The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 29 Easy to win

Chapter 29 Easy to win

At midnight, Ling Xiao sat cross-legged in the quiet room on the third floor. The moonlight above his head shone into the room through the wide skylight, and was absorbed by the list of gods and demons floating in front of Ling Xiao, and then transformed into a bunch of moon-white The beam of light shot into Ling Xiao's eyebrows.

Suddenly, Ling Xiao, who was cultivating to consolidate his cultivation during the fusion period, frowned suddenly, and the next moment, he had already opened his eyes.

I saw Ling Xiao waved his hand, and the list of gods and demons fell from in front of Ling Xiao back to the enshrining platform. As Ling Xiao continued to pinch, the entire enshrining platform suddenly lit up with white light, and the next moment there were grid-shaped Thin lines emerged from the walls of the house and extended to the entire small building.

Ling Xiao stood up, walked to the big iron gate, stretched out his hand and pushed it, and he gently pushed the heavy iron gate open without making a sound.

After closing the big iron gate, Ling Xiao walked down the stairs, stood in the middle of the second floor, and grasped the long sword hanging on the wall. The next moment, the long sword flew up from the wall automatically and fell into the In Ling Xiao's right hand.

Looking around, Ling Xiao waved his left palm lightly, and all the sofas and dining seats in the living room were pushed aside by him. Then he stood with his sword in his hands and stood in the center of the room with a solemn face.The next moment, a black figure quietly approached from downstairs.

Yashida Ichiro thought that he had entered Ling's pharmacy quietly. He not only searched the pharmacy quietly, but also went to the basement and walked around. After finding nothing, he went up to the second floor.

As soon as he went upstairs, Yashida Ichiro saw a black figure standing in the middle of the house, and before he heard Yashida Ichiro's reaction, a white light shot out from that figure's hand, and shot directly at Yashida Ichiro's heart.

Yashida Ichiro was startled, he didn't know why the opponent would find himself still in the invisibility technique, and subconsciously, the Taidao Qingtian Maru in his hand bounced instantly, blocking the line of the white light.

With a muffled sound of "Dang", the white light hit the Qingtian pill heavily, and Yashida Ichiro only felt an unrivaled force coming from his hand, and he was immediately forced to take several steps back in a row, but before he stabilized As soon as he stopped, the white light in front of him split into two and wound towards his neck.

Yashida Ichiro couldn't help feeling numbness in his heart, he could feel that no matter if he was entwined by that white light, it must be the end of the body and head.

"Ah!" Yashida Ichiro snorted coldly, the Qingtian pill was finally unsheathed in his hand, and then he moved straight in front of him, the position of the person in his memory shot out, and his body was right behind the Qingtian pill , I don't know when, a short knife in his left hand was protecting his side.

The two white lights in mid-air merged suddenly, and there was only a soft "ding" sound, Qingtianwan had been shot down to the ground, Yashida Ichiro breathed a sigh of relief, his body suddenly backed up, and rushed towards the stairs.

However, just as Yashida Ichiro retreated to the stairs, an erratic figure suddenly appeared behind him and tapped lightly on the back of his head.The next moment, Yashida Ichiro only felt his eyes go dark, and his whole consciousness was plunged into endless darkness.

Ling Xiao looked at Yashida Ichiro who fell on the ground, sneered, and fought with himself in his own small building. Even if your father came, he might not be able to win, let alone you, a bum.

As soon as Ling Xiao stretched out his hand, the Qingtian pill that fell on the ground flew into his hand, and then he lifted Yashida Ichiro as lightly as nothing, and walked up to the third floor. Xiao's hands are like leaves.

During this period of time, although the fight between the two of them was moving, there were still quite a few noises, but Gan Jing, who was sleeping in the room, didn't notice anything.

Fog shrouded Los Angeles in the early morning, and Yashida Ichiro woke up in a burst of cold, and before he could look at the surrounding environment, a sharp pain came from the back of his head, and he let out a cry of pain in an instant.

"Ah!" Yashida Ichiro pressed his head hard, and when his headache just eased, he realized that he didn't know what was thrown in the trash can, and he couldn't think about it, surrounded by stinky garbage bags It made him very uncomfortable.

Yashida Ichiro crawled out of the trash bin with difficulty, looked around, but found nothing of himself, he gritted his teeth hard, walked out from the alley, and hid in the street corner.

Soon, Yashida Ichiro waited until a white man in a track suit walked by, and then he stretched out his right hand, pressed on the other's neck, knocked him unconscious, and dragged him into the small room the next moment. in the alley.

Not long after, Yashida Ichiro walked out from the alley wearing a gray sportswear that was obviously too big, spat hard, and Yashida Ichiro walked towards a building known only to him in the East Los Angeles area Hide in the apartment and sneak away.

At this time, Yashida Ichiro has already recalled what happened last night, perhaps because of being knocked out, there are some fragments, he has no memory of what happened after being knocked out yesterday.

Last night, there was a high probability that that person was Ling Xiao. Yashida Ichiro didn't expect the opponent's strength to be so terrifying. He didn't catch the opponent's three moves at all, and he was already knocked to the ground.

These things were even a bit difficult for him to say, and Yashida Ichiro didn't know how to tell his father about it.

But in the end, he still had to change into his clothes before he could figure it out.Fortunately, there are not only Yashida's own clothes in the apartment, but also a lot of cash, pistols, and even a refrigerator of fresh food, as well as a Korean beauty who has been taken care of by him for more than half a year.

This woman named Jin Zhenhui has no knowledge of Yashida Ichiro's real identity, and she doesn't care. The house provided to her by the other party, coupled with a lot of money every month, is enough to make her ignore all problems, you know , this is America.

After taking a bath and having breakfast, Yashida Ichiro picked up the woman who had just finished breakfast for him, and walked to the bedroom.

After a hearty passion, Yashida Ichiro looked at the sleeping woman, lit a cigarette and took a deep breath. Only now did he start thinking about what happened last night.That guy named Ling Xiao is indeed stronger than himself, even more so than him.

Although Yashida Ichiro was a little reluctant to admit it, it was obviously true, but if it was really a life-and-death struggle, that is, the other party caught him off guard last night, otherwise it might not be whoever died.You have to know that the other party obviously has scruples, otherwise, you won't keep yourself alive.

But it's better not to provoke this kind of person easily, this person is obviously not a good stubble, otherwise he wouldn't have stripped himself naked and thrown it in the trash can.

Thinking of this, Yashida Ichiro couldn't help clenching his teeth, but if it was just like this, it couldn't stop Yashida Ichiro's revenge like a mad dog. What really scared him was a red spot on his heart.If the woman on the bed hadn't asked curiously just now, maybe he wouldn't have noticed this at all. As soon as Yashida Ichiro touched it, he felt an inexplicable panic in his heart, and even couldn't breathe.

Obviously, this is a warning from the other party. If I go to trouble him again, I am afraid that the other party will really kill him.

One morning, after Yashida Ichiro left the apartment, he began to get busy. It was almost twelve noon when Yashida Ichiro returned to Yashi Co., Ltd. with a video tape and met his father.

"I'm sorry, father, I missed!" Yashida Ichiro told the process of the two of them fighting honestly, without any concealment.After finishing speaking, he handed the video tape in his hand to his father, and said in a deep voice, "Father, this is the video data of those two people I got yesterday."

"Yeah!" Ya Zhixuan narrowed his eyes and glanced at the eldest son, and waved his hand to signal him to go to the player beside him to turn on the video tape.

When Ya Zhixuan was thinking about this matter slowly, he saw a figure of a man appearing on the TV, he was startled, and stood up abruptly.

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(End of this chapter)

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