The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 2569 Princess Hotel

Chapter 2569 Princess Hotel

Madrid slope is also one of the most prosperous capitals in the Pacific region, Madrid slope has its own "trade center".

Other landmarks in the central business district include the Bank of Hong Kong, Maybank, the luxurious Sovereign Hotel, and the Prince* Palace, which rivals the Palace of Versailles.

"There is a very famous bar here. It's called Princess Bar. It's an oasis in the slums of the lower city, a rare place of joy." Logan glanced at Hill, who was leading the way carefully, and then turned around and said to everyone. : "The owner of the bar is called O'Connor. He is a friend of mine. I also have a little share in the bar. After we arrive at Fury's secret stronghold, I will take everyone there through the si channel here."

Now their group, led by Hill, is heading towards Fury's secret stronghold through the underground pipeline.

The control of Madridpo is too loose, maybe it has something to do with his own positioning. Anyone, as long as they have a certain ability, can occupy a place here, and the same is true for Nick Fury.

Over the years, to be precise, since the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D., Fury has never been to the front of the stage. Although he holds two space carriers in his hands, he dare not expose his identity easily. Whereabouts, there is no way, there are too many people who want him to die.

After the Hydra incident, most of the secrets of S.H.I.E.L.D. will be exposed on the Internet. However, in fact, it is not those ordinary people who really master these secrets, but those forces with great strength. It is through these secrets that Only then did they realize how much Fury knew about them.

Ordinary people don’t even have time to download these confidential information, and the relevant economic information has been removed from the Internet by the U.S. government and various forces. Of course, the premise of all this is that they have downloaded all the confidential information one step ahead of time. In hand.

And it is precisely through these confidential information that while they have mastered a lot of other people's secrets, they also clearly understand that a considerable part of their own secrets has been leaked out. It's been leaked, but there's just as much more experience that hasn't actually been exposed by S.H.I.E.L.D. at all.

Or to be more accurate, Nick Fury's old fox didn't transmit this information to the classified archives of S.H.I.E.L.D. at all.

It is precisely because of holding these secrets that Fury was able to wander leisurely in the sea with two space carriers under the rule of all countries in the world. Most of the time is this thorn in the side.

After so many years, Hydra has long been a thing of the past. Of course, there may still be some of them who are trying to recover, but compared to them, the Avengers are the real winners.

Although the Avengers have now been driven to the Mountain of Revenge in the Arctic Circle, they can still appear in that corner of the world openly and aboveboard. Hydra's people can't do such a thing, and it is even very likely that they will be able to appear in that corner of the world. When it appeared, it was immediately captured and strangled by various forces.

Fury's situation is not much better than that of Hydra. For so many years, this guy has been hiding in Tibet. We have secret strongholds in every city in the world, especially in a place like Marbury Slope.

Now Hill is leading all of them to such a place. Although their group has great strength, they can't do things rashly in many cases. They must be careful, and then seize the opportunity to strike out. achieve their purpose.

Logan absolutely cannot appear in front of people easily. Once he appears, it will immediately cause turmoil in the entire city. You must know that he is Wolverine, the Wolverine that Romulus most desires. He just showed up , all relevant forces will move.

The same is true for Huang Shanshan. In this city, a leader of the dark forces like Huang Shanshan is stared at by countless people. Where she goes every day and who she contacts, but if she is in the public domain, she will always be stared at. with.

So it is not easy to meet Huang Shanshan, but how to meet and how to meet, these all need to be arranged.

"Here, each of us will bring one of these, I believe it will be very interesting." After arriving at Fury's secret stronghold, Logan stood with great interest for a day, and then took out a few of them from nowhere. The black goggles were handed to everyone, and then he put one of them on his own eye, covering his left eye, and became a one-eyed dragon.

Nick Fury is blind in one left eye. The blindfolds here are basically prepared in this way. Of course, sometimes he will wear the blindfold on his right eye to confuse others' sight, and these The eye masks are definitely not the ordinary eye masks on the market. They are all high-tech, and even if they are worn on the eyes, they will not affect the vision at all.

Under Logan's reminder, Rogers and the others all put blindfolds on their left eyes, and each of them could see Logan's spoofing thoughts.

In the place of Madridpo, blindly low-key is not advisable, but it should not be too ostentatious. Sometimes the false is real, and the real is false. It is best to let others not know the root cause. strategy.

The secret passage from Nick Fury's secret stronghold to the Princess Bar is not far away. A secret passage can sometimes become an escape tunnel. Smart people on this island will come to such a trick. Every time Madridpoe There will be turmoil every few years, some forces will be completely defeated, and some forces will climb up again, such as the underground forces under Huang Shanshan.

A few years ago, because Romulus released the Dark Wolverine Daken, and Daken could be said to have bloodbathed the entire island, Huang Shanshan had a special relationship with Wolverine Logan, so It was Daken's key target, and the whole force couldn't even maintain it for a while. It wasn't until Zaken left Madripo and never came back that Huang Shanshan took a breath again, and her current situation was not very stable.

Huang Shanshan would come to the Princess Bar every Saturday. Although it was her old habit, no one dared to use this habit to attack her.

On the one hand, it was because she was well prepared, and on the other hand, it was also because of the special relationship between Princess Bar and Wolverine Logan.

Whether it's Logan, Victor, or Daken, once they are released by Romulus, everyone on the entire island must be silent. These killing monsters will kill the entire island. He didn't care about it either. In fact, the island itself was a whetstone that Romulus created for the monsters he killed. Although some knives have been discounted over the years, none of the knives that were actually killed were easy to deal with. of.

The Princess Bar not only has Logan's shares, but its operator is also Logan's good friend, so in this bar, everyone agrees that hands-on hands are prohibited here. Of course, if someone really regards this as an iron rule, Then he was killed and no one else was to blame.

Huang Shanshan sat alone at the bar drinking, chatting with the bartender by the way, the situation in Madripo was a little tense recently, for some reason a while ago, Prince Barron's attitude towards him suddenly became harsh, this person who was usually treated like a sculpture by them The guy who was enshrined began to trouble her non-stop, and General Ruan Yukou on the other side seemed to have formed a tacit understanding with him. The two began to suppress Huang Shanshan reasonably, and the limelight was wrong.

In the past, Prince Barron seldom made a move, at least Huang Shanshan had never seen it before, but now Prince Barron suddenly targeted her, which made Huang Shanshan feel like a storm was about to come, could it be that Luo That Mulus guy has a new killer to release.

Just when Huang Shanshan was thinking about something, a hand suddenly patted her shoulder. At the same time, Huang Shanshan's hand had already reached the muzzle of the gun, but at this moment, a familiar sound came from her ear. Incomparable voice: "Hey, Huhu, long time no see, how are you doing?"

Hearing this voice, Huang Shanshan was stunned for a moment, then she turned her head immediately, but seeing everything in front of her clearly, she opened her mouth wide again in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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