The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 241 Undercurrent

Chapter 241 Undercurrent

"Recently, around the world, many mutants have disappeared for no reason. We suspect that someone secretly attacked the mutants and used them for experiments." Melinda's complexion was very bad, she really didn't understand Why does this kind of thing always happen one after another.

"We approached Professor Charles." Hill took the topic and said, "But Professor Charles couldn't find the source of the matter using the brain wave booster. The sand man is not weak, but his shortcomings are also obvious, and he is easy to be misunderstood. Well, so we want you to tell us where he is now."

Is it just that? Ling Xiao always felt that the intentions of S.H.I.E.L.D. were not so simple. After a change of mind, Ling Xiao said in a low voice: "The Sandman doesn't seem to be a mutant. His ability comes from a scientific experiment. This kind of thing should be followed He's okay. But for this kind of thing, what you really should do is to try to find those people who do it secretly. Like these people who dare to attack mutants and use them for experiments, there must be some interest group behind them. Funding, among other things, it shouldn’t be a problem for you SHIELD to find funds, right?”

"This matter is not so simple." Hill shook his head and said: "For things like this, their funds are usually transferred from the country to places like the Cayman Islands, and then the funds are dispersed into millions. , after cleaning through countless channels, it will flow into the country. Your friend Chang Kuan should be the most familiar with this kind of thing, he knows how difficult and time-consuming it is to find out these things."

Seeing Hill's serious face, Ling Xiao pondered for a moment, then said: "To be honest, I don't know where the Sand Man is, nor what his current situation is. Met him, and I don't even know he's alive if you don't tell me. But if I had to say where he might be, I think it's in the middle of the Colorado desert, but is it Las Vegas or Phoenix , or maybe in Palm Springs, but I don't know exactly where."

"Oh, is that so?" After hearing what Ling Xiao said, Hill narrowed his eyes slightly.

The Colorado Desert extends from southeastern California to the Colorado River Delta in northern Mexico. It is 264 kilometers long and has a huge range. It is not easy to find traces of sandmen in it.

"Well, that's it. Thank you, Mr. Ling. We will come to trouble you again if there is something to do." Hill suddenly stood up and offered to leave.

"Okay." Ling Xiao hurriedly stood up, and asked in a daze: "What about skin care, do you still do it?"

"No, let's wait until I have a chance next time." Hill smiled politely. To be honest, she really doesn't have that kind of carefree mood right now. When I came to Ling's Pharmacy today, I didn't achieve any goals. It will inevitably make people feel a little bit frustrated.

"Okay then, I'll see you off." Ling Xiao shook his head regretfully, and after finishing speaking, he led Melinda and Hill downstairs.

Mina Tang De has been helping Gan Jing, but she is always watching the movements above.To be honest, sometimes she really regrets it. If it wasn't because she was afraid of Ling Xiao that she didn't install a camera in the pharmacy earlier, then I'm afraid that all the movements in the pharmacy are under her control now.

But this idea, she just thought about it, how could Ling Xiao be so easy to deal with, if he was accidentally discovered, it would be even more troublesome.

Seeing Melinda and Hill walking down from the top, Mina frowned slightly, and glanced at the wall clock on the wall. It has not been an hour since the two went upstairs, why is it over? Ling Xiao's skin care It has always been time-consuming, so maybe they didn't do skin care at all.

When the two of them got close and saw the two people who hadn't changed since they went upstairs before, Mina already understood that the three of them must have talked about a lot of things upstairs during this period of time, and they didn't do anything at all. skin care.

But the question is what exactly did they talk about, Mina greeted with a smile: "Why, Ling, the nursing care of these two guests is finished?"

"Yeah!" Ling Xiao responded vaguely, and sent the two of them outside the door, but before Hill left, he turned his head and stared at Mina Tangde, which made people feel that there was no deep meaning.

"Mei, do you think what he said is true or not?" Hill asked in a low voice while lighting the ignition in the car.

"To be honest, I think he probably doesn't know where the sand man is now, but I'm sure he must have the sand man's contact information."

Melinda's face was very serious, and she said in a deep voice: "But since the sandman is in the desert, it is equivalent to swimming a dragon into the sea. It is not so difficult to find him, and in the desert, his strength What needs to be enhanced is not necessarily the slightest, even the Destroyer has suffered a lot in his hands. I think this may be why he dared to ignore Ling Xiao's warning and quietly returned to New York."

As mentioned earlier that the Sandman appeared in New York, both Melinda and Hill saw the change in Ling Xiao's expression. It is obvious that the Sandman did not discuss with Ling Xiao when he returned to New York. This also means that the relationship between the two is not as good as theirs. As close as imagined.

Hill stepped on the accelerator, and the red Ferrari sports car flew far away. The gust of wind blew on Hill's face, blowing all the hair on her face. At this moment, she asked again: "So the Heavenly Soldiers What about the battle armor, is it really lost?"

"I'm afraid it's quite possible." Melinda frowned, and said in embarrassment: "But it's also possible that he is playing tricks, after all, there are many people staring at the Heavenly Armor, if it is really stolen, these The eyes will be diverted from Ling Xiao's body."

"It's not impossible." Hill took a deep breath and said, "No matter what, send someone to keep an eye on the black market. If there is any movement, send someone to track it down immediately. In addition, those two patrolmen and the A police detective thing."

Having said that, Hill paused slightly, gritted his teeth, and then continued: "Mei, you should investigate this matter yourself. If it is true that someone designed the whole thing from beginning to end, as Ling Xiao said, I would like to see who it is and which organization has such a great ability?"

"Okay!" Melinda pondered for a moment, then nodded seriously. She had a feeling that this matter was probably just the tip of the iceberg.

"By the way, there is also the one named Mina Tangde." Hill squinted his eyes and said, "That person also needs to check her background again. She only appeared a few days before the theft of Lingxiao Villa, but she didn't It happened in a few days, if there is no ghost in it, Mei, would you believe it?"

Melinda shook her head lightly. What Hill said made a lot of sense. The timing of Mina's appearance was too coincidental, and it gave Melinda a very familiar feeling, like, like before she acted before. It's the same as undercover intelligence.

"Mei, why do you think these capable people are so selfish?" Hill couldn't help but shook her head slightly, and the words Ling Xiao said still echoed in her mind-once you betray the master, you will be in collusion. Wicked people, or pass on the classics of my sect, I will promise to hunt him down to the ends of the earth, and anyone who steals the exercises of my sect will not be able to survive.

Thinking of this, Hill couldn't help but feel cold all over, holding the steering wheel and turning a big bend, Hill said in a low voice: "I now understand why Natasha resisted Ling Xiao's joining the Avengers so much, what she said That's right!"

Melinda sat there silently. During the communication with Ling Xiao today, neither Melinda nor Hill mentioned the matter of letting Ling Xiao join the Avengers. Internally, more people tend not to include Ling Xiao in the Avengers, and now there is another Hill.

In the early days, there were two schools of thought within S.H.I.E.L.D. The people headed by Black Widow Natasha Romanoff believed that Ling Xiao was too cold and arrogant and withdrawn to join S.H.I.E.L.D.; while Tony Stark The leader believes that the Avengers need a doctor who can keep up with their rhythm. After all, the Avengers are not as indestructible as Tony Stark, and they can support them in time if something happens.

At the beginning, the two factions competed with each other and were at a stalemate. Even Nick Fury couldn't make a decision for a while, until Natasha said a word, which changed the whole situation, and more people tended to So not including Ling Xiao among the Avengers, even Stark fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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