The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 2632 Rejection of Nova Corps

Chapter 2632 Rejection of Nova Corps

The Xandar star, which I haven’t seen for a long time, although it is said that after a destruction by Thanos, nearly half of the residents died in the hands of Thanos, but they survived in the end, and in the following time, Xandar Star It began to be rebuilt, and quickly restored its former prosperity.

At this time, the Miranda is in the outer space of Xandar. If it was placed in the past, they would be put in immediately after they came here, but the situation is different now. Since the Thanos incident, the Nova Corps has already Enhanced in and out review here.

Especially in the current situation, there are so many symbiote fighters coming out of nowhere in the universe. If the Nova Corps hadn't responded in a timely manner, then I am afraid that an unknown number of symbiote fighters have broken into Shindar Star. Maybe the Xandar star will also become one of Gnar's targets.

But fortunately, the Qaidar Federation and the Nova Corps paid attention to the symbiote incident very early, and they knew some inside information very clearly, so they were able to prevent the symbiote from entering Xandar at a critical moment.

The current situation is completely different from the past. Although Xandar is an interstellar federation with free entry and exit, they must be responsible for everyone on the planet. The Thanos incident has taught them a lesson. Now, at this time, they Only more cautious.

"Do you think the Supreme Nova will agree to join us this time?" Rogers looked at the crowd with a heavy heart.

It has been a while since they left the Kerry cruiser, but during this time, what they have done can only be regarded as mediocre. It cannot be said that it is going well, nor can it be said that there is no progress at all. Everyone is waiting and watching, unwilling Give the answer easily.

Regarding the expectation of the Battle of the Corridor, they sent it back to Earth very early, and the Earth quickly responded.

Obviously, in this matter, those politicians are more sophisticated than them. Although it is indeed the best time to join the Galactic Council, those people actually paid attention to the concerns raised by the Avengers inside.

Although it is said that almost all countries tend to join the Galactic Council in the end, they are not in a hurry to join the Galactic Council. In the eyes of Rogers and Stark, although it is not possible to start action now, it cannot be too late , otherwise they act too late, and it is easy for others to reach a consensus in advance. At that time, they will be no different from the fish on the chopping board, and they can only be slaughtered by others.

But those people in the United Nations are not in a hurry at all. They have their own considerations about when they can strive for the greatest benefits for the earth, especially after referring to the supreme wisdom mentioned by Carroll and Rogers during their discussions. Peeping, which makes them more cautious.

But having said that, some preparatory work still needs to be carried out in advance. The earth will not even send any official manpower. It is only suggested that the Guardians of the Galaxy will take Rogers and several other members to deep space in advance. Cosmos, further listen to the attitudes and rumors of various countries, first reach a consensus on communication, and then act decisively after the matter has progressed to a certain level, so that others have no time to stop it.

This time with the Guardians of the Galaxy, besides Rogers, there are Natasha the Black Widow, Barton the Hawkeye, Wanda the Scarlet Witch and Jonathan the Human Torch. They originally planned to let Quicksilver come, but there is no way, quick Silver had a reaction to a nuclear disease. In this case, they couldn't let him take the risk with anyone, they could only replace it with Jonathan the Human Torch.

There are a lot of people who want to come along, Quasar from Team Alpha, the little spider Peter Parker, and Heracles and others all want to come along, but to be honest, the Miranda people simply cannot accommodate so many people , Once in danger, more people will cause obstacles.

Carol can't come with her. Her goal is too big, and it's too inconspicuous. Once the Cree and Skrull find out, she might kill them immediately, which will bring them trouble instead. They also need Carol to sit on the spaceship to avoid any accidents.

Stark can't come along either, they have already taken away a mechanical master, if Stark also follows, if the Supreme Intelligence uses other means to do it, then they probably won't have any power to resist, In addition, the number of people that the Miranda can accommodate is limited, so in the end only a few of them came with this one.

There must be a leader among them, a person who can truly represent America and the entire earth, and besides Rogers, it is difficult to find another person. Apart from him, Natasha has excellent diplomatic skills. Hawkeye has the ability to fight in complex environments, Scarlet Witch Wanda can deal with enemies on the magical level, and Human Torch Jonathan has amazing speed, and he is also proficient in fire attributes.

Once Jonathan turns into a flame state, he can still confuse some people. His only shortcoming is that he cannot burn for too long in the newborn universe. This is not a matter of one or two hours, but months or even In a few years, he is inferior to Kuaiyin in this respect. As long as he wears the life-support hood, Kuaiyin can keep running in the starry universe. No one can compare to him in this respect.

But no one thought that the influence of nuclear radiation disease appeared on Kuaiyin's body. In this case, they could not force him into the deep space universe regardless of his safety. In the end, they could only replace him with Human Torch. .

Kuaiyin was originally dissatisfied with their first choice of Kuaiyin, but when they finally chose him, he couldn't help being happy.

In half a month, they have arrived in the Kingdom of Spartex. According to the news conveniently transmitted by the Kerry cruiser, Mister Fantastic Reed has already destroyed all the backup samples of the symbiote in his hand. During this time, The Supreme Intelligence did not attack them as Carol predicted, and Kuaiyin's condition was completely suppressed and gradually improved.

Their first stop was the Kingdom of Spartex. After all, the current queen is Star-Lord's younger sister. They also felt very troubled by the symbiote fighters that kept emerging during this period of time. There is nothing wrong with the capital, but other However, there are already many symbiote fighters lurking in the subordinate planets.

There is no doubt that if everything is allowed to develop, it will not be long before the army of symbionts will kill the kingdom of Spartacus.

In this case, they either have to fight the symbiote army head-on, or they have to choose to give up part of the planet and keep their capital.

And when Star-Lord brought the news about the Battle of the Galaxy Corridor, the Queen couldn't help but her eyes lit up, and said ten thousand words. Although Spartacus was in danger in this matter, the Kree Empire was still in the way. In front of their eyes, they never thought of joining forces with the Cree before, but now that the Cree have a plan, they just need to wait for the Cree to implement it.

Of course, even if it is to prevent the Cree from bringing the war to Spartex, they must participate in this matter.

Regarding the matter of allowing Earth to join the Galactic Council and contacting the Supreme Commander of Orion, Queen Spartacus also agreed to help them get in touch, and reached an agreement on future cooperation in the Council. In this regard, they all went smoothly.

But then, unsatisfactory things happened. They also tried to contact the Nova Corps and the Qaidar Federation through Spartacus. However, although the Nova Corps did not directly refuse to join forces with the Cree, they never It can be seen from the connection between the two parties that they are not very interested in this matter, which is also understandable. After all, to be honest, the symbiont does not pose too much threat to them, and they can survive this catastrophe by themselves.

But in this matter, the earth cannot lack the support of the Qaidar Federation. Without the support of the Qaidar Federation and the Nova Corps, Spartex and the Orion Federation alone will not be able to get enough support from the Galactic Council. The right to speak, the whole situation will be completely out of control by then.

Instead of this, it would be better if they don't join the Galactic Council and participate in it as Thor and Asgard, and they won't suffer.

(End of this chapter)

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