The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 2829 Evacuation

Chapter 2829 Evacuation
Queen Victoria of Spartex held a golden spear in her hand, and waved it in the palace hall alone.

This is her most conventional way of cultivation. She danced a golden long spear to perfection, but now the power attached to this long spear is almost non-existent, so it is hard to see what level Victoria's strength is.

But just relying on the elemental gun she possessed that was held by successive kings of the Spartacus Kingdom, her strength is basically above the god level.

Although Xingjue also holds an elemental gun, as the king, the elemental gun in Victoria's hand is much stronger than the elemental gun in Xingjue's hand, but compared to the elemental gun, which is a long-range attack thing. , Victoria prefers the golden spear in her hand.

Undoubtedly, Victoria, who came from the royal family of Spartacus, is much stronger physically than Star-Lord, her elder brother who grew up among interstellar predators, and her bloodline is much higher than Star-Lord's , and she grew up in the army since she was a child, proficient in various fighting and killing techniques, and her own strength growth path is also very clear. Even before she met Star Lord, Victoria was already the number one in the kingdom. the ones.

As for her father Sanjay, Sanjay may have worked hard when he was young, but when he became more and more accustomed to the benefits brought to him by opportunism, he gradually gave up his hard work, and at that time Sanjay If Jie hadn't relied on the elemental gun in his hand and had mastered the secrets of the kings of all dynasties, he would have been unable to suppress Victoria, his daughter, and even some orders would have been difficult to carry out, especially in the military.

In fact, if it weren't for the appearance of Star Lord, the increasingly fierce conflict between Victoria and Sanjay would break out sooner or later.

And Sanjay's collusion with Thanos may not be due to the pressure from Victoria. After all, unlike Star-Lord's mother, who is just an ordinary earth woman, Victoria's mother came from a wealthy family in the Kingdom of Spartacus. Both the country and the military have considerable strength. It can be said that over time, many rights that should have belonged to Sanjay have already been encroached on.

The appearance of Star-Lord should have been a very beneficial thing, even if the matter of the Seed of the Universe is aside, as Sanjay's only son, his inheritance rights are naturally above Victoria, and Sanjay could have used Star-Lord's He appeared to do a lot of articles, even took back his own rights, and suppressed the forces of Victoria.

This is why Victoria was so aggressive when she saw Star-Lord, but it is a pity that neither Victoria nor Sanjay thought that Star-Lord not only showed unusual joy at the appearance of Victoria, his younger sister, but also he was very happy about the succession. The throne of the Kingdom of Spartex has no interest at all, which is why Sanjay kept pitting Star Lord later.

After inheriting the throne of Sanjay and obtaining the secrets held by the Spartacus royal family, Victoria's strength has grown by leaps and bounds again, and has even broken through the level of the gods, and has initially entered the level of strength of the sub-celestial father. , This is because her father Sanjay has not reached the level of strength.

Not to mention the depths of the universe, just in the Milky Way, the law of the jungle is very obvious. The main reason why the Kingdom of Spartacus has not declined because of Sanjay's death these years is because of Victoria's strong strength.

A god-level powerhouse is enough to live in a Spartacus kingdom, so even in the Milky Way, it can only be regarded as a second-rate country.

That's right, the Kingdom of Spartex can be regarded as a second-rate country in the Milky Way. There is only one real first-rate country, and that is the Nova Corps.

The Nova Corps claims to be the cosmic police in the galaxy is not just kidding. The Orion Federation is too far away from the center of the galaxy, and Asgard and the Kree Empire are only partly in the galaxy. They are not really complete galactic countries. , especially the Kree Empire, it can even be said that in quite a lot of time, the countries in the galaxy joined hands to fight against the invasion of the Kree Empire.

But at this moment, it is really unimaginable that they want to push the Galactic Council to form a Galactic Alliance to save the Kerry Empire in distress.

Now Victoria has received the information from the star-lord from the border of the Kingdom of Spartex, although now the symbiote dragon and the symbiote tyrannosaurus have led the symbiote army deep into the depths of the Kerry Empire, at least in the Kerry Empire. They won't be back in a short time, but they are very pessimistic about the trend of war within the Kerry Empire, and they are even one step away from asserting that the Kerry Empire will definitely perish.

If it were in the past, Victoria would really be happy to see the decline of the Cree Empire, but it is another matter to be directly destroyed by the symbiote army. Once the symbiote army completely destroys the Cree Empire After that, if they turned their heads and aimed at the Milky Way, then even if their Kingdom of Spartacus didn't bear the brunt, it would not be much worse.

If one day in the future, the army of symbiotes returns directly, and the endless black tide of symbiotes rushes towards the kingdom of Spartex, then no matter how powerful Victoria is, it may be difficult to prevent the kingdom of Spartex from going to extinction fate.

As far as the current situation is concerned, they don't have many choices. Although the formation of a new Galactic Alliance Army may not play a decisive role, it is at least better than nothing. With such a Galactic Alliance Army, at least It can delay the fate of their Spartacus kingdom's destruction.

The Spartacus Kingdom is like this, so is it not the case with other countries in the galaxy. The slower the Spartacus Kingdom is destroyed, the longer it will take for other countries to deal with it, so reconvene the Galaxy Summit and form a new one. The matter of the Galactic Alliance is almost completely passable.

Victoria can almost foresee the direction of the whole thing, but she is not reconciled, in fact, no one would be reconciled, just watching their own country so destroyed, how many people would be reconciled.

But in this case, what can she do? Form the Galactic Alliance, evacuate the inhabitants of Spartacus and nearby planets as much as possible from the Milky Way, and set up a wandering Spartacus. The government, or in other words find a living planet outside the Milky Way to settle down again,
But so what?With the state of the symbiote army, sooner or later they will destroy the entire galaxy, and rush out of the galaxy, sweeping the entire universe. Such a trend cannot be stopped. At least for now, Victoria sees no hope of stopping it.

Does she really want to linger like this?Is it only possible to linger like this?

With a "boom", the golden spear in Victoria's hand had been slammed by her, and then nailed deeply to the golden gate of the palace.

Standing in the center of the hall, Victoria's chest was undulating. She managed to maintain the entire Spartacus Kingdom from Sanjay's hands, and finally escaped the fate of Thanos destroying half of the entire empire. With the army of symbiotes cleaning the universe, what happened one after another, as if the entire kingdom of Spartacus was really going to be destroyed, did she really have no power to resist at all?

Looking at her hands, Victoria gritted her teeth, but in the end she could only wave her hand dejectedly and sigh softly. Facing the tyrannical and overwhelming army of symbiotes, even a powerful being like Kerry's Supreme Intelligence sat in the foreground. The Cree Empire is bound to be destroyed, so how can her Spartacus Kingdom survive?So the only thing she can do now is prepare to flee.

The incomparable unwillingness in my heart can only be turned into a sigh in the end. All this is inevitable, but how to evacuate can ensure the survival of those lives in the Kingdom of Spartacus as much as possible. This is a very serious matter. Problem, one miscalculation is the death of hundreds of millions of lives.

After all, the Kingdom of Spartacus is just a commercial empire. Their jurisdiction over the living planets under them is not very strict. Unlike the strict rule of the Kree Empire, it is more closely related to the existence of tribal countries like the Skru Empire. More, it is more like a federal system.

If it is really necessary, then abandoning those outer life planets and only keeping the core life planets, such an approach with less loss will be an inevitable choice.

(End of this chapter)

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