Chapter 210

Tony Stark didn't understand Ling Xiao's previous words at all. Tony Stark couldn't understand what innate qi, acquired qi, and double cultivation of life and life were.

On the contrary, the following sentences, "the most basic substance to maintain the life activities of the human body" and "the flowing but invisible subtle substances with vital functions" have a somewhat comprehensible meaning. The special energy produced by this kind of exercise.

For a top scientist, Tony Stark understood that this is a very natural thing, so he immediately asked: "So, Ling, can other people cultivate your so-called 'true energy'? "

"Of course!" The inexplicable Ling Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "According to the most ideal state in our profession, the child is nourished by his parents with real air from the time he is still in the mother's body. Before he is born to the age of eight, Always use precious medicines to refine the body, start to practice zhenqi after the age of eight, and those with outstanding talents can achieve something before the age of 30. That's about it. As for the road ahead, I haven't taken it yet, and I can't tell clearly. "

Hearing what Ling Xiao said, Tony Stark couldn't help swallowing, and said, "You mean, it will take at least ten years to reach your level."

"Of course. And it is necessary to establish the foundation of the body before the age of eight, and start to practice qi. If it is later, the body's bones and meridians will be finalized, so even if it takes twice as long, it will be futile." Ling Xiao smiled lightly. , staring at Stark and said: "In addition, in the process of practicing, it takes a lot of resources. Without an investment of millions of dollars, there is no way to build a good foundation. By the way, the best practitioners are Chinese. , The meridians in their bodies are quite different from those of white people, a mistake in cultivation may result in a madness, the light ones will explode and die, and the severe ones will be paralyzed for life."

Looking at Tony Stark's unbelievable eyes, Ling Xiao couldn't help but shook his head, and said, "Tony, don't believe it, it's the truth, there must be information about the country on the other side of the Pacific inside the S.H.I.E.L.D. , and you’ll find out after a closer look.”

"Okay." Tony Stark had no interest in combining Ling Xiao's Heavenly Armor with his Mark-type armor at all, and after saying a few more words, he took the initiative to leave.

Ling Xiao smiled slightly, and the heavenly soldier armor on his body turned into a black windbreaker in the blink of an eye, and followed Tony Stark out of the room.

"Jane, are all the things in place?" Ling Xiao asked curiously. There were a lot of large and small boxes in the living room, and Jane was leading Daisy to carefully clean and sort them.

"Things are all in order, but there are traces of scanning and copying on these materials. SHIELD must have left a backup." Jane stopped, stood up straight, and gave Ling Xiao a dissatisfied look.

"Jane, don't complain!" Professor Sagway came over and touched Ling Xiao's shoulders, and then said to Jane: "The group of people in S.H.I.E.L.D. gave the things to Thor because of his face." If you send them back, according to their original personalities, you may never see these things again if they are just scraps of paper. Even if you take these things out, you will not be able to publish them, and in the end you have to ask the people from S.H.I.E.L.D. to return them to you. "

"Damn S.H.I.E.L.D.!" Jane couldn't help cursing, and then took Daisy to continue tidying up the things on the ground.She didn't let Ling Xiao and Professor Sagwei intervene in these things. She wanted to check, classify, and maintain them one by one.

Ling Xiao smiled helplessly. At this moment, Professor Sagway gave Ling Xiao a wink, and he quickly followed.

When he came to the kitchen, Professor Sagway lowered his voice and asked, "Ling, are you okay here?"

"Okay, the people from S.H.I.E.L.D. are eyeing my Celestial Armor and asked Tony to come over and be a lobbyist." Ling Xiao smiled lightly, and said in a low voice: "But my Celestial Armor is useless to most people. And when it comes to actual combat power, it's not as good as Mr. Stark's Iron Man armor, and they shouldn't be interested in it before long. Professor, don't worry."

"That's good." Professor Sagway couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief. Since Ling Xiao's ability was fully demonstrated in front of them, he no longer had any doubts about him, and he also understood why Bruce Ban Nahui is Ling Xiao's patient.

Thinking of Bruce Banner, Professor Sagway couldn't help but feel his heart tense, and worries came to his mind again: "Ling, will S.H.I.E.L.D. give up so easily? You need to know about Banner..."

"My side is different from Mr. Banner after all. SHIELD's super soldier plan has been secretly studied for more than half a century. Once there is a breakthrough in this, it will definitely see results in a short time."

When mentioning the super soldier plan, Ling Xiao subconsciously lowered his voice, and then continued: "As for the battle armor, Mr. Iron Man Tony Stark is standing in front, even if S.H.I.E.L.D. Not on the head of my defective product."

"Hmm!" Professor Sagway nodded lightly, and said, "Yes, after all, you have a good relationship with Thor. Even if S.H.I.E.L.D. If there is an accident, he may turn against them directly, and he is afraid that the S.H.I.E.L.D.A. will not want to see such a consequence. These people, they have the most clear calculations between gains and losses."

Ling Xiao couldn't help but take another look at Professor Sagway. Since Thor came into the world, Professor Sagway has shown that he knows the S.H.I.E.L.D.Seeing Professor Eric Shagway's taboo attitude, Ling Xiao couldn't ask any more questions, so he changed the subject and said, "By the way, Eric, when are you going to ask?"

"It's up to Jane." Professor Sagway looked back at Jane Foster who was still busy in the living room, shook his head slightly, and said, "I'm afraid Jane will stay here until Thor comes from Aspen." Gad is back again, why, are you in a hurry to go back?"

"Yeah!" Ling Xiao nodded slightly, and said, "The pharmacy called today. A customer came from New York and will wait for me in Los Angeles for a day. How about it, professor, I'll go back and be busy. Come back when you're done."

"No need, you go about your own business, you don't have to worry about the safety here." Professor Shagwei glanced at the night outside, and said in a low voice: "Waiting for Thor to return from Asgard is not good. It's just Jane, there are people who are more anxious than him, and those people will keep us and Jane safe."

"That's right." Ling Xiao couldn't help laughing, SHIELD was much more enthusiastic about Thor's return than Jane.

Sighing lightly, Ling Xiao took out a business card from his body and handed it over, saying, "Professor, if something happens here, remember to call this number, and someone will come to help."

There was only one phone number on the white business card. Professor Sagway blinked and said with some clarity: "You mean the one during the day..."

"Don't say it, don't say it!" Ling Xiao pointed around the house, then pointed to his ear, and Professor Sagway immediately understood.I am afraid that until now, those people from S.H.I.E.L.D. still haven't given up on monitoring here.

"I see, don't worry!" Professor Shagwei nodded, wrote down the number on the white card, and then directly ignited the white card in the kitchen, turned it into ashes, and rushed into the sewer.

"Okay, professor, I'll be in Los Angeles when I get up tomorrow morning, and I'll go back to rest now, good night." After speaking, Ling Xiao nodded and went back to the room.

As the night darkened, a figure quietly entered Ling Xiao's room, and before she could make a move, Ling Xiao had already appeared behind her.

"Ling, don't be nervous, I just can't sleep!" Daisy turned around, looked at Ling Xiao very calmly, and the pajamas slipped off quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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