Chapter 215 Shocking

"Hill, what do you think about that matter?" After everyone else left, Nick Fury looked at Maria Hill with a serious face.

"It's not clear yet, and we'll have to wait for the specific investigation." Hill shook his head slightly, and said, "Garrett may not really be related to that force, maybe it's just a coincidence."

That force refers to the Hydra hidden in S.H.I.E.L.D. Of course, neither Nick Fury nor Maria Hill know that what they are facing is Hydra, that Hydra, which they thought had been wiped out half a century ago.

For a long time, Nick Fury always felt that there was something wrong with S.H.I.E.L.D., but he couldn't say what went wrong. However, when he suddenly checked the death records of S.H.I.E.L.D. Hill's attention.

Some of these death records, after careful verification, found traces of forgery.

Hill immediately reported Coulson's discovery secretly to Nick Fury, and Nick Fury immediately authorized Hill to conduct a comprehensive investigation.

After several months of secret and meticulous investigations, Hill and Nick Fury suddenly discovered that nearly one-third of some missions, personnel and material transfers in recent years were conducted directly without his consent. carried out, and even the signatures on many documents were forged.

Such a discovery made Hill and Nick Fury dare not act rashly. He didn't know where this dark force came from.

Although Fury is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he can't cover the sky with one hand in S.H.I.E.L.D. There is also the World Security Council on his head. It is precisely because of the existence of the World Security Council that God The forces within the shield are also intricate.

The strongest is Nick Fury and his own series of cronies, followed by the strength of various countries infiltrating SHIELD. After all, SHIELD is a joint organization composed of elites from various countries, and it is impossible not to be infiltrated by various countries. of.

Among them, the most powerful force naturally belongs to the American side. SHIELD itself is located in the United States, and most of its agents come from the American FBI, CIA and military elites, even Nick Fury himself. CIA background.

This is also the reason why the U.S. government allows S.H.I.E.L.D. The World Security Council is part of the reason. More importantly, if the United States needs it, they can hold S.H.I.E.L.D. The United States uses the military's weapons of mass destruction.

But now this kind of power division has faintly changed. Nick Fury himself is the representative of the strength of the United States, which is why he can sit on the position of director of S.H.I.E.L.D. The support of the former director Alexander Pierce is crucial.

Even now, a considerable part of S.H.I.E.L.D. is a close friend of Alexander Pierce.

Nick Fury was startled by the findings of Hill's investigation. It is obvious that there is a new force hidden in SHIELD. This force has deeply penetrated into various departments of SHIELD, even at the top Some of the agents were also dragged into the water.

If it were changed before, Nick Fury would definitely go to war and take all these people down as soon as possible, but under the current external situation, he must be careful, and the threat of Asgard to the earth must be ranked before the internal worries .

Although Thor said he was friendly to the earth and was even willing to form an alliance with the earth, Nick Fury, a political veteran, was not so optimistic because he knew better than anyone that the boss of Asgard was Thor's father, God King Odin, not Thor as a prince.

In particular, Asgard is still in internal turmoil. In the end, it is still unknown whether Loki will finally become king, or Thor will succeed in setting things right and get back his throne.

Even if Thor finally regained the royal power and formed an alliance with the earth, Nick Fury must carefully investigate this force, and finally strike it accurately, otherwise, the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. may fall apart.

"Hill, you are responsible for investigating Garrett's affairs clearly. You must determine whether he did what he did personally, or whether it is related to that force." After a short pause, Nick Fury said very indifferently: "This He is the first level 8 agent who has been found to have a problem, and I hope to follow him to find other people. If he is alert, you know what to do."

"Yes, Director." Hill nodded coldly, as Nick Fury's most trusted person, the default candidate for the next Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Hill is very rational, and also appears powerful because of reason, Indifference, Fury carefully cultivated Hill because he saw this.

When Natasha mentioned Ling Xiao's indifference before, Hill kept silent. Although she said that indifference is not harmful in her opinion, she also didn't want the superpower who joined the Avengers to be too indifferent.

Indifference means that there are few weaknesses, and few weaknesses mean that it is difficult to control. The reason why Tony Stark was the first to be introduced into the Avengers is only one of the reasons for his father Howard's relationship, and more because of Tony Stark is too easy to control.

Playboy Tony Stark, Stark Industries is in the United States, SHIELD really has too many ways to deal with him, of course, under normal circumstances, SHIELD will not easily move It is very difficult for a well-known billionaire in the United States to end up.

"What about Ling Xiao?" Hill looked at Nick Fury and asked subconsciously.

"We'll wait until Asgard has a conclusion on this matter." Nick Fury shook his head slightly, and said, "It's hard for us to judge how much an exiled alien prince can represent. I still know too little about Germany."

In fact, Nick Fury is very inclined to Ling Xiao joining the Avengers. After all, neither Natasha nor Coulson's report shows that Ling Xiao has any criminal discipline, and the source of his assets also shows this. One point, at most, they are a little out of gregarious, which is not a problem in Fury's view. Are there few such people in S.H.I.E.L.D.?

The most important thing now is the matter of Thor and Asgard. Not only SHIELD is paying attention to this matter, but the World Security Council and governments of various countries are also paying attention to the progress of the matter. The President of the United States even sent a letter through private channels , Once Thor returns to Earth from Asgard, he hopes that Thor will be able to visit the White House as soon as possible, which will be of great benefit to the image of the US government.

Regarding Thor's matter, Ling Xiao didn't spend too much energy paying attention to this matter, because he knew that if there were no accidents, Thor would not be able to return to Earth in a short time, and the Rainbow Bridge was between him and Loki. It was severely damaged during World War I, and it will be at least a few months before the Rainbow Bridge is repaired.

After returning to Los Angeles, Ling Xiao did skin care for Melinda and the companions she brought that day. For this woman named Victoria Hand, Ling Xiao still had a certain impression of her. After Hydra infiltrated, Hand took a decisive and effective way to screen the team led by Coulson, but unfortunately he was killed at the last moment.

This is also a powerful agent leader, second only to Fury and Hill in S.H.I.E.L.D., and even above Coulson.

Ling Xiao didn't expect that he came into contact with this person so early, but he didn't say anything that shouldn't be said, but sent them away after giving them skin care in the pharmacy very calmly.

He didn't know that after Melinda went back, he was called by Nick Fury to have a meeting about him, and now he is busy counting the incidents in the small town of Antica Puente, New Mexico. reward.

(End of this chapter)

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