The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 255 Reconciliation

Chapter 255 Reconciliation

Since he already knew it was a Hongmen Banquet, how could Ya Zhixuan not make preparations earlier.

Although this dinner was held in the name of Kazuyuki Katayama, everyone knew that Tewakai and Odagiri Toshiro were behind it, and before the dinner started, Tewakai also sent someone to give the banquet through a special channel. Yazhixuan sent a message: If he doesn't go to the dinner party, Tewakai will immediately launch a full-scale attack on Nissinkai, and if he goes, then Tewakai will remain neutral on this matter .

In this matter, Ya Zhixuan didn't have much choice. Once the hand and society launched a full-scale attack on the Nissin Society, even if the Nissin Society succeeded in becoming self-reliant for the time being, in the future under the crazy suppression of the hand and society, the Nissin Society would Not much living space either.

So Ya Zhixuan had no choice but to go to the dinner tonight, but Ya Zhixuan didn't dare to fully believe in the hand and meeting, not to mention that Jin He was watching secretly, and Odagiri Toshiro's men hadn't shown up yet, so how dare he careless.

Therefore, before coming, Ya Zhixuan gathered almost all his subordinates to the Yazhi Building.When he came to the Ueno restaurant, apart from his own driver, he didn't even bring his closest confidant, Kiyomasa Kujo, his eldest son Ichiro, and adopted daughter Yukio.

Of course, there is also Ya Zhixuan's intention to paralyze his opponent on purpose, how could he not prepare for the backhand!

Sure enough, as soon as the backhand came out, the situation was reversed!

Looking at Zhang qingyang who suddenly appeared and Ling Xiao who was standing in the corner, his expression immediately turned cold!

You are still here, is the relationship between you really that good? It is worth your troubles for a Japanese.

With a sneer, Ling Xiao stepped back, and his whole body was integrated into the wall behind him, and he disappeared into the restaurant in the blink of an eye.

Seeing Matsumoto Kiyonaga slumped to the ground, Odagiri Toshiro narrowed his eyes, and slashed the long sword in his hand on Yashigen's long knife. There was a clear "ding", and the next moment Odagiri Toshiro took advantage of the opportunity to retreat Come.

Ya Zhixuan's injuries were serious, and he had no intention of chasing after him at this moment. He turned his head to look at Zhang Xiaotian, and thanked him earnestly, "I'm sorry for your inconvenience, Mr. Xiaotian, I'm really thankful for today, otherwise I wouldn't be able to say it well today." It really stuck here."

"The two of you are indeed in collusion!" Oda Kiritoshi looked at Ya Zhixuan and Zhang Xiaotian with a sneer, and said disdainfully: "Once you let the elders know that you are in collusion with a Chinese person, Ya Zhixuan, will the elders know?" Never mind those broken rules!"

Since the hand and society became self-reliant, the Presbyterian Church has set up barriers for anyone who wants to be self-reliant. So far, no one has been able to break through. As for those who have not broken through, naturally they are all dead.

Tonight was the last hurdle for Ya Zhixuan, but once the elders found out that he had colluded with Zhang Qingtian, then everything he had done before would no longer be effective, and the elders would naturally no longer recognize his self-reliance as valid.

Although it is said that the elders will do nothing to him in a short period of time, but it will always be like a thorn in his back, making him uncomfortable day and night, not to mention that he still has hands and will watch over him, Ya Zhixuan's life in the future will be really sad.

Needless to say, Toshiro Odagiri, Yashigen knew what the consequences would be, and there was a cold murderous intent in his eyes.

Tilting his head slightly, looking at Zhang Xiaotian, Ya Zhixuan narrowed his eyes and said, "Mr. Xiaotian, please help me!"

"No!" Zhang Xiaotian's answer was unexpected to Ya Zhixuan and Odagiri Toshiro, who turned around and said to Ya Zhixuan with a cold face: "Ya Zhixuan, come today, the last thing I promised you is already Done, don't come to me in the future, let's settle the matter!"

