The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 20 Ant-Man's Daughter

Chapter 20 Ant-Man's Daughter

Perhaps sensing Ling Xiao's gaze, Nadia looked up at Ling Xiao and smiled charmingly at him.

Ling Xiao nodded slightly to Nadia, and then turned his attention to the courses taught by Professor Gao Bai again.

Seeing Ling Xiao's appearance, Nadia suddenly felt a little strange. This boy was not as shy as before, and he always evaded her attention. Nadia suddenly felt special about this proud student of Professor Goldberg. curiosity.

After the course ended, Ling Xiao walked over to talk to Professor Gao Bai and asked a few questions. To be honest, Ling Xiao was very attentive in his profession.He doesn't think that there is a contradiction between science and Taoist magic. The reason why magic is mysterious is that it has not been understood by people. Once it is understood and analyzed, it becomes science.

And science is a good supplement to spells, especially in terms of refinement, the level that science can achieve makes spells feel ashamed.

Ling Xiao's current cultivation base has entered the integration period. For him, in addition to stabilizing his cultivation base and continuing to grow, further learning and improving his mastery of Taoist spells is also an equally arduous task.

Although the realm of being subtle is a luxury for Ling Xiao, but through scientific means, he can also peep a little bit.

The spells that Ling Xiao has mastered now are some basic spells of the five elements, a breakthrough in his cultivation, coupled with the assistance of some scientific means, maybe he can peek into a higher level of realm.

Just when Ling Xiao finished asking questions and was about to say goodbye and leave, this beautiful assistant teacher who was well-known throughout the school blocked Ling Xiao's way, looked at her playfully, and said, "Ling Xiao, today Are you free tonight, how about having a drink together?"

Ling Xiao rolled his eyes quickly. If such a thing had been changed to a cultivation base breakthrough, he might have avoided it like a snake, but now, looking at the beauty in front of him who is known as the most difficult to get in the entire academy, he still Couldn't help but nodded.

Seeing Nadia leave with a brisk laugh, Ling Xiao couldn't help but pause. Professor Gao Bai behind him came over and patted him on the shoulder, smiled slightly, and didn't say much. just left.In his opinion, it is better for young people to suffer more setbacks.

In fact, Ling Xiao wanted to get close to Nadia, not because she was greedy for her beauty, but because she was very interested in the research in her hands. No, specifically, it was in the hands of her father, Dr. Hank Pym. The Ant-Man suit and Pym particles can actually make people have the super power to freely shrink their body size, which made Ling Xiao couldn't help but think of a Taoist spell called Faxiang Tiandi.

Although Ling Xiao can't even see the fur now with such a spell, it can't prevent him from salivating over it.Although Dr. Hank Pym's Pym particles can only shrink people, by analyzing his shrinking equation particles, it may be possible to deduce the magnifying equation particles backwards.

Of course, these are just Ling Xiao's delusions. Things are not so easy. Even Nadia Pim, as a daughter, couldn't get these things from her father, let alone Ling Xiao. There is still a very difficult road to go to achieve what you want.Of course, Nadia Pim is also a super beauty not inferior to Gan Jing. Although it is a bit extravagant, it is every man's dream to hope that something will happen to her.

After the two big classes in the morning, Ling Xiao found a clean cafeteria to eat at the school, and then returned to his dormitory.

As soon as the door was opened, a tall, fat man with glasses was constantly typing on the computer. Ling Xiao didn't disturb his roommate, but closed the door carefully, and went back to his room to clean a little , After cleaning up, he poured himself a glass of water and sat down beside him.

Ling Xiao's dormitory is very clean, with blue-gray walls, white window lattices, beige sheets and quilts, and dark brown furniture, making this dormitory that Ling Xiao rarely comes back to look very clean.

After drinking the water, Ling Xiao came to the living room and saw that his roommate was still busy in front of the computer. He frowned, poured another glass of water, took the water glass to the roommate, and looked at it curiously. , but the screen was full of strings of garbled numbers, and he couldn't help frowning.

Putting clear water on the table in front of his roommate, Ling Xiao couldn't help asking, "Hey, Jason, what are you up to?"

"It's nothing, hacking a few websites." Jason typed on the keyboard on the computer while replying casually.

Jason and Ling Xiao are not only classmates in the same college, but also roommates in the same dormitory. This tall, fat man who seems a bit simple and honest is actually a top hacker. Few people can achieve computer attainments, even in the entire University of California, Los Angeles, he is also in the forefront, not only the students, but also the teachers.

Ling Xiao asked him why he didn't just choose the Department of Computer Science, but chose Medicine, which he didn't really like.

Jason replied directly: "Are you stupid? Don't you know that the federal government now monitors computer experts in various universities? If you want to do something, you will be discovered by accident. Why not study other majors?" , so the chances of being discovered are much lower.”

This is a cunning fat man. Since then, Ling Xiao has been labeled Jason with this same label.

Seeing that Jason was still focusing on his own affairs, Ling Xiao shook his head, went back to his room, lay on the bed, and took a nap with his eyes closed.

It was said that he was taking a nap, but Ling Xiao was more adapting to his sudden breakthrough in cultivation. In class today, even Jason noticed him. Ling Xiao is almost sure that if he can't restrain himself well , I am afraid that I will meet Qin Ming in the afternoon, and this point cannot be concealed either.

Actually, what Ling Xiao wanted to hide was not Qin Ming, but Zhang Qingtian who was behind Qin Ming.Although it was said that Pharmacist Ling Xiao's identity had never been directly revealed in front of Zhang Qingtian, but it was absolutely nonsense to say that Zhang Qingtian did not doubt himself.It's not that he doesn't know the relationship between Qin Ming and Ling Xiao, plus Ling Xiao's major in university, Zhang Qingtian can definitely deduce it.

Zhang qingyang is a hero, from the fact that he kept searching the orphanage for chinese orphans, it can be seen that this guy is not willing to cling to his current power.In recent years, the Four Seas Gang has expanded from a small gang to one of the three largest Chinese gangs in Los Angeles, thanks to Zhang Xiaotian's contribution.

Although Ling Xiao's skills are good, Zhang Qingtian values ​​his identity as a pharmacist more. A doctor who can be trusted by others and is unknown to others can definitely turn things around when certain things happen. Zhang Qingtian The calculation in my heart is very precise.

It is precisely because of this that after some adjustments, coupled with Ling Xiao's deliberate operation of the breath restraint technique, in the evening, on the lawn in front of the lake, when Ling Xiao saw Qin Ming, he had already returned to an ordinary person appearance.

Almost every evening, on the lawn in front of the lake, there are gatherings organized by various clubs, but compared to those gatherings held in the dormitory, this place is relatively clean.After all, it is under the eyes of the public. If anyone really drinks too much and then has a striptease, it will definitely be a disgrace to Cal State Los Angeles College.

Of course, there are no such messy things here, and it is not easy to be manipulated by others when drinking, and I also do not agree to be followed and eavesdropped, because in this environment, people who are slightly different can be caught at a glance. See through.

Ling Xiao handed Qin Ming a glass of cocktail, while he himself ordered a glass of beer. Looking at the handsome men and women hugging and dancing together under the gentle music, Ling Xiao lowered his voice and asked Qin Ming: "How is it?" , have things been handled properly?"

"Yeah!" Qin Ming nodded lightly, wearing a plaid shirt, he looked no different from the students here.Qin Ming lightly shook the fine wine in his hand, and said in a low voice: "Hall Master Ouyang has arranged for the women who were rescued last night in a unified way, so they won't be found easily. But it's on your side, you need to be careful."

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(End of this chapter)

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