The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 18 Breakthrough

Chapter 18 Breakthrough


Ling Xiao couldn't help frowning, how could it be Zhenjin, how could Zhenjin appear in the Stark Group, and was even stolen by Jin Bin, besides, how did the Japanese know about such things? ?

Everything is like a huge mystery, Ling Xiao seems to feel that he has touched something that seems incredible.

As far as Ling Xiao knows, there are three types of vibrating gold in this world, among which the one with the largest reserves and the most frequent appearance is Wakanda vibrating gold.

Wakanda is a small country in Africa, hence the name Wakanda Zhenjin.Wakanda vibranium absorbs nearby vibrational energy.

The molecules of vibration gold itself will not increase significantly when absorbing mechanical energy.External vibrational energy is stored forming the molecular bonds of vibrating gold.The result is that vibranium is extremely stiff if it absorbs a substantial amount of vibrational energy.But people don't know the upper limit of the amount that can be stored. If there is an upper limit, it should explode and release the absorbed energy. Once this energy is released, the consequences will be extremely terrifying, and it may exceed the power of nuclear bombs.

For example, the oil conglomerate Roxon discovered that a small island in the South Atlantic is a foundation composed of Wakanda vibrating gold.Roxon Oil wanted to destroy the island with a bomb, but Zhenjin managed to completely absorb the explosion and the sound of the explosion.

The second type of vibrating gold is much rarer. Its name is anti-metal, also known as Antarctic vibrating gold.

Antarctic vibranium has hitherto only existed in isolated natural areas in Antarctica known as savage lands.It is also known as anti-metal due to its opposite effect.Antarctic vibrating metals, by unknown means, emit vibrations that weaken nearby atoms and molecular bonds of other kinds of metals, causing the liquefaction of nearby solid metals.

In Ling Xiao's view, these two vibrating metals are actually two in one. If these two vibrating golds can be combined into one, a special metal can be created, which can absorb attack energy at will and absorb attack energy at will. The stored energy is released in a controlled manner.

Of course, this is just Ling Xiao's own assumption, but it is not unfounded.During World War II, Dr. Myron McLean of the United States inadvertently combined vibrating metal with a certain special element to create the only edman metal in the world, which is the shield of Captain America.

This material is called the ancestor Edman metal, and because the exact composition and proportions are not known, McLean will never be able to reproduce it.

But then McLean removed vibranium from the formula and created true edman metal, also known as true edman.

However edmans are not the only ones of these two types, as it is very difficult and expensive to create a real edman, the researchers found a more cost-effective way to replicate it, at the expense of quality and durability, by creating Another Edman metal.

This alternate version, known as the Second Edman, can be deformed or even broken by a sufficiently powerful weapon or biological attack.

Of course, these edman metals have nothing to do with Zhenjin.

Speaking of the third type of vibrating gold, this vibrating gold cannot compare with the first two vibrating golds in terms of strength, toughness, or energy absorption.This so-called Reverbium vibrating gold is an artificial variant, manufactured by Sanya Jeffrey. Due to its defects, it cannot absorb vibrations and is used as a weapon. It was later destroyed, and only a part of it is stored in the Horizon Laboratory.

At this time, Ling Xiao remembered that he still had one thing that needed to be tested, so he tidied up a little and went back to the second floor.

It was already past eleven o'clock in the evening, and for Gan Jing who regarded sleep as the best means of beauty, he had already fallen asleep at this time.

Ling Xiao didn't bother this distressed girl, and took out the only Hulk blood sample from the depths of the refrigerator, and asked clearly