"Liang Qing!" Ya Zhixuan was slightly taken aback, but soon he seemed to have thought of something, his face changed instantly, he took a deep breath, twitched his face, nodded with difficulty, and said, "It's me who counts." Wrong, I really shouldn't have chosen you to let you help me kill so many people."

"That's your business. I have done everything I promised you to do. Ya Zhixuan, if we meet again next time, we will be enemies of life and death. Of course, the premise is that you can survive today's battle." Come down." After speaking, Zhang qingyang sneered, stomped his feet, and jumped up suddenly, breaking through the window and leaving.

"Hahahaha..." Toshiro Odagiri couldn't help laughing out loud. He really didn't expect things to be so dramatic. Interesting!

"Hmph!" Ya Zhixuan snorted coldly, took out a bottle of pills from his bosom, swallowed three pills in a row, crushed them and swallowed them, the wound on his body stopped bleeding almost in the blink of an eye, although he hadn't fully recovered yet, But the injury no longer affected the action.

With a vertical knife, the cold light flickered, and Ya Zhixuan said coldly: "I can kill you by myself!"

"Hmph!" Oda Kirito stared at Yazhixuan without showing any sign of weakness, his long sword was slanted in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly, for some reason, he stood there motionless, it is said that his condition is better than that of Yazhixuan now Many, as long as he is willing to do it, it's really hard to say who will win.

Yashigen's wound healed up little by little, but Odagiri Toshiro just stood there and never made a move.

Sensing that the wound on his body was fine, Yashigen frowned and looked at Toshiro Odagiri, and asked in puzzlement, "Why didn't you do it? It was your best chance just now. If you missed it, you can't kill me if you want to kill me." So easy!"

Toshiro Odagiri shook his head slightly, and said: "Although you are injured, if I want to kill you, I must pay a huge price, and I may not succeed. Take it in yourself."

"What do you mean?" Yashigen seemed to understand what Odagiri Toshiya said, but he couldn't believe it.

"Let's end today's battle." Toshiro Odagiri withdrew his long sword and said in a deep voice, "I don't need to tell you about your collusion with the Chinese people, but you have to promise that when the next Elder Council elections, you You and your father must fully support me in joining the club."

"What about Morita?" Yashigen squinted his eyes tightly. What Odagiri Toshiro just said meant that he would completely betray Morita and the Council of Elders.

"Sir, he's getting old." Toshiro Odagiri shook his head with a normal expression, and said, "What happened to Noburo Mori is his fault. I should have been the one who came to Los Angeles last time, not that trashy Noburou Mori. Sending me to Los Angeles this time, he might have the intention of hurting both of you and me. Maybe it's best for him if you and I both die here!"

"So that's how it is. Morita Kazu, that old man, can indeed do such a thing." Morita Kazu and Yashigen's father, Yashigenjiro, have been at odds for nearly half the world, and their understanding of each other is far beyond that of ordinary people. imagine.

Toshiro Odagiri laughed lightly, and continued: "If unfortunately I am seriously injured this time, maybe I won't even have the chance to return to my homeland, and I will be killed on the way. Of course, anyone can do it, isn't it?"

"Hehe!" It turns out that everyone is the same kind of person, Ya Zhixuan nodded lightly, and said: "I can agree to your request, but I can't guarantee it to my father. I will try my best to persuade him, but the result It depends on the father's wishes."

"That's enough!" Toshiro Odagiri nodded lightly, glanced at the door, and said softly, "Then, Shingen-kun, goodbye!"

After finishing speaking, Oda Kirito also walked over, picked up Kiyonaga Matsumoto's body, and walked towards the door.Suddenly his steps stopped, he stopped, sighed slightly, and said: "Mr. Xinxuan, if there is a chance, I hope you can help me get rid of that Chinese man just now. I don't think you will refuse."

"Of course!" Regarding Toshiya Odagiri's desire for revenge, Yashigen certainly understands, and he also has this intention.

(End of this chapter)

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