Chapter 2628

Everyone's movements are very agile, because they all know that what they need most now is time.

But even if they hurry up, it will still take a long time for them to completely control such a huge interstellar cruiser. Fortunately, they have enough people to control all aspects of the problem. , and someone is responsible.

Therefore, all the remains of the symbionts outside and the soldiers were cleaned up—all the meteorites, large and small, within a radius of a hundred miles were completely destroyed...

The superheroes and agents working outside also returned to the spaceship, and the damaged parts of the spaceship cabin were finely repaired. The power engine of the spaceship was returned to its original position, and the energy generated was also detected and transported to among various systems.

The spaceship's energy shield rose, the flight system started to operate, and the Kree cruiser disappeared from its original position in the blink of an eye.

However, 48 hours after the spaceship left this star field, a small unmanned airship flew in from a distance, and then disappeared into the starry sky in the blink of an eye. Since then, there has been no movement in this star field.

These were all things that happened a long time ago. Nebula glanced at the message sent back by the unmanned airship and confirmed that there hadn't been any changes for a while after they left, so she went to the meeting room with confidence.

Up to now, they finally want to make a summary for this trip to the starry sky, and after that, they also have to discuss the next action, all the next actions, especially the corridor one proposed by the Supreme Wisdom before leaving. war.

Up to now, the spaceship has finally been temporarily controlled by them this time, and it can carry out normal flight, combat, and defense. The further he dragged, the less likely he would be able to take the spaceship back.

Enter the meeting room, Captain America Rogers, Captain Marvel, Carol, Iron Man Stark, Black Widow Natasha, Hawkeye Button, Hercules, Alex Summers, Spider-Man, Scarlet Witch Wanda , Vision, Quicksilver, Human Torch and Guardians of the Galaxy and many other superheroes are here.

Of course, not everyone has come here. Their spaceship still needs to run, and they also need to guard against the enemy during the flight. The members of the Alpha team led by Hyperion are guarding against possible threats that may appear in the starry sky universe. all enemies.

But it doesn't matter whether they appear here. Their interests are fought for by Captain Marvel, and they don't need to worry about anything.

Rogers was the first to speak. He glanced at everyone present and said solemnly: "Although in this battle, we have tried our best to reduce the casualties to the limit, but some comrades were unfortunately killed or injured. I hope Everyone can remember them."

Before the final decisive battle with the Kree symbiont fighters, there were no casualties on the earth side, but one or two unlucky ones had some small injuries because of themselves. After the symbiote fighters started fighting, no matter how well prepared they were, some of them accidentally died in the hands of the Kree symbiote fighters.

In addition, there are even more injured people, but generally speaking, many superheroes did not die when the Kree people, the situation is not too bad.

"Let's talk about the next thing, Carol and I have already discussed it, and we are not going to return to Earth." Rogers looked at the people present, and then said: "We still need to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the entire spaceship. No one knows where there is a symbiote backup sample hidden in any corner. We are not going to return to Earth until all the hidden dangers on the spacecraft are cleared.

In addition, even if those of us safely escaped from the star field where the nuclear bomb exploded, there is no doubt that each of us has received extremely strong nuclear radiation, followed by a cruel nuclear reaction.

Fortunately, most of the medicines we carry have been preserved. In addition, the Kerry treatment equipment of this Kerry cruiser can also help us actively carry out treatment. We don’t need to return to Earth. In fact, we all know that even if Returning to Earth will not help us any more. "

The nuclear radiation produced by hundreds of nuclear missiles is so simple. In fact, before they left the earth, they had already prepared for all this. The most advanced treatment and radiation medicine on the earth, and There are all kinds of equipment, almost all they can bring.

After all, they are in the starry universe, the sooner they receive treatment, the better for them.

In addition, after snatching this Kree cruiser, they can use the more advanced medical equipment of the Kree Empire for treatment. Although this Kree cruiser does not carry too many drugs and equipment for the treatment of nuclear radiation, But just these normally equipped medical instruments are already much stronger than the earth side, enough to control their situation adequately.

Nuclear radiation is not something that anyone can bear, even if they are as strong as a superhero, sometimes it is difficult to avoid the effects of radiation.

Ordinary people are fine. Among superheroes, apart from Hyperion, Carol, and Alex, even Stark may not be immune to the effects of nuclear radiation. Wanda, Vision, Quicksilver , Natasha, Barton and others are all like this.

But there are two people who are not sure, these are Hercules and Jonathan the Human Torch, one of them is the god of Mount Olympus, and the other has been affected by space radiation particles, so now they are facing this nuclear radiation , their results are really hard to say.

Nuclear radiation may make them stronger, but it may also make them weaker, and there are obvious particles in it.

Those who become stronger because of radiation will not be mentioned. Hulk and Fantastic Four are examples of this, but because of nuclear radiation, radiation particles become weak and even eventually die. A very obvious example is A female Thor Jane Foster from a certain dimension in time and space.

Although the female Thor held Thor's hammer after being broken and became one of Thor's gods, she did not know when she had been infected with heavy radiation effects, cancer found her, and in the end, her fate He didn't get better because of getting Thor's Hammer, and finally died on the sick bed.

The mighty Hammer of Thor is not capable of curing cancer, knowing the effects of nuclear radiation, let alone anything else.

Once the effects of nuclear radiation are manifested on these people, everything may be very late. Even returning to the earth, apart from allowing them to build up for their families before they die, there is actually not much help. Earth's healing methods will cause them pain instead.

Instead of this, it’s better to receive Kerry treatment equipment on the spaceship. The sooner the treatment starts and the longer the treatment time, the greater the possibility that they will eventually recover. Earth has no opinion anymore.

Nebula actually doesn't care about some so-called nuclear radiation. She has never seen anything before. Although the impact of nuclear radiation is very strong, it may not be able to do anything to her, and it may not even affect Gamora. Ba's subordinates have worked for them before, and Thanos has already carried out various transformations for them, to resist all kinds of transformations in extremely harsh environments, and their bodies are very resistant.

Of course, nuclear radiation has a great impact on the people on the earth, especially in Xingyun's view. Although the earth has experienced disasters one after another over the years, to be honest, the superheroes still stay in the comfort zone. It's been too long, so that the various resistances in their bodies are really bad.

"Very good!" Rogers' voice awakened Nebula again, and seeing that everyone had no objections, Rogers continued: "Since everyone has no objections, our spaceship is going to the next space wormhole. Everything we experience here will be transmitted to Earth through the telematics system, which also involves information about the Battle of the Corridor."

Regarding the Battle of the Corridor, Rogers and Carroll have both discussed it. Although they have various concerns, they still need to send the relevant information to the earth, because when they participate in the war, they will need the assistance of the earth. They always Can't drive a Kree cruiser to fight side by side with the Kree people, it's almost the same as dying.

(End of this chapter)

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