The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 2554 The Ins and Outs

Chapter 2554 The Ins and Outs

"The first person on Earth to get the symbiote suit was not Parker, but Wolverine, Wolverine Logan." In the Avengers Mountain, Nick Fury told everyone his intelligence here with a blank expression Information: "Before Parker, there were two people who wore the suit of the same biological body, one was Logan, and the other was the saber-toothed tiger, but then both of them lost this memory for some reason."

The entanglement between Wolverine Logan and Saber-toothed Tiger has already surpassed the first half of the year, so it is actually not surprising that after Wolverine, Saber-toothed Tiger also wears a body suit. What is strange about Rogers is other aspects: "F Rui, how can you be sure that no one else has worn this symbiote suit before Logan, and between them and Parker, is there really no one else? How did this thing get out of their hands? Transferred to Parker?"

"This information comes from Madrid Slope. The actual controller of Madrid Slope found a meteorite hiding the symbiote suit during World War II, found the symbiosis suit, and finally used it on Wolverine Logan. , and then used it on a saber-toothed tiger, and he manipulated everything in between, so that this thing finally fell into Parker's hands." Fury shrugged indifferently, and said: "You have all heard Who is the actual controller of Madridpo!"

The actual controller of Madridpoe, this existence that most people don’t know, he is the guy who has been controlling Wolverine Logan, Saber-toothed Tiger, and Dark Wolverine Daken for countless years. His real name is Romulus s.

Romulus was the first king of the Roman monarchy in mythology, and he laid a solid foundation for the future of the Roman Empire.

But it was such a powerful king, during a military parade on the training ground, as the storm rose, flying sand and rocks, the sky was dark, and after the storm, Romulus disappeared; people suspected that he had a major conflict of interest with Romulus at that time. The Senate murdered him, but some people claimed that he saw Romulus on his journey. Romulus said that he had ascended to heaven and became the auspicious god of the Romans, Quirinus.

No one knows whether these things are true or not. After all, it happened in more than 700 BC, but the name of the man who rules Madridpo now is Romulus, and his power is self-evident, because even Even today, he is still the one who rules Madripo. Even though Wolverine has not killed him for so many years, no one knows whether Professor Charles and Romulus have intervened in it, but Romulus still exists .

Everyone present, whether it is Captain America Rogers, Mr. Fantastic Reed, or Iron Man Stark, Captain Marvel, Hulk, Black Widow Natasha, and Hill, they all know the existence of Romulus.

Knowing that this incident was handled by Romulus, there is no doubt about the experience of the symbiote suit on earth in this incident.

Some people may ask whether Romulus has worn the symbiote suit, and everyone's guess is probably not.

Romulus is strong enough, even if he wears the symbiote suit, it probably won't improve his strength a bit. Instead, it is the things that affect people's emotions contained in the symbiote suit that are most likely to be vigilant to him , was used by him.

Over the years, Romulus has worked so hard to create a Wolverine who has no emotional interference and only knows how to kill.

The symbiote suit can undoubtedly make Logan more evil and more killing, which is what he wants to see, so Logan will be the first person on earth to wear the symbiote suit; however, the symbiote The battle suit can indeed enhance Logan's considerable strength. By affecting his emotions, his killing ability will be greatly increased, but it is very likely that the increased power is beyond Romulus' control, so his symbiote battle suit will be collected. went back.

If he knew this earlier, he wouldn't have to do it.

For so many years, we all know that the saber-toothed tiger has always been at a disadvantage in the battle with Wolverine, so in order to make up for the strength gap between the two, it is understandable that Romulus let the saber-toothed tiger wear the symbiote suit .

As for how this item fell into the hands of Spider-Man Parker in the end, it may be related to the struggle between the two of them, so there is no need to talk about the specifics. No matter what, this item finally fell into Parker's hands. In his hands, this also strings everything together.

Seeing that everyone no longer had any doubts, Fury went on to say: "Eddie Brock took over the symbiote suit from Parker, but after he was defeated by Parker, the symbiote suit stood up and was destroyed. , but in fact it fell into the hands of Angelo Fidonado, the son of the mob boss Fidonado, but the stupid guy ended up killing himself, and then the symbiote stuck to a On the body of the new host, Mike Gargangale."

Mike Gargangale, this is a name that many people are familiar with, his nickname is the poisonous scorpion, and he has done right with many people.

Fury saw everyone frowning, a sneer flashed in his eyes, and then he continued: "Mike Gargangale joined Norman Osborn's camp during the siege. After the siege, Venom The symbiont was forcibly separated from the parasite venom, and was recovered by the US military into a container, placed in the middle, and used for a secret project - Rebirth Project 2.0."

"Is it a cooperative project between the military and Roxon Energy?" Rogers shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "The military finally intervened."

The corpses of several military soldiers found in the public cemetery had already made Rogers guess that this incident had something to do with the military, and this is indeed the case. The US military is often responsible for certain things. Played a negative role, this is nothing new.

"That's right." Fury nodded, but he didn't say much about the military, but instead said: "These are the things before Rox Energy got the symbiote suit, and the rest You only need to find the experimental records of Roxon Energy, and then everything can be understood."

The whole incident about the symbiont, up and down, everything has been strung together, unless there is something else they don't know about, or there is some community in the middle that is drifting outside, but not attached to it. In humans, this is another matter.

If this is the case, then they will not be able to find this lost symbiote, but this symbiote did not make trouble, so there is no doubt that he is also in an absolute sleep, and there is no life in the surrounding environment , will cause this phenomenon.

Symbionts are actually very evil. The hosts they need do not necessarily have to be human beings. Any animal or plant is fine. Kittens and puppies, cockroaches, scorpions, flies and mosquitoes, but there are still living things. They can all be fine. Accept it, and when he encounters a more powerful creature, he will also jump to a more powerful creature, so even if there are one or two sympathetic battle suits left outside, his number is very small.

Therefore, there is no need to delve into these things that are out of control. For them, the most important thing now is to find all the people who have worn the symbiosis suit and the experimental records of Roxon Energy, and the latter is the most important. of.

Before Roxon Energy took over, all the lists were already listed, and everyone on that list could be found out one by one. It is the experimental record of Roxon Energy.

No one knows how many people have participated in the so-called Rebirth Project 2.0 project, and how many people have worn the symbiote suit.

Before Slaughter attacked Baxter Building, they had already collected quite a few symbiote backup samples from some people. From this point of view, there was not much work left for them to do, but it can also be seen that the people who participated There are definitely not a few people who have Project Rebirth 2.0 projects.

"There are two places we need to find." Fury has obviously taken over the command of the entire incident, and for this, everyone present has no objection. Many years ago, they have been used to obey Fury's command, and there's nothing wrong with Fury's command!

At this time, everyone listened to Fury with a serious face and continued: "These two places are Raven Manor Mental Hospital and an unnamed island. Everyone knows Raven Manor Mental Hospital, where Eddie Brock is quite The place where I stayed for a while is also the place where the entire Rebirth Plan 2.0 project started. As for the unnamed island, it is the inside of Roxon Energy’s symbiont experiment, and there are still quite a few symbionts left there.”

The reason for this situation is actually because of the massacre and Roxon Energy's turnaround.

(End of this chapter)

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