The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 201 The Destroyer

Chapter 201 The Destroyer

The Destroyer was Odin who ordered Asgard's greatest craftsmen to forge him a pair of unrivaled battle armor.

After it was complete, Odin took the armor to the other earth gods, each of whom bestowed upon it a portion of his own divine power, causing it to produce the most powerful, all-powerful effect.

After the ancient war, Odin placed this battle armor in Asgard's arsenal to guard all kinds of rare treasures in the arsenal.

The last time Thor saw the Destroyer was when the Frost Giants invaded the Asgard arsenal. Three elite Frost Giant warriors were smashed by the Destroyer without any resistance. Seeing the Destroyer show off its power, but seeing the horrors of the frost giant warriors, he can also speculate.

But in the eyes of the proud Thor at that time, no matter how powerful the Destroyer was, he was not as strong as himself, but now that he had to face the Destroyer head-on, Thor felt a little uneasy.

Of course, Ling Xiao knew nothing about these things, but he knew in his heart that Loki could send the Destroyer to hunt down Thor, which meant that in his heart, the four of Sif and Vostagg were definitely not destroyers. Therefore, Ling Xiao only intends to get some experience behind the four of them, and will never make a move unless it is absolutely necessary.

Most of the crowd in the town was finally sent away before the Destroyer arrived. Even if a few people refused to leave, they chose to leave after seeing the mighty power of the Destroyer.

After entering the town, the Destroyer's furnace-like face was fully unfolded, scorching energy gathered in the blink of an eye, and a powerful beam of energy sprayed out, destroying the buildings in the town one after another, earth and rocks splashing, metal melting, unparalleled The power immediately suppressed the audience.

Perhaps it’s been too long since I’ve seen the Destroyer show off. The four of Sif were very relaxed about the appearance of the Destroyer. As the commander in the team, Sif said to the three warriors: “Help me Buy some time!"

"No problem!" Fandral replied with a smile, then nodded to Hogan, and the two stepped forward in tacit agreement, then bowed slightly, and looked at Vorsta standing in front of Ling Xiao grid.

"Hehe!" Vorstagg turned back and smiled at Ling Xiao, then roared excitedly, and ran forward with big strides, his huge body leaped up with the help of Hogg and Fandral, holding up the battle ax , smashed fiercely at the Destroyer.

A dark red flame lit up on the edge of the battle axe, stretching and shrinking as if breathing, and the strong divine power made the whole battle ax look infinitely powerful.

"Boom!" There was a muffled sound. This was not the sound of Vostagg hitting the Destroyer, and the Destroyer waved his hand casually, and then beat Vostagg back like a mosquito.

Vorstagg slammed into a car heavily, and the car and the man slid back more than ten meters, colliding with each other with a "bang".

Vostagg lay in a state of embarrassment in the flattened front of the car, panting heavily, blood froth flowed down the beard from the corner of his mouth, landed on the hot place, and was instantly evaporated.

Seeing this scene, Fandral and Hogan, as well as Jane, Professor Sagway, and Daisy who were hiding at the end kept chattering. This Destroyer is simply powerful and terrifying. You know, in Asgard Germany, Vostagg's supernatural power is amazing. If you compare strength alone, no one in Asgard is his opponent.

But such an excellent and comprehensive combat warrior is vulnerable to the Destroyer.

Slowly walking out of the smoke, every step of the Destroyer seemed to be stepping on Vostagg's heart, the shocking heart was beating rapidly, just when Vostagg was about to be unable to hold on, he didn't know when to run Sif, who arrived at the top of the nearby small building, jumped up high. Taking advantage of the moment the Destroyer was about to kill Vostagg, a spear in her hand directly penetrated the Destroyer's throat, nailing it to the ground with one blow. on the ground.

Finally, the furnace in the Destroyer's mind slowly went out, and the entire Man of Steel began to stiffen, like a robot that had lost its energy source and lost its threat.

Sif stood on the back of the Destroyer, looking in all directions, invincible, her eyes fell on Thor at the end of the street from a distance, and finally slipped on Jane who was holding his arm tightly beside Thor, A trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

Sif has been Thor's closest playmate since childhood, and Odin long ago wanted Sif to be the consort of his son Thor, heir to the throne.

Sif herself thinks so, and one day she will sit on the throne of queen of Asgard.However, when she saw Thor dating an extremely ordinary human woman like Jane, she felt very uncomfortable and painful.

But at the blow just now, Sif thought it through thoroughly. As the future god king of Asgard, Thor must be sitting next to a very powerful warrior, just like Queen Frigg, instead of A human woman with a lifespan of only a hundred years, Sif has time to wait for Jane to grow old, and for the day when Thor finally leaves him.

Just when Sif subdued the Destroyer, Fandral and Hogan hurried forward and took Vostagg off the car cover, but they blocked the Destroyer's punch just now, and Vostagg was really injured. light.

At this time, Ling Xiao suddenly took two steps forward, walked up to Fandral and Hogan who were a little at a loss, and said with a smile: "Let me do it."

Fan Daer and Hogan couldn't help frowning for the legacy of the Eastern fairy clan that Thor said. Although they had some respect for Ling Xiao's identity, they were not optimistic about his strength, but Eastern Heaven is indeed stronger in terms of spells than Asgard, which specializes in divine power, so the two looked at each other and moved away from Vostagg.

Ling Xiao walked up to Vostagg's side, put his fingers on his veins and probed for a few seconds, then tapped on his heart lightly, nodded slightly, and then helped him up.

Before everyone could react, Ling Xiao slapped Vostagg on the back of the heart with his palm, and followed by a "poof", a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Hogan, who was a bit irritable, immediately stared at the boss, and as soon as he tightened the chain and hammer in his hand, he wanted to find Ling Xiao to fight for his life.

"Wait!" Compared to Hogan, Fandral was much calmer, he could tell it was blood at a glance, shook his head slightly, and held Hogan.

He threw a piece of light blue talisman paper into the air, and it ignited spontaneously almost in the blink of an eye, and quickly burned to ashes, followed by blue spots of light emerging out of thin air. All of them fell into Vostagg's body, and Vostagg's complexion improved a lot in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Fandral and Hogan finally breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, a strange sound suddenly came from not far behind.The two hurriedly looked back, and saw that the Destroyer, which had been paralyzed by Sif, started up again at some point.

The Destroyer, who was facing the ground, turned around completely after a strange twist. While facing away from the ground, he pointed his furnace-like head at Sif standing on top of it. Then a powerful beam of energy shot out, filling the sky.

Fortunately, Sif was one step ahead and the Destroyer jumped down, avoiding the blow by rubbing against the edge of the energy beam.Even so, Sif's right arm was still slightly burned.

But at this moment, Sif's attention is not here, her eyes are fixed on the Destroyer who was impaled on the ground by the spear.

I saw the Destroyer pull out his body from Sif's spear little by little, and a burst of dark red light flowed, and the Destroyer once again recovered a bright silver body that was three meters tall, and it was shining with metallic luster. Not having suffered any damage, the Furnace of Destruction aimed at Sif again, indifferent and ferocious.

(End of this chapter)

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