Chapter 232 Erosion

Mina Downer is the undercover agent sent by Madam Viper to Baron Sterak. As a Bavarian nobleman, Mina has a common language with Baron Sterak to a certain extent, which is why she was born at such a young age. The reason for being able to serve as the director in charge of the Los Angeles branch.

Mina would regularly send information about Baron Sterak to Madam Viper, but for a long time, she only sent information regularly and did not accept any missions, that is to say, she was a The undercover agent hibernating next to the Baron.

What interests Ling Xiao is Madam Viper's strength. Mina Tang De's physical fitness has already surpassed the average number of times, and with her good fighting ability, if it didn't happen suddenly, Ling Xiao would want to be unscathed. It is not easy to take her down.

In Mina Down's narrative, Madame Viper's power is far greater than her own. When she was at the training base, Mina Down was easily subdued by Mrs. Viper, and it is certain It is Mrs. Viper who has excellent physical fitness. She was born after World War I, and she still retains her youthful appearance. She has a unique immunity to poisons, and almost all poisons cannot harm her.

Lady Viper is also well aware of the toxicity of most toxins and poisons. She usually creates corresponding poisons or toxins according to the situation, and likes to spread the poisons she creates through various rare and interesting ways, such as containing strong Poisoned lipstick and the hollow part of the tooth where the poison is hidden.

The most commonly used weapon of Mrs. Viper is the whip, but her most deadly is toxin. Due to her own resistance to poison, she knows the properties and uses of various poisons on the earth. In addition to biochemical toxins, she is also good at inventing toxins by herself , her teeth are hollow, all kinds of deadly toxins are hidden inside, and she is also good at using darts covered with venom.

Because of her extremely young and beautiful appearance, plus she knows how to use her perfect appearance and figure to achieve her goals, Mrs. Viper has a very strong charm technique, which is even comparable to that of Black Widow.

She's a downright shrewd femme fatale, and a tough one, often succumbing to her enemies before they even know it.

Ling Xiao doesn't know whether he can withstand the poisonous poison of Mrs. Viper, but he is sure that when he meets this woman, the abilities of Hulk and Wolverine will be blessed to him at any time. Hostile, the way to deal with her is not to give her any time to spread the poison, a teleportation appears behind her, a sword pierces the back of the heart, and directly understands her.

Lady Viper is already so difficult to deal with, and Baron Stekla is also a difficult figure.According to Mina Dond's own knowledge and the information provided by Mrs. Viper, Baron Stekla also possesses extraordinary abilities.

Compared with Mrs. Viper, Baron Stekla is much older. He was born in Bavaria at the end of the 19th century and joined the Communist Party when he grew up. Reds.

At the end of the war, Baron Stekla was arrested by the roaring commando led by Peggy Carter, but later, he was quietly released from prison by Dr. Zola who had infiltrated the S.H.I.E.L.D. Of course, in the official record, Baron Stekla had died of old age.

But in fact, before the war, in order to compete with John Schmidt who was injected with super soldier serum, Stekla injected himself with many special drugs to slow down his aging speed.

After coming out of the prison of SHIELD, Baron Stekla, with the help of Dr. Zola, successfully regained his youth by using the ability of the dead spore virus, and possessed a variety of superpowers.His body is almost indestructible, slow aging and has a powerful regeneration factor, which makes him super resistant to physical attacks. Conventional small-caliber weapons, cold weapons and high-altitude falls are all invulnerable.

Baron Sterak can release the death spore virus, which can instantly kill targets within a certain range, and if Baron Sterak is killed, the death spore virus on him will automatically break away from the host and spread through the air, which can kill ten Deadly threat to life within several kilometers.

This is another role that makes people feel very troublesome. Compared with SHIELD's pervasive intelligence collection capabilities, Hydra makes people feel tricky because of their ability to kill humans on a large scale, whether it is Alexander Pierce's insight plan , but Lady Viper's ability to release toxins and Baron Sterak's ability to control viruses all come from the same idea.

Especially Baron Sterak, even if Ling Xiao wanted to kill him, he had to choose an uninhabited place with a radius of more than ten miles, otherwise once the dead roe deer virus on him was released in a big city like San Francisco or Los Angeles, Millions of people will be buried with him.

But after this series of creepy things, it is not without good news.

From Mina Tang De's mouth, Ling Xiao learned about the current status of Hydra.Even within Hydra, there are many contradictions. Among Alexander Pierce, Mrs. Viper and Baron Sterak, no one is convinced. Everyone wants to be the actual controller of Hydra, but it is difficult for anyone to convince others. What's more, apart from the three of them, there are also powerful figures like Baron Zemo in Europe.

So although Hydra looks very powerful, in fact, except for each branch, it is like a loose sand.

When Ling Xiao came into contact with the Marvel Universe back then, he had doubts about why a powerful organization that infiltrated SHIELD into sand did not grow after the disintegration of SHIELD, but gradually disappeared, fierce internal struggles Maybe that's the real reason.

These people each have their own interests and calculations, and they are very selfish.At the end of World War II, John Schmidt, who believed that the German army was doomed, sent Strucker to set up a backup organization, waiting for a comeback in the future, but Strucker, who was desperate for revenge, only wanted to cultivate power for himself.

It's the same today. On the surface, John Schmidt, the Baron of Scotta, who is missing, is the leader of Hydra. In fact, he used the excuse of researching military weapons to take away Hydra's resources to strengthen his own division. department.

This news dissipated most of the long-standing cloud in Ling Xiao's heart. Hydra is too mysterious, and it is so mysterious that people feel frightened.

The Hydra lurking in the shadow of SHIELD is the most powerful at this time, but with the fall of SHIELD, the Hydra attached to it also has to fall.The two are interdependent, but among the current high-level Hydra, no one sees through this.

Slightly relieved, Ling Xiao retracted his fingers from Mina's eyebrows, now it's time to consider how to deal with her.

Killing her is of course not possible, not to mention that it will disturb Baron Sterak and Mrs. Viper, Ling Xiao is very reluctant to give up such a good chess piece so easily, so it is necessary to control her.

For Mina Tangde, Ling Xiao's delusion technique performed on her, with the blessing of Jason Stryker's illusion ability, was carried out quite thoroughly, even deeper than Yashida Ichiro.

After all, at that time, Ling Xiao hadn't obtained Jason Stryker's illusion ability, and now the list of gods and demons is much more complete than before, and some tiny cracks on it have disappeared, whether it is transforming the lunar moonlight, or The ability to assist Ling Xiao in casting spells is several times stronger than before.

Clusters of moonlight shone into the pool of the cliff villa, and finally, after many refractions, they all gathered in the underground secret room. Mina Dowd's body.

A multicolored brilliance penetrated into the center of Mina Tangde's eyebrows from between Ling Xiao's clasped hands, and there was a hint of pain on her face, as if something extremely terrifying was happening.

(End of this chapter)

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