The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 270 The Space Carrier

Chapter 270 The Space Carrier

Seeing Coulson, Rogers, and Ling Xiao who had just stepped off the plane, Natasha, who had been paying attention to Dr. Banner, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and walked up to the three of them first.

"Agent Romanov, Captain Rogers!" Coulson introduced Rogers and Natasha to each other when they met for the first time, and then pointed to Ling Xiao and said, "This is Ling, you have already met!"

"Hello, Miss Romanov." Rogers greeted Natasha with a smile. He already knew about this future colleague Rogers.

"Hello, Captain Rogers, Ling." Natasha nodded to the two, then looked at Coulson and said, "Colson, they want you to go to the bridge, they have already started tracking."

"Okay, I'll go right away." Speaking of business, Coulson said "see you later" to Rogers and Ling Xiao without any hesitation, and left directly.

After Coulson left, Natasha led the two of them forward and said, "Captain Rogers, you can be regarded as a man of power here, I thought Coulson would faint when he saw you. Did he ask you to sign his collection?"

"Collectibles?" Rogers stopped and looked at Natasha with a smile on his face. He had already seen that Coulson had some admiration for him before, but he never expected it to come to this point.

"Of course. That's the baby he's proud of, ha ha!" Natasha couldn't help laughing, and even Ling Xiao who was beside him also smiled.

While speaking, the three of them had come to Bruce Banner who was at a loss on the aircraft carrier.

Rogers looked like a captain. He directly stepped forward to shake hands with Dr. Banner, and said, "Dr. Banner, nice to meet you."

"Me too." Dr. Banner looked Rogers up and down seriously, and then said: "They told me you would come, it's really unbelievable, you look like a 20-year-old Just like young people. Oh, Ling, you're here too."

"Yes, Dr. Banner." Ling Xiao shook hands with him, and greeted him: "How are you doing, I'll find a room for you later and I'll take a look at it for you."

"Okay, then I'll trouble you!" Dr. Banner blinked. He knew that some things were not easy to say in front of others, so he didn't say anything more.

"I heard from them that you have a way to find the Rubik's Cube?" Seeing that the two of them had exchanged greetings, Rogers got down to business with a straight face.

"Did you just hear this about me?" Banner glanced at Natasha who was answering the phone next to him, with a mocking look on his lips.

Rogers shook his head and said seriously, "That's all I care about."

Rogers' words made Bruce Banner have a good impression of him, and the same is true for Ling Xiao. Compared with Tony Stark, although Steve Rogers is a bit old-fashioned, he is very straightforward and does not have so many twists and turns. People can't help being a little convinced.

Dr. Banner glanced at Ling Xiao, pointed to the mothership under his feet, and said to the two of them: "You must think all this is very novel!"

"It's okay!" Ling Xiao shook his head and said, "I went up to visit the Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier when it was moored in Los Angeles Port."

"Me too." Rogers smiled and said, "For me, all of this actually seems familiar. After all, there were already aircraft carriers during World War II, and we fought on them."

Although many of Rogers' heroic deeds are still being circulated, and some have even been made into movies and sent to museums, these things are in no way inferior to Rogers' own personal experience.

Hearing the nostalgic look on Rogers' face, Ling Xiao and Bruce Banner glanced at each other and fell silent at the same time.

At this time, Natasha, who was standing behind the three of them, suddenly stepped forward and said to the three of them, "Gentlemen, you'd better go inside now, as you won't be able to breathe outside for a while."

Rogers and Bruce Banner looked at each other, not knowing what Natasha was talking about, and there was no change in Ling Xiao's face. He knew what would happen next, and it was nothing more than the launch of the space carrier .

Now he can't remember what happened to the space carrier. Hawkeye's surprise attack caused great damage to the space carrier.

As the order to "clean up the deck" sounded, the surrounding ground staff began to run quickly, fixing everything that should be fixed firmly, and then retreated into the cabin collectively.

A loud sound wave rang in everyone's ears, and Rogers couldn't help wondering: "Is this a submarine?"

"So that's it." Dr. Banner said with some amusement: "It seems that they want to lock me in an airtight iron tank hidden deep under the water."

Natasha stood behind the two of them, smiled softly, and looked at Ling Xiao who had already walked to the edge of the deck. Compared with the other two, he seemed much calmer.

"What are you looking at..." Bruce Banner and Rogers, who walked behind Ling Xiao, opened their mouths in surprise when they saw the four turbines gradually lifting the entire mothership on the sea.This is really beyond their knowledge. An aircraft carrier capable of flying in the sky has never appeared in the entire history of human civilization.

"Ling, what do you think?" Natasha's golden-red hair was blown by a strong wind from the rapidly rotating turbine. At some point, she had already walked behind Ling Xiao, and asked in a low voice.

"I was thinking, what is the power source of this mothership!" Ling Xiao turned to look at Natasha sideways, smiled, and said: "This should be driven by nuclear power, oil, coal, electricity, The wind should not be able to bring it up."

"Of course, such an aerospace carrier can only be driven by nuclear power." Natasha subconsciously puffed up her chest, with a hint of pride in her tone.

"That's right!" Ling Xiao nodded and said, "No wonder you stop on the high seas. I don't think any country is willing to let such a big killer stop in its airspace. Maybe at some point, it will be killed by someone. Drop a nuclear bomb from the sky."

"Why do you always think about these aspects?" Natasha frowned, and said: "The construction of the Space Carrier by S.H.I.E.L.D. is reviewed and approved by the World Security Council. One of the members, a large part of the source of funding for this space carrier comes from the US government. As long as we enter the territory of the United States, the US government can keep track of our whereabouts at any time. Your worries are absolutely unnecessary. "

"Really?" Ling Xiao smiled softly. If this is the case, then why didn't SHIELD's space carrier appear over Manhattan when the aliens invaded? If they were there, the Avengers would They don't have to resist so hard.

The scene of the launch of the space carrier is extremely shocking and spectacular. Unfortunately, no one except the people from S.H.I.E.L.D. saw this spectacle.

Ling Xiao, Rogers, and Bruce Banner followed Natasha, entered the interior of the space carrier, and came all the way to the command room.

Nick Fury, wearing a blindfold, is concentrating on commanding his agents and operating the space carrier to lift off.

Dozens of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were busy operating, and also summarized the situation of all parties to Hill: "Check the hovering power... The hovering thing has been checked, and the position is stable... Prepare to set sail with all your strength and increase the output to the highest level. ...the power is all on and everything is ready."

"All engines are running normally, and S.H.I.E.L.D. emergency procedure No. 193.6 has been activated." Hill finally confirmed that all procedures are normal, and then turned to report to Nick Furyhui: "We have reached the predetermined altitude, sir."

"Very good." Fury nodded with satisfaction, and said proudly, "Then let us disappear from the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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