Chapter 277

"That guy is like a clown in a circus." Stark shook his head and said, "Sooner or later, when he fails, I'll just wait here to see a good show."

The source of Stark's dissatisfaction with Rogers lies in his age. A person of the same generation as his father looks younger than himself, and even criticizes himself. This is the most unacceptable for Stark.

"Then I'll just read the newspaper!" Regarding Stark's childish style, Banner could only smile, glanced at Ling Xiao who was standing in front of the scepter and studied carefully, he turned and walked to the computer, and started own work.

"Why don't you dress up with us too." Suddenly, Stark said something without thinking.

"Forget it, I don't have your armor." Dr. Banner shook his head and refused: "With my body, I'm going out to kill myself, don't be kidding!"

"Ling also has armor, just ask him to make one for you!" Stark turned around and looked at Ling Xiao who was studying the Mind Stone.

Ling Xiao raised his head, glanced at Stark, and said angrily: "Your armor was controlled by Jarvis, and my armor needs to be activated with true energy. It's better to use mine than yours." It's convenient to come."

"I have no objection." Stark spread his hands and said, "But I'm worried that once he transforms, he will break his battle armor directly."

Think about Bruce Banner wearing a steel armor, suddenly transforming wildly in the armor, and smashing the iron armor to pieces. Thinking of this scene, Ling Xiao and Tony Stark couldn't help laughing at the same time up.

The laughter slowly subsided, Tony Stark stopped what he was doing, forced a smile on his face, and said, "Doctor, do you know that every second, there are a bunch of tiny particles in my body?" The shrapnel was trying to go into my heart and this thing protected me."

Stark pointed to the ark reactor on his chest, and said softly: "This little halo is already a part of my body. It is not only armor, but also a terrible gift."

"But you can completely control it." Although Dr. Banner's tone was low, he pointed out the difference between the two very sharply.

Stark shook his head slightly and said, "That's because I have learned the method."

Bruce Banner looked back at Ling Xiao, sighed slightly, and said, "I'm different from you."

"Hey." Stark reached out and slid all the information on the computer panel in front of Banner aside, stared at him and said, "Doctor, I know exactly what happened to you, such strong gamma rays are enough to kill is you,"

"You mean another guy in me, Hulk, he saved my life?" Banner smiled, but the smile on his face quickly disappeared: "That's a good idea, but why did he Save me? What is his purpose?"

"I don't know yet, but we will always find a way in the future." Stark said seriously.

"I think Tony's idea makes some sense." Ling Xiao put down the Mind Gem in his hand, looked at Bruce Banner, and said, "Doctor, I once had an idea, would the Hulk be killed by Gamma?" It was there before the radiation, the gamma rays just activated it."

Bruce Banner frowned and said, "It's unlikely. If there is a second consciousness in my mind, I and the people around me don't make sense, so I haven't discovered it for a long time."

"This is just my guess." Ling Xiao shook his head and said, "Doctor, no one knows where Hulk's bottom line is now, and no one dares to try it at will, but I believe that as long as you don't relax, you will always One day, you will be able to influence and control his."

"I hope that when the day comes, you can still be happy." Banner forced a smile, looked at the computer panel in front of him, and continued to work.

"Maybe!" Ling Xiao glanced at Stark and Banner, who were both starting to work, and he himself refocused his attention on the sapphire in front of him.

A huge oval blue gem with a diameter of 4 inches is firmly set on the golden scepter, and the indigo light flows quietly around the gem.This is a perfect energy crystal, its external structure is a pure energy structure, and the one-inch yellow gem at the core of the blue gem is the real soul gem.

The blue gemstone, and even the entire mind scepter, is just a carrier, binding the power of the mind gemstone in it, allowing the owner to use it without hindrance.

It can also be said that this is the self-protection ability of the gods, and the space gem is the same. The square blue crystal is just a carrier, and the blue oval gem at its core is the real space stone.

Holding the spiritual scepter in his hand, Ling Xiao carefully poked his spiritual consciousness into the energy core of the scepter, the Soul Stone.

The sharp spiritual consciousness penetrated the surrounding energy crystals with difficulty, and before Ling Xiao could react, his spiritual consciousness had already broken into a yellow ocean, like a grain of sand melting into the water surface, stirring up layers layer ripples.

In an instant, the spiritual scepter placed on the table began to vibrate slightly, and the blue gem at the top of the scepter swayed with a gorgeous blue light, like water waves, undulating in all directions, and almost in the blink of an eye, All the blue light was recovered again and merged into Ling Xiao's body.

Both Stark and Dr. Banner, who had been concentrating on their work, did not notice the slight changes in this very short period of time.

At this time, Ling Xiao was also in a dangerous situation. When his spiritual consciousness entered the soul gem and caused ripples, he also encountered a strong backlash.

A suffocating and powerful energy surged like a tidal wave. Ling Xiao's spiritual consciousness that had penetrated into the soul gem was smashed to pieces by the turbulent waves in an instant. In an instant, his seven orifices couldn't help it A line of blood seeped out.

This is not over yet, the turbulent energy of the Soul Gem surged towards his body along Ling Xiao's channel of spiritual knowledge and the spiritual scepter. The vast energy seemed to tear Ling Xiao's soul into pieces, absolutely Don't let go of this guy who offended his majesty.

At the critical moment, Ling Xiao decisively borrowed the ability of Professor Charles from the list of gods and demons.

Of course, he can also choose to use Wolverine's super self-healing power, but at this time he dare not bet, you know, Logan was shot in the head by Stryker with Edman bullets, although it did not cause any damage to his body. Hurt, but since then, he has also lost all previous memories.

Ling Xiao can only use less than one-tenth of Professor Charles' ability now, and he himself has broken through the powerful spiritual power of the innate realm to form a series of spiritual walls, which can finally block this turbulent force It took a few breaths.

This time may not be enough to do other things, but it is enough time for the list of gods and demons to rise from Ling Xiao's qi sea dantian to the outer edge of the eyebrows and consciousness sea. After the spiritual defense wall built by Ling Xiao himself is destroyed, he will firmly attack This energy is blocked at the periphery.

At this time, Ling Xiao's whole mind was blank, his eyes were white as he was holding the spiritual scepter tightly, his body twitched slightly, but he couldn't move, but he didn't make a sound strangely, Stark and Banner He didn't realize that Ling Xiao was already in danger of life and death.

Ling Xiao seemed unconscious, watching all this happening, he could only silently wait for the ruling of fate.

At this moment, I saw the list of gods and demons tremble slightly, and the spiritual energy that had been trying to rush towards Ling Xiao's sea of ​​consciousness was instantly dispersed, and then all of it was entered into my body by the list of gods and demons.

The invisible force of absorption drives the turbulent energy to form an energy vortex on the list of gods and demons. No matter how much energy surges from the mind stone, it will be absorbed by the list of gods and demons, and even transform into wisps of clean and pure spiritual power. It slowly penetrated into Ling Xiao's soul.

(End of this chapter)

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