at Loki's finger along the spiritual scepter. In terms of magical attainments, Loki may surpass everyone present, except for the ancient one, of course.He was able to overwhelm Thor, relying more on the spiritual scepter in his hand, the artifact spiritual scepter.

It seemed that he couldn't react in time, and the Huiming sword slashed on Loki's finger, Ling Xiao was slightly taken aback, is Loki so weak?

The next moment, the sense of emptiness cut by the tip of the sword told Ling Xiao that he just cut an empty space with that sword, and the so-called fingers were just illusions.

At this time, the top of the spiritual scepter in the ferocious Loki's hand had already been pierced towards Ling Xiao's neck. Although he quickly returned the sword in time, it was still a bit late, and the scepter in Loki's hand was already fierce pierced his neck.

The next moment, a look of surprise appeared on Loki's face, because Ling Xiao in front of him dissipated in front of his eyes like a bubble, leaving only a watery mark on the ground, and Ling Xiao's figure appeared on Loki's face. On the side of his body, a sword stabbed fiercely towards his ribs.

With a sound of "ding", this sword was blocked lightly by Loki with the spiritual scepter, and his two blue eyes stared closely at Ling Xiao's black eyes, and there was a trace of sarcasm in the black eyes. Meaning, as if to say: "Who doesn't know how to use two-handed illusion."

Ling Xiao and Luo Ji fought back and forth with swords and sticks very fiercely, with sword qi vertical and horizontal, energy impact, and several phantoms appeared on the roof from time to time.

Although Thor didn't know why Ling Xiao was on par with Loki in fighting, but he knew in his heart that Ling Xiao could not last long.

Taking a deep breath, Thor pulled out the dagger under his ribs, holding Thor's Hammer tightly in his hand, and in an instant, tiny lightning spread from Thor's Hammer to Thor's body. Loki's figure, Thor slammed into him fiercely.

At this time, Loki was distracted by Ling Xiao for most of his attention, and he was accidentally bumped into a stagger by Thor, and then Thor, who was holding Thor's Hammer, slammed down on Loki.What made Ling Xiao a little dumbfounded was that under Thor's attack, Loki had no power to parry. He was accidentally kicked to the ground by Thor, and then he was grabbed by his chest and held up high. , and then threw it out fiercely, and fell to the edge of the roof, even dropping the spiritual scepter.

Did you keep your hand just now? Ling Xiao looked at Thor who was showing off his power, and cursed MMP in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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