The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 2635 Orion Federation

Chapter 2635 Orion Federation

The Orion Federation is a huge interstellar country that spans several galaxies. It is only a part of the Milky Way. On the one hand, it is very similar to the Kerry Empire. Not all of them are in the Milky Way, but they firmly occupy the position of the Milky Way. .

The northern part of the Orion Federation is immersed in the Milky Way. This part is called the Orion Nebula. It is a huge planetary nebula in the Milky Way. The young, massive and high-temperature stars in the nebula emit intense radiation, ionize the hydrogen gas, and produce a spectacular scene.

From a distance, it can be seen that the shape of the Orion Nebula is like a big bird with spread wings. Its brightness is quite high, second only to the Kalina Nebula in the whole sky, and it can be seen with naked eyes in areas without light pollution. Observable.

This part of the celestial body is about 1500 light-years away from the earth, and it is located in one of the spiral arms of the Milky Way. Stealing bovinesdelicious and filthy. When you are tired of eating green onions and eating horses, you wave your suow and say ё ammonia!Barium clatter?br />
The Orion Nebula is a stellar nursery in the Orion Milky Way galaxy. To some extent, this is the real reason why they really pay attention to the symbiote god Gnar and his symbiote army. If it is destroyed, then they cannot be alone.

The Orion Federation is a very powerful interstellar country. Like the Qaidar Federation, part of them borders the Cree Empire in the interstellar field, but this is a country that is even more powerful than the Qaidar Federation Nova Corps. There are also constant wars with the Cree Empire.

The commander of Orion has a bit of a bad temper. When he was with the Galactic Council last time, he almost fought directly with the Supreme Intelligence. Although it cannot be said that Orion really has the strength to compete with the Kree Empire, at least in Kree When the main focus of the empire was on Scruw, the Orion Federation was able to beat him to pieces.

Although the Kree Empire did not put all its energy on the Orion Federation, the Orion Federation also has huge potential. This part of the galaxy only accounts for less than 1/9 of the entire Federation. [-], the two powerful countries really want to break out of war, and it will not be resolved in a short while.

Speaking of which, despite the extremely rapid development of the Cree Empire in recent years, in fact, he has not annexed many truly valuable powers. Most of the ones he annexed are some independent life planets. For some really big powers, Before the war with Skrull comes to an end, they do not have the strength to take down these countries. The most typical example here is the Qaida Federation.

Over the years, the Kerry Empire has been trying to win the Qaidar Federation, and they have spent a lot of manpower and material resources for this, but in the end they still failed to win the Nova Corps and the Qaidar Federation, and were even forced to sign a truce with them agreement, which eventually led to Ronan's rebellion.

The Ronan family, from his grandfather, his father, to him, they have all been involved in this centuries-long war. , but the Kerry Empire still holds the initiative and still holds the advantage on the battlefield. However, under such circumstances, the Supreme Intelligence still chooses to reach an armistice agreement with the Qaida Federation Nova Corps, which is really unacceptable.

In fact, examples like Ronan are not isolated. In the Kerry military, there are many people who hold the same attitude as Ronan, but they did not directly express it like Ronan. After all, not everyone can Became the accuser of the Kree Empire.

But it doesn't mean that they will do nothing. In fact, it is because of their secret support that Ronan can persevere.

In the galaxy universe, there are not a few countries like the Qaidar Federation and the Orion Federation. The more the Kree Empire expands outward, the more interstellar countries it contacts, and the more hard rocks like this it encounters.

Although Kerry, Skrull, and Shia are one of the three great empires in the universe, on the one hand, this is because they have the most advanced technology in the universe, and on the other hand, it is because they have a huge empire territory and thousands of lives The planet is not something everyone can do.

But despite this, regardless of Kerry, Skrull, or even Shea, they cannot run amok in the interstellar universe. After all, the larger the interstellar territory, the larger the territory that needs to be guarded. Without the involvement of other empires, it is actually not that easy for them to destroy a country that is slightly inferior to them in power, or a country that is even weaker in strength.

If such a country has more countries with similar strengths as alliances, it will be even more difficult to win them, and even if they barely win, they will have to pay a huge price, and they must be careful of other countries Stab them from behind.

The current situation of Kerry is somewhat similar. Although they have the upper hand in the war with Skrull, because of their domineering style, there are many countries that are dissatisfied with them. The Qaida Federation and the Orion Federation are just two of them. In addition, in the universe, there is always a need to guard against terrorist figures like Thanos and Gnar, the god of symbiosis, and it is even more difficult to maintain the stability of the situation.

From this point of view, the Supreme Wisdom reached an armistice agreement with the Qaida Federation to resolve the Skrull Empire first. This can be seen from his active preparations for the war with Skrull, but it is a pity that this The war that had been prepared for a long time was delayed again and again due to various reasons, first Thanos, then Gnar, the god of symbiosis, and who knows if there will be other troubles in the future...

Thinking about Roman Day's attitude on that day, the way he showed it showed that all this is not over yet, if this is really the case, then things will be much more troublesome, maybe he should get rid of everything behind it It is clear that, if anything, Earth must be prepared.

To be honest, Rogers originally did not hope to get the help of the Orion Federation. After all, in his opinion, there is not much relationship between the Orion Federation and the earth. Only Asgard, Spartex and the Nova Corps are really reliable. But the problem happened to be stuck in the Qaida Federation.

Regarding this point, everyone present is very clear, and the attitude shown by the Orion Federation now also makes everyone happy.

After analyzing the intentions of the Orion Federation, they concluded that Orion may have paid attention to this incident a long time ago, depending on their attitude and enthusiasm. There is no doubt that the same is true within the Orion Federation. There are countless sibiometric fighters in existence.

Once the symbiote god Gnar follows the trend and wipes out Skrull, Kerry and other galactic planets, he will soon arrive at Orion, so before that, they must also hope to see the symbiote army. It was completely wiped out before breaking through the Milky Way.

"So facilitating this so-called Corridor Battle is of great benefit to the Orion Federation. However," Rogers shook his head as he watched the crowd, and said, "Don't be too happy, even though the Orion Federation has promised to support us as a galaxy They are part of the parliament, but when it comes to the battlefield, they may not help us, they may even reach an agreement with Kerry and Skrull, and if they fail, they will stab us in the back."

Hearing Rogers say this, the very exciting expression gradually became serious. Rogers was right in the slightest, they have good relations with Asgard, Spartex, and the Qaidar Federation , but there is nothing between them and the Orion Federation, nothing.

Asgard and Earth have fought side by side for countless times. The queen of Spartacus is Star-Lord’s sister. There is also a relationship between the Qaida Federation, otherwise why would the power gem that should be in the hands of the Qaida Federation appear in Ling Xiao's hands.

Although the Nova Corps said that they will not help them in this matter, their attitude is very clear and frank, which shows that they will not stab the earth in the back, which is the most reassuring.

(End of this chapter)

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