The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 2630 Galactic Council

Chapter 2630 Galactic Council

"Quayle is right." Rogers nodded in agreement, and then said: "We absolutely can't just join hands with the three countries Kerry, Skrull and Shia, and more countries need to be involved. , so as to make them more scruples, and even stimulate the internal conflicts among the three of them, so that the Cree cannot spare energy to target us. Even if they have ideas, the manpower they can mobilize is very limited. few."

Fishing in troubled waters, if there are only three interstellar powers, Kree, Skrull, and Shea, then there is no doubt that everything will be decided by the three of them. The earth is just a pawn that can be used at will, but if there are more The participation of more interstellar countries will make the entire alliance more chaotic and prevent some people from targeting them, so the situation will be much better.

At that time, within the entire alliance, there will not be only the three forces of Kerry, Skrull, and Shea. The combined strength of the Earth and Spartex, the Nova Corps, and the others will not be inferior to any of the other three, and even more so. What's more, they can also call Thor's Asgard, and even let Ling Xiao send someone from Mandela, the living planet, so that the Kerry people will be even more afraid to act rashly.

Of course, this is not all good. They can win over other countries, and Kerry, Skrull, and Shea can also do the same. With the huge size of their three empires, they force one or two countries to follow them at any time. Echo, it's not hard at all.

Even as long as the three of them decide internally, as long as they are brought to the meeting, and one or two other countries betray the water, many things will become final at that time. This is nothing more than turning the conspiracy into a public conspiracy. It's just about letting them do things and not taking it too far.

So even if it is carried out according to their plan, there must be no carelessness in the end. Otherwise, if you are really cheated by then, it will be difficult to go back on your word. In the end, there will be even more reasons for others to deal with you and excuses.

Of course, there is no need to worry too much. No one can predict the development of the war situation. Maybe after World War I, all the troops sent by the Kree Empire to participate in the war will be destroyed. Just be careful and don’t let others take action against them If there are opportunities, then even if there are some crises, they will be able to deal with them.

"Then now we need a person and organization that can organize all these countries." Natasha looked at Xingjue and asked, "Quiel, do you have any good suggestions here?"

"The Galactic Council, now it seems that the only way to adjust this matter is through the Galactic Council." Xingjue frowned and looked at the crowd. Seeing the confusion on most of their faces, he quickly explained Said: "The Galactic Council includes Spartacus, Qaidar Federation, Asgard, Orion Federation, and the Kree Empire. Whenever the Galactic Council encounters a major crisis, it will hold a Galactic Summit to bring together all forces. The heads are all assembled."

As he said that, Quill couldn't help looking at Nebula and Gamora, and then continued: "The last time the Galaxy Summit was held, it was because Thanos had gradually approached the Milky Way. The halberd is heavy, but you may not be aware that it is precisely because the countries of the Galactic Council have contained the main force of the dark sect under Thanos that the earth can be so relaxed."

Easy, was the battle against Thanos easy? I'm afraid everyone present didn't think so. Star-Lord also participated in that battle. Of course he was very clear about the tragic nature of that battle, but in his mouth The word "easy" still popped up in it, which shows how much the other countries of the Galactic Council have contributed to that matter, and about all of this, few people on the earth know.

"In any case, we still need to have a deeper understanding of the Galactic Council." Rogers waved his hand, interrupting everyone's thinking on this issue, and at the same time said: "And among those countries just now, there is no Skrull and Shia, I think it’s because they are not galactic countries, but the earth, the earth is also a galactic country, maybe this is our chance to join the Galactic Council, of course, this requires the United Nations..."

It means whether you have decided to join the Galactic Council, and whether the earth’s current technological level is ready. You must know that once you join the Galactic Council, it means that the Earth must be ready to welcome more countries and forces from other countries in the galaxy. There are not only guests, friends and enemies, but also greedy guys like predators. These things need to be decided by the United Nations and all countries in the United Nations.

In addition, how to join the Galactic Council, what rights and councils you will have after entering the Galactic Council, these are all things that need to be negotiated by professional people. They need to understand all the relevant legal provisions of the Galactic Council. Text stuff to investigate,

There is still a lot of work to be done here, and it is precisely because of this that the participation of various countries on the earth is even more necessary. The Galactic Parliament, such things, the Avengers cannot make decisions on behalf of various countries on the earth.

If Rogers hadn't finished speaking, Star-Lord would have interrupted him with a half-smile: "I'm sorry, Captain, to a certain extent, Earth is already a member of the Galactic Council, and has always represented It was Asgard that he spoke."

Hearing what Xingjue said, everyone present couldn't help being slightly taken aback, but they quickly realized that, that's right, since Asgard is already a member of the Galactic Council, Asgard has always been respected by Asgard. The protected earth is naturally also one of the internal members of the alliance, but their right to speak has always been in their own hands, and they are only one of the nine kingdoms of the Asgard world tree system.

"Don't listen to Quill's nonsense." Rocket Raccoon gave Star-Lord an angry look, and then continued: "Although the earth is one of the countries under Asgard, you can also be completely independent and use your own Joining the Galactic Council in name is a completely different set of procedures, and it is easier to accept, the procedures are relatively simple, and there is enough time. Of course, all of this is based on the fact that the earth is strong enough."

"But it may not be all good." Nebula on the side said with a sneer: "If the earth really joins the Galactic Council in its own name, it means that the earth has broken away from the protection of Asgard. The first hurdle is Asgard, but I believe that with the relationship between you and Thor, it is not difficult to get Asgard to agree, but you have to think clearly, without the protection of Asgard, the earth can really deal with it. Is there much crisis?"

Hearing what Nebula said, Carol, Stark, and Rogers looked at each other. Although they looked at each other, they finally said with certainty: "This should not be difficult. The earth has encountered many crises in recent years, but We haven't come here yet. And this matter is only in name. In the future, whether the earth is in crisis or Asgard is in crisis, we will still help each other. After all, we are the closest partners and comrades."

Hearing what Carol said, Rocket Raccoon and Nebula looked at each other, with helpless wry smiles on their faces, but these people still thought that this matter was too easy to see, how could it be so easy.

Once the earth is out of the protection of Asgard, even if they form an alliance with each other, some essential things must be disconnected. After all, they are just allies, not one party belonging to the other as before. Close relationship, there are many things that allies cannot do.

In this regard, once the earth is caught by the Cree Empire, then Asgard may not be able to intervene at all, and Thor is the same. After all, he is not only himself, but also Asgard's new king of gods, king of the gods. Father, once the relationship between the two parties changes, there are some things that Asgard simply cannot interfere with.

There are many details involved in this, and it cannot be fully explained by simply talking about it. Now Carol, Stark, and Rogers and the Avengers already think this way, let alone the people on Earth. Those politicians, they may only be able to see the opportunities that come from this, but they have no idea of ​​the risks involved. They have no idea how many countries have been directly destroyed in this step.

However, whether it is Carroll, Rogers, or Stark, they are all extremely smart guys. They may not be able to imagine these things for a while, but after a long time, they can always imagine that there is a crisis in them. Just ask the Guardians of the Galaxy, and they will be able to figure out the relevant situation, but generally speaking, this time on Earth, maybe you really have to decouple from Asgard in name.

Perhaps this is what the Supreme Intelligence really wants.

(End of this chapter)

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