Chapter 24

In the entire three-story quiet room, moonlight poured into it like water, and there was a black hole near the list of gods and demons, absorbing all the moonlight around it, and then turning it into a soft beam of light that irradiated Ling Xiao's body. On the top of his head, supporting his practice.

After a long time, the spell in Ling Xiao's hand was flipped, and the light beam shining on Ling Xiao's head from the list of gods and demons disappeared immediately.And as he let out a breath, Ling Xiao slowly opened his eyes, let go of the spell in his hand, and the list of gods and demons dropped from mid-air onto the offering platform.

It is already 01:30 in the morning. Ling Xiao finished his evening class practice, closed the heavy iron gate on the third floor again, and then went down to the second floor leisurely. After taking a bath, Ling Xiao returned bedroom.

There was no one in his room, Ling Xiao smiled lightly, in the past, Gan Jing always teased him several times because he knew he couldn't do something, now the host and guest might change positions.

Ling Xiao had heard the story about the inferiority between beasts and beasts. People like him pay more attention to doing things as they please.

Ling Xiao walked to the door of Gan Jing's room, and with a slight push, the door opened. At this moment, Ling Xiao couldn't help but chuckled again, and walked in.

Ling Xiao and Gan Jing have been together for three or four years. The lonely man and the widow stay together almost every day. Even if there is nothing at first, something will happen over time. Except for the last hurdle between individuals, everything that should be done has already been done.

When she woke up the next morning, Gan Jing prepared breakfast with a normal expression, but she staggered a little while walking, and the corners of her mouth twitched because of the pain.

When Ling Xiao finished his morning class and came down from the third floor, Gan Jing had already sat there alone and had breakfast.In the past, she would choose to wait for Ling Xiao to come down to eat together, but today it is obvious, hehe...

Ling Xiao walked up to Gan Jing, kissed her forehead lightly, and asked in a low voice: "Are you okay, I don't know..."

"Don't!" Gan Jing gave Ling Xiao a hard look, and at the same time pinched Ling Xiao's waist fiercely and said, "Stop talking, I won't talk to you anymore."

"Okay, okay." Ling Xiao looked at Gan Jing's pretendingly tough expression, smiled pitifully, sat down beside her, and said softly: "Don't go there today, take care of yourself." Rest at home. I will also call the school to ask for leave later, and I will stay with you at home today. That's it. "

"En!" Seeing Ling Xiao's firm expression, Gan Jing nodded calmly, although she was very happy in her heart.

Ling Xiao is indeed busy with a lot of things in the store, many medicinal materials need to be sorted out, and there are many things to be busy with ordering and delivery.

After packing up the things, Ling Xiao stood aside and watched Gan Jing deliver the last guest, then walked forward, walked into the counter, stood shoulder to shoulder with Gan Jing, and asked in a low voice: "What about that thing?" Where did you put it?"

Gan Jing stared at Ling Xiao for a moment, but she reacted quickly and reached out to touch under the counter on her right, and immediately held a Smith & Wesson MP9L pistol in her hand.

This is an MP military and police pistol launched by the Smith family in 2005. It is used by law enforcement agencies in more than a dozen countries around the world. It has a solid reputation, easy maintenance, simple repair, low failure rate, fair price, and good after-sales service.

The gun in Gan Jing's hand is more suitable for women. Ling Xiao asked Beckett to help her get it. Of course, there is also a gun license.

Ling Xiao nodded in satisfaction, turned his hand, and a Glock 17 pistol appeared in Ling Xiao's hand, and then he slipped it under the counter, and said to Gan Jing: "Put one more, In case of an accident, two guns are more reassuring than one gun."

"Are you worried that the Japanese will come to your door?" Gan Jing frowned, and she immediately guessed what Ling Xiao was thinking.

"It's okay to be prepared!" Ling Xiao nodded lightly, and said, "If I'm at home, you don't have to worry about anything. If I'm not at home, you have to be more careful, especially recently."

Ling Xiao was still a little worried that the Japanese would find clues from Qin Ming's body and touch him.People in the Nissin Society are not policemen. They never need evidence to do things, they only need an idea.

Ling Xiao's worry was not unreasonable. After confirming that Qin Ming had entered Zhang Xiaotian's home, Yashida Jiro immediately began to investigate all the Chinese men in the city who had a good relationship with Qin Ming.Although Ling Xiao was wearing a mask at the time, the mask of Monkey King already explained a lot.

Just after the afternoon, a very unexpected customer came to Ling's pharmacy.

A middle-aged man in a dark suit walked in. This man was ordinary-looking, neatly dressed, and his hair was neatly combed. He also had a military atmosphere as he walked. As soon as he entered the door, the man said directly: "I want to buy some cold medicine, can I?"

"Of course there is no problem. Can you tell me about the symptoms of a cold?" Gan Jing looked very professional and asked the middle-aged man about the condition of his illness in detail, so as not to miss any invisible symptoms. Otherwise, he will be caught by others in the future Going to court will be troublesome.

Generally speaking, most of the people who come to Ling's pharmacy are Chinese. Everyone knows what is going on with Chinese medicine. The problem lies with those white people who come here occasionally. They don't understand Chinese medicine. Most of them are out of curiosity, and if there is a problem with the medicine, Ling's Pharmacy will be sued in court immediately.

The most disgusting thing is that some people come here to buy medicine deliberately, and conceal from the doctor the real illness of their or their family members who are dying. After a while, the patient dies, and then immediately sues the pharmacy in court.

In the United States, human life is more important than anything else, coupled with unfamiliarity with oriental culture, the jurors in those courts easily ruled against the pharmacy. Not only did they have to pay a large amount of money, even Ling Xiao or Gan Jing would be charged with murder. Finally went to jail.

Some Americans are interested in this, knowing that you are worried about this, they are not willing to go to court, if they reveal their secrets, they will be in trouble, so they directly blackmail the pharmacy, so when selling medicinal materials to these people, Gan Jing is very serious careful.

Not only is the monitoring of the pharmacy open at all times, even when going through the procedures for selling medicines, Gan Jing will also write down all the illnesses described by the drug buyers in detail on the medicine list, and then write down his own diagnosis and all the medicinal materials used. , and then ask the counterparty to sign.

They use various means to protect their own interests. It cannot be blamed for them being too cautious. It is really difficult for Chinese to live in the United States.

Looking at the medicine list Gan Jing handed over, the middle-aged man showed an appreciative smile on his face, nodded, and immediately signed the medicine list.

Ling Xiao has been standing at the entrance of the corridor and looking at this middle-aged man. This man gives him a very different feeling, a bit like the legendary federal agent, FBI? DEA? ATF?A series of three-letter federal agencies appeared in Ling Xiao's mind.

After taking the Chinese patent medicine sold by Ling's Pharmacy from Gan Jing, the middle-aged man smiled, and his gaze slightly shifted to Ling Xiao who was beside him.

"You are Mr. Ling Xiao, right? Hello, I'm Phil Coulson." The middle-aged man said, showing two rows of big white teeth.

Coulson, Phil Coulson, when he heard such a name, Ling Xiao couldn't help being slightly startled, and looked at him with wide eyes, with a look of surprise on his face.

"You know me?" Seeing Ling Xiao's expression, Coulson frowned and asked suspiciously.

"The name is very familiar!" Ling Xiao nodded slightly, blinked and said, "You should be a federal agent, FBI, DEA, ATF, or CIA?"

Seeing Ling Xiao talking nonsense in a serious manner, Coulson couldn't help laughing.

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(End of this chapter)

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