The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 2637 Leaving Xandar

Chapter 2637 Leaving Xandar

Looking at the beautiful planet that was gradually moving away, Rogers finally couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. This trip to Xandar had finally achieved his goal, much better than he expected before.

Perhaps it was precisely because of seeing Ling Xiao's attention on this matter that Xandar finally agreed not only to fully support the Earth at the Galaxy Summit, but also to discharge a small part of the elite force in the Corridor War that is likely to start in the future , to participate in that war.

In this way, Earth, Spartex, and the Nova Corps will be able to carry out in-depth cooperation on the details of the layout of troops on the future battlefield. This confidential information was revealed to them, and the Orion Federation could not be trusted at all. The two parties had never cooperated. Even if the Orion Federation came up and said that they trusted the earth [-]%, the earth itself could not believe it.

If there is no participation of the Nova Corps in this matter, then they will have to rely more on the Orion Federation and surrender their safety to a person who can betray you at any time. This is what the most stupid people will do.

To be honest, it’s not that Rogers is suspicious, it’s that they have never had any contact with Orion. If you entrust all your safety to a stranger who has never met before, it is either stupid or stupid.

After all, this involves hundreds of people on the entire Kerry cruiser, and it also involves the life and death of more elite fighters from the earth. Rogers is a person who is used to the battlefield, and he has seen many people's ghosts. It is different from the earth in many ways, but intelligent creatures have the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. It is not impossible for them to turn against strangers for their own benefit.

And even if Rogers thinks too much, the Orion Federation doesn't have much thought, but it's impossible for you to let people pay so much for you for no reason. There are many, so once on the battlefield, even if they cooperate with each other, it is easy for people to catch the loopholes in it.

As for the Qaidar Federation, Spartex, and Earth, at least there is a Guardian of the Galaxy among them who knows the background of all aspects. Once a war starts, the Guardian of the Galaxy will be in the center to command, and the three forces can be kneaded together. Unleash your full strength.

What's more, there is Asgard here. If Asgard participates, the power they can exert will be even greater, but if the Nova Corps is replaced by the unfamiliar Orion Federation, even if several parties join forces, the The strength that can be exerted will be extremely limited, and you may even be hindered.

Even if there are not many people sent by the Nova Corps, they can still spread suspicions and put a few more layers on it. At that time, it will definitely not be easy to accurately guess how many people the Nova Corps sent. things, unless one of them will reveal the real secret.

This is why Rogers is unwilling to bring in the Orion Federation. This matter is very important to them, but it is not the case for the people of the Orion Federation. They simply cannot understand the importance of this matter to the earth. And once they are pulled in, the secrets must be revealed to them, and the other party may not see many kinds of these secrets. Once they accidentally leak this information, the consequences will be disastrous.

In the final analysis, the most fundamental reason for all this is the lack of strength on the Earth side. If they have enough strength to defeat the symbiote army and at the same time resist the surprise attack of the Cree, then there is no need for them to do so much. something.

But for now, the situation is much better than they expected, because at this time, they have another hole card, and this hole card is the Victoria they took away from Xandar. Hande.

With the addition of Victoria Hand, although she does not have any advantage in terms of individual strength, as the official commander of an interstellar spaceship and a fleet commander who has received formal training from the Nova Corps, she can fully utilize the capabilities of the Kerry cruiser. To the limit, coupled with the subsequent reinforcements sent from the earth, it is at least an interstellar spaceship transformed from an space carrier, and that is the most suitable for Victoria Hand to play.

Among them, Rocket Raccoon was the only one who was really suitable for commanding an interstellar spaceship. Although Stark and Rocket Raccoon are also the top mechanical masters in the galaxy, the abilities of both sides have their own emphasis. Stark They are better at mechanical intelligent life, while Rocket Raccoon is familiar with almost all spacecraft structures and weapon manufacturing in the entire galaxy, so they rely more on Rocket Raccoon when it comes to actually commanding spacecraft operations.

However, if it is in one-on-one extreme combat, Rocket Raccoon can still use the capabilities of the spaceship to the limit, but if hundreds or thousands of spaceships are involved in the battle, Rocket Raccoon can find his position in it. Not bad, after all, he has never participated in this kind of large-scale battle experience, and it is a large-scale interstellar battle, which is even more difficult.

Nebula and Gamora may have participated in large-scale interstellar battles of this level, but the two of them participated most of them as fighters. In terms of spaceship command, they are not even as good as Rocket Raccoon.

As for other people, let alone, although Rogers participated in the cruel war of World War II on Earth, it was a war on the ground after all, and it is completely different from interstellar warfare. One is on a two-dimensional plane, and the other is three-dimensional interstellar warfare. In combat, there are many details that Rogers can't think of.

Victoria Hand has also never participated in a large-scale interstellar battle, but he has received formal training from the Nova Corps after all. Even if he has not personally experienced such an interstellar battle, he has definitely received relevant training and even experienced certain Simulation combat.

This is Victoria Hand's advantage. With her, at least in terms of interstellar combat, they don't have to worry about their own strength being unable to be used. Even if Kerry wants to do something, they have to escape her and Rocket Raccoon. The eyes of two people.

"You said, why don't you bring more people? In this case, it will be more handy to command at that time, right?" Natasha was chatting with Victoria Hand, and while chatting, she was also inquiring about Mandela, the planet of life. Condition.

On the side, Scarlet Witch Wanda and Thunderbolt Jonathan were also listening quietly. The two of them had a good relationship with Ling Xiao. Wanda and Pietro were originally members of the Interstellar Immigration Bureau and were Ling Xiao's subordinates. Ling Xiao's relationship is very close. At the beginning, Ling Xiao even invited them to the living planet Mandela.

Pietro wanted to go to Mandela very much. The most important thing was that he wanted to leave the earth. He was very tired of these messy things on the earth, so he really wanted to leave here, but in the end Wanda insisted on staying. In order to take care of my sister, I stayed.

The relationship between Jonathan and Ling Xiao is also good. When they were in San Francisco, they once dealt with Mephisto together. They can be regarded as comrades-in-arms together. After cooperating with each other on various battlefields, the relationship between the two sides is not bad.

But Thunderbolt never thought that Ling Xiao's strength would grow so fast. In the beginning, everyone's strength was about the same, but I don't know when Ling Xiao's strength began to surpass him. Later, he was even able to compete with Thanos.

It probably has something to do with Asgard. Ling Xiao’s strength increases are accompanied by Asgard’s accidents, but these things are inseparable from the Infinity Gems in the final analysis, and Ling Xiao finally became famous Also because of the Infinity Stones.

Jonathan also wants to hear how Ling Xiao is doing now, after all, he also occupies a planet now.

Regarding the matter above Mandela, Victoria Hand passed it very easily, she just smiled and looked at Natasha and said: "I would like to bring more people over, but is the Earth willing? The people who occupy the important command positions of the spaceship, can the people on Earth rest assured?"

(End of this chapter)

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