The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 2601 The Cree's Sudden Attack

Chapter 2601 The Cree's Sudden Attack

"Let's go, let's go back." Carol withdrew her gaze. She had decided not to pay attention to Colonel Cole and his party who had already left. Regardless of whether what he said was true or not, their entire fleet only Bring a symbiote fighter, a symbiote gene sample, but now that he has left, Carol can only believe that what he said is true, after all, what he said is right, their biggest enemy right now Or Kree.

The Kree talents are the biggest enemy of the entire earth. In the entire universe, perhaps they are the country that has conducted the most experiments on symbiote fighters. I don't know how many symbiote fighters there are, but there is no doubt that this number is definitely not a minority.

And the reason why Carol insisted on destroying Colonel Cole and his party was because in her opinion, the Kree Empire was like a cruel wolf, while the Skrulls were like sinister and vicious snakes. She didn't want to face the wild wolf head-on, and at the same time worry about being bitten by a poisonous snake from behind.

In any case, put the matter of the Skrulls aside for the time being, and they will face the Kree next. Although the Skrull fleet is strong and strong, but the earth only dispatched Carol and Stark. They were cleaned up, but on the one hand, it was because they had an unexpected advantage, and on the other hand, it was also because the fleet of the Skrull Empire was indeed not as strong as Kerry.

But now, Carol and Stark have been exposed, and it is impossible for them to attack the Skrulls to attack the Cree like before, and even if they are not exposed, it is not so easy to destroy the Cree spaceship, The strength of the spaceships of the Kerry fleet is much stronger than that of the Scruis. Even if Carroll can succeed in a sneak attack, he can only destroy one of the spaceships at most. It is not easy to cause greater results.

Except for her, it is basically impossible for other people on the earth to cause such a result, unless Thor is here.

It is precisely because of this that if they want to cause greater results, they must use another method. Even if they really have nuclear bombs, it is not a panacea.

"The Kree will arrive here in 5 minutes, you two hurry up and get into the reserve position." The person who said this has been replaced by Captain America Rogers, Rogers' voice is a bit hurried, although Carol and Star Ke's speed is very fast, but 5 minutes in the Star Wars can really be fatal, so for Rogers, the sooner Stark and Carroll return to their positions, the better.

In the current spaceship, it is Rocket Raccoon who is in charge of commanding, not Rogers. If it is said that in ground warfare, Rogers' countless battlefield experience can be of great help, but in the current starry sky environment, if Rogers really If he wants to use his previous combat experience on Earth to command operations, then there may be a big loophole somewhere he doesn't know.

The interstellar war in the cosmic sky is definitely not as simple as the earth war. There are six directions, the vacuum environment of the universe, the performance of various spaceships, the power and attack range of various attack weapons, and so on. If something goes wrong somewhere, it could cause the whole situation to collapse completely, and all of them will not survive.

Rogers is very self-aware. He knows that now is not the time for him to practice. The whole battle situation is related to them and the lives of billions of people on the entire earth. His understanding of the overall situation of the battle situation is nothing more than a little personal advice. He dare not do more, and others dare not let him command at will.

Now everyone's eyes are fixed on the largest light energy screen inside the spaceship. The light energy screen clearly shows the distance between the Kerry fleet and the location of the space wormhole. It only takes a few minutes in total. Carol and Stark must return immediately.

At this time, even the most optimistic people must admit that Carol and Stark have been completely exposed. They must return to the meteorite array as soon as possible and use the meteorite array to cover their tracks. Otherwise, once Kerry If the fleet is locked, once the opponent arrives, the two of them will definitely suffer an extremely strong blow. You must know that the two of them are the two most powerful combat forces in their group.

After being urged by Rogers, Carol and Stark, who were already a little nervous, began to accelerate towards the meteorite formation. At this time, the Skrull frigate, which was strangled by the starry octopus, had also been strangled. Out of the cracks, almost all the fighters among them have already flown into the body of the starry octopus, trying to find the star core of the starry octopus and destroy it, but for some reason, they have never found the location of the starry octopus core .

Before Carol and Stark, the battle with Colonel Cole's spaceship was far away from here, and they couldn't see the specific details at all. They only knew that a spaceship escaped in the end, but they didn't know Whether there is Colonel Moros, a symbiote fighter, on the spaceship, they are not clear about the whereabouts of Colonel Cole, because after that, Colonel Cole has never contacted them at all, and they have no idea that they have been abandoned .

Regarding the return of Carol and Stark, there are still a few people left on the spaceship who can only nervously control the attack artillery, and carry out the little deterrence they imagined. I hope Carol and Stark will not kill them easily. .

There is nothing wrong with them thinking this way, because of a surprise attack by the starry octopus, the energy shield of their frigate had no time to activate, and it was already strangled by the starry octopus. It was cracks that appeared on the spaceship. Although it was not far from being completely strangled, there was still a little time after all. As long as there was a chance, they could still escape.

They really didn't expect the entire fleet to collapse so quickly. Even their flagship was destroyed by Carol and Stark, and they didn't have time to escape. Now they can only hope that Carol And Stark can spare them so they can have a chance to escape.

Perhaps their prayers were really heard by some god. At this time, Rogers and Stark had no intention of attacking them. The two of them flew directly towards the interior of the meteorite belt. Unexpectedly, the two of them did not Those people on the Skrull spaceship were surprised by the plan to free the starry sky octopus, which is not weak in combat power.

You know, there are so many starry sky octopuses, and they also have the ability to be almost invisible. If this combat power is released, then at least one starry sky frigate can be contained. Under the current situation, such a combat power should be It was extremely scarce, but I don't know why Carol and Stark turned a blind eye to it. Although this surprised the Skrulls, it did not delay their escape.

Since Carol and Stark have no intention of attacking them, there is no need for them to stay and get involved in the war between Earth and Kerry. With their strength, no matter which side they join, they will only be battlefields cannon fodder.

So when he saw Carol and Stark taking them back towards the meteorite, the captain of the Skrull frigate immediately gave the order to abstain and flee.

They also have deep-space radars on their spaceships. Of course, they know that the Cree will arrive here in a few minutes. The fact that the earth can’t take care of them doesn’t mean that the Cree can’t take care of them either. Think about it with your heels. Once the Cree arrive, they must be destroyed first.

No one objected to the captain's order, even Colonel Cole ran away, can you still ask them to stick to their posts!

However, just as the captain gave the order and the crew of the frigate began to run towards the small spaceships and airships in the fleet, they encountered the dazzling beam of light that had completely flooded them, the entire frigate, and the entire starry sky. The octopus, too, overwhelms Carol and Stark.

At this time, a black Kree spacecraft similar to a black bat suddenly appeared on the edge of the meteorite belt. He seemed to have been lurking here, waiting for the earth and the Skrulls to suffer, and then at their most unexpected Time to launch a surprise attack and destroy them completely.

Seeing this scene, Rogers and everyone in the spaceship opened their mouths in surprise. None of them thought that the Cree would appear suddenly. You must know that on the light energy screen, the Cree are still several minutes away from reaching the space wormhole. However, they appeared here and launched a surprise attack just before Carol and Stark were about to enter the meteorite belt. something went wrong...

(End of this chapter)

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