Chapter 2598

Colonel Cole's spaceship left Stark's line of sight in an instant. Although the speed of the spaceship did not increase to the limit, it reached tens of millions of kilometers per hour, and it was still improving rapidly. Although it was far from It reached the speed limit of the spaceship, but under the impact of the non-stop influx of energy, it took less than ten seconds to reach a flight speed close to the speed of light.

But even so, Colonel Cole's face did not look good at all, because he knew that even this speed could not prevent Carol from approaching and stopping them, and most importantly, the current spaceship has no energy shield, It can't resist the squeezing force brought by such a speed to the spacecraft, especially the position of the engine of the spacecraft is damaged, even if they reach the limit speed, they can't last long.

But this is what Colonel Cole wanted. He even threw out several crew members who attacked Stark at the damaged part of the spaceship's shell before, and let him be torn to pieces in the void universe to do the same. The reason is that I hope to distance myself from Carol.

Keep the distance between him and Carol as far as possible, so that even when Carol catches up, he can wait until the Cree arrive.

To be honest, I feel a little helpless, the current Skrulls actually need the Kerrys to rescue them!

However, this is something that can’t be helped. Everything is obvious now. For the earth, the biggest threat now is the Cree.

Although Colonel Cole and his spaceship also carried symbiont fighters, they only had one symbiont fighter in total, but there were countless symbiont fighters on the Cree spaceship. For a symbiont fighter on their spaceship, Soldiers, regardless of more threats on the Kree spaceship, even if Carroll is willing to do such a thing, others may not be willing to do it. As long as Colonel Cole persists, then Carroll’s focus will inevitably shift to Kree. on the people.

This is where the vitality of Colonel Cole and the others lies. Now, he hopes that the Kree people can arrive in this star field earlier.

Although Colonel Cole hoped that Carroll's speed would be as slow as possible, but only a few seconds after he tried to increase the speed, a bright light and shadow appeared in front of his spaceship, and then just Alone, Carol was already on the bow of Colonel Cole's spaceship, firmly resisting it, not allowing it to leave at all.

"Boom..." Several energy attacks in a row, although Carol had been completely submerged, but she did not see the slightest sign of being hurt. Instead, she firmly resisted Colonel Cole's spaceship. Not far behind him, a flash of fire had galloped towards him, and it was Stark who was chasing after him.

They didn't care about the space wormhole, but chased him with all their strength. Colonel Cole couldn't help being slightly taken aback, but after he followed him, he understood that what Carol and Stark did was not only It is to take down his spaceship completely, and to take advantage of this opportunity to dig holes for the Cree.

Now the superheroes on Earth who have come to this side of the space wormhole are not just Carol and Stark, they have more people hiding in this area, if the Kree cannot detect the Earth In terms of the arrangement here, then they are dead!

So did the Cree really not notice the dark hand that the Earth may have arranged here? Colonel Cole is not clear about this, because he doesn't know who the commander of the Cree is, and who is he? A normal Cree fighter, or a symbiote fighter.

Even if he is a symbiote fighter, is his spirit normal or extreme, even very extreme.

However, Colonel Cole guessed that even if the other party's temperament is extreme, it will not be too extreme. It should be like Colonel Morse. Even if his personality is a bit cruel and bloodthirsty, he still has basic judgment. , if this is the case, then they should be able to judge the mystery that may exist in the position of the space wormhole, and now they are not withdrawing, it means that they must have their own countermeasures.

Of course, Colonel Cole hopes that the interception by the Earth side will fail, so that he can enter the Earth behind the Kerry Fleet, and the two sides can even use the Kerry Fleet as a common enemy. After the living army, they can join forces to destroy the Cree.

Of course, these are things for the future. For now, Colonel Cole still wants to save the spaceship from Carol, because not only Colonel Morse, but also his own wife and children.

In the starry sky, a huge figure reappeared, and it was Colonel Cole, who was a little out of breath. He said to Carol anxiously and angrily: "Carol, why don't we go to the earth? Look at us. Go away, the Kree are coming soon."

While speaking, Colonel Cole also showed a light energy map projection beside him, and what was displayed on it was really a huge red dot, a huge red dot that was approaching rapidly, and that was undoubtedly Kerry The human fleet, once the Cree fleet arrives here, then whether it is them or the superheroes on Earth like Carol, it is very likely that they will be completely destroyed.

Colonel Cole knows the plan of Carol and other superheroes on Earth. They just want to use the arrangement in the interstellar wormhole to trick the Kree, but do the Kree really not notice the arrangement on Earth? ?

Look at the attack time chosen by the commander of the Kerry fleet, look at the patience he has, how could he not detect the danger.

Since this is the case, then Colonel Cole will simply use his tricks. Since he can't get rid of Carol for the time being, he will delay.

With Carroll blocking the way ahead, no matter how much energy their spaceship replenishes, the speed of the spaceship will never increase. If they really recklessly recharge their energy, their spaceship will be the first to be unable to withstand it after a long time. At that time, they should be the unlucky ones, so at this time, Colonel Cole began to quietly remove the flight power of the spacecraft, and quietly transferred the energy to the attack system. After all, the energy shield will not be repaired in a while.

In fact, no matter what Colonel Cole said, Carol still gritted his teeth, and without saying a word, he firmly pressed against the bow of the spaceship.

This is partly because the conflict between her and Colonel Cole cannot be reconciled at all. Either Colonel Cole asked her to destroy the spaceship, as well as the symbiote fighters and symbiote backup samples in the spaceship, or Carol would Let them go, which is impossible.

On the other hand, it is also because Carroll can't easily say that at this time, not everyone can just get off a crazy spaceship by himself, especially since its speed has been increased, and now it is exhausted. Carol, who was at full strength, couldn't speak easily at all.

In this case, Carol doesn't want to talk to Colonel Cole at all, because as long as she destroys the spaceship, the symbiote fighters and the backup samples on the spaceship, her mission will be considered complete, Colonel Cole If he survives, he can go wherever he wants, Carol doesn't care at all, and he doesn't want to.

To be honest, all of Carol's strength is now used to resist the impact of this spaceship. Although the material of the spaceship is special, it can't last long under the impact of such two huge forces.

Even now, Carol can feel the huge force squeezing the material of the spaceship at the molecular level, and even at the level of smaller particles. As long as she puts more effort into it, the spaceship will definitely not be able to bear it, and she will lose herself. If it is damaged, it will be like collapsing dominoes, blowing thousands of miles away.

But at this moment, Colonel Cole's eager voice reached Carroll's ears: "Okay, I give up, can't I give up?"

What, just as Carroll was slightly taken aback, Colonel Cole gritted his teeth and said, "I'll leave Colonel Moros behind, and you let us go."

Colonel Cole actually gave up, which is really unimaginable for Carroll. You must know that although Skrull's military regulations are not as strict as those of the Kree Empire, it does not mean that you can violate them if you want to, especially in the Some major military strategies are involved, and once violated, it is likely to bear a huge price.

No, the situation is not right. Before Carol could figure out what the problem was, he felt the impact of the spaceship in front of him was rapidly weakening, and the energy cannons under the bow of the spaceship had begun to flash a little bit of light. .

(End of this chapter)

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