The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 2594 Lurking Dark Hand

Chapter 2594 Lurking Dark Hand

In the flames of the violent explosion, Carol rushed out directly. At this time, countless energy artillery fires hit her body, completely submerging her, and the intense flames almost burned half of the starry sky.

Colonel Cole stared closely at Captain Marvel in the firelight. Others may not know it, but he understands that it is not so easy to kill Captain Marvel. The opponent needs at least one top-level medium-sized interstellar warship, and then gathers the strength of the entire fleet to be able to compete with her, and if he wants to kill him, unless he can find her weakness, or if she stands You can hit there without moving...

This is almost impossible. Although Colonel Cole's star fleet is led by a medium-sized starship, it is the bottom of all medium-sized starships in the Skrull Empire. Dead Carol was a dream.

However, Colonel Cole did not intend to kill Carol completely. What he wanted was to find a way to catch her, control her, and use her to enter the space wormhole.

"Prepare to release the fishing net." Colonel Cole's order was conveyed immediately. Of course, as for when to release the fishing net, he still needs to follow his order, and Colonel Cole is also closely looking for the timing.

"Boom boom boom..." Countless energy bombardments continued to bombard, and Colonel Cole's purpose was very clear. Even if he couldn't kill Carol, he would seriously injure her, and try to be as free as possible. .

But even so, Colonel Cole is still a little worried. Carol is the first-class top hero in the universe anyway, not inferior to the powerful gods, and second only to Ling Xiao in the entire universe On the same level as Thanos, even the weaker Celestial Team is no match for her.

If he was caught off guard, Colonel Cole might still have absolute confidence to take down Carol at once, but for now, he still has no idea in his heart, so at this time, he has already started to do other things. Prepare.

Before he knew it, the lights of the entire spaceship became extremely dim, and other interstellar spaceships gradually approached his position.

The energy bombardment bombarded Carol's body one after another. This kind of quantum artillery with great energy kept impacting Carol's body, but no one could see it. Under the cannon fire, Carol's impact was forced to stop, but on the surface of her body, a layer of colorful brilliance had already enveloped her body, and those energy cannons hit this layer of colorful brilliance. On, it exploded directly.

However, even though this layer of colorful brilliance was constantly oscillating, it was still not exploded. On the contrary, after the energy from the explosion lost its impact under repeated shocks, it still followed the layer by layer. The vibration of the vibration gradually became consistent with the frequency of the colorful brilliance, and finally it was gradually dyed with colorful brilliance, and began to resist these attacks on Carol together with Carol's colorful brilliance.

[-]% of Colonel Cole's energy artillery attack directly landed on Carol, but [-]% of the power was absorbed by Carol, and the [-]% of the power offset the remaining [-]%. Twenty percent, that is to say, the artillery attack that Carol needs to bear is less than twenty percent.

Of course, although the situation doesn't look that critical, because most of the attention is on this aspect, Carol has been temporarily suppressed there, unable to make any progress, but as time goes by, Carol absorbs The energy of her body increased, and her resistance to this part of the attack became stronger and stronger.

All of a sudden, Carroll roared fiercely. Her whole body had turned into a sharp cone, and she directly rushed out of the attack of the energy artillery fire, and then rushed directly to the left side of Colonel Cole's flagship. The location of the lateral power source.

Of course, at this time, Carol finally turned out her own hole card, and saw her hands together, a sharp energy knife light appeared on her palms, and then ruthlessly inserted into her palms. On the energy shield of the flagship.

At this time, Carol finally understood that she could not break through the thick energy shield of Colonel Cole's flagship just by using her own strength. In this way, try to find a way to tear a hole in this spaceship first.

Carol's hand has never fought in front of outsiders. She has always used strong energy wave shocks and her own photochemical shocks. After all, she herself is equal to a walking light speed engine. Where can resist down.

Even today, the real top-level light speed engine is the rarest thing in the world. If Carol is willing, she can completely travel in a very short period of time, and the powerful impact can only be achieved by this medium-sized spaceship. Gather all the energy to be able to contend.

Colonel Cole's spaceship also used a light-speed engine, but his light-speed engine was not as powerful as Carroll's, and the time it took from starting to the speed of light was much stronger than Carroll's. With the sacrifice of several other spaceships and the vigilance of Colonel Cole, they were able to hold on before Carol arrived, but this time it was different, really different.

Carol directly impacted on the energy barrier, and the sharp light blade synthesized by her hands pierced directly into the energy barrier in just a moment. Seeing that Carol's body was about to rush into the energy barrier, But at this moment, Carol couldn't help but pause.

It was Carol's pause, and the next moment, a huge energy beam several meters thick appeared in her eyes, and the huge energy beam directly hit Carol's body, rushing her dozens of kilometers away away.

Seeing this scene, Colonel Cole slammed the light energy screen in front of him annoyed. If Carol hadn't just dodged for a while, then the huge energy beam he had accumulated for a long time would definitely kill Carol, but Carol seemed to have noticed something, and he didn't rush forward. Instead, he took a step back in an extremely improbable way, and this step the day after tomorrow is a bright future.

Colonel Cole could see very clearly that even though Carol was pushed dozens of kilometers away by the blow just now, it didn't hurt her, let alone seriously hurt her. The distance between them has been extended by dozens of kilometers, that's all.

"All fire!" Cole decisively issued an order at this time. Now that the distance between the two sides has been widened, with the capabilities of the Skrull Fleet, even if they have three spaceships left, when they are ready Now, under their full response, Carol Hugh imagined destroying their spaceship as easily as before, but they might seize the opportunity to attack her.

Colonel Cole gave an order, and the remaining two frigates did not hesitate to activate a large amount of energy, sending out energy shock waves to attack Carol.

Up to now, there are only two frigates left under Colonel Cole's men. Even counting the frigate tightly entangled by the starry octopus, their number of spaceships is only four. Due to the existence of the flagship, the combat power has only been reduced by less than [-]%, but the combat power of these three layers is enough to determine the outcome of this war. Unless Colonel Cole can grasp Carroll's weakness, otherwise, In the end, he was the only one who left.

Because for now, the enemy Colonel Cole is facing is not just Carol, but also the Kerry fleet that is watching from afar.

Cree people, thinking of this, Colonel Cole quickly looked at the starry sky radar, and saw the position of the Kree fleet shown on it, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although the Cree's spaceship has begun to move heavily, it is still on the edge of deep space radar detection, and has not easily broken into it.

Obviously, the other party wanted to see them and Carol suffer further losses. Only in this way could they successfully take down Carol.

As for the crisis in the meteorite formation, the Kree people should not be aware of it. If it is a seasoned Kree fleet commander, he will not care about the current fight between Carol and the Skrulls, but will just turn around and leave. , chose to enter the solar system from other places, and now they still have this time.

But now all the people on the Kerry spacecraft are symbiote fighters. These people’s temperaments are very extreme. They can wait until now, they are already trying their best to suppress them. If there is any loss of Colonel Cole’s spacecraft, they will immediately kill them. Will attack and kill.

(End of this chapter)

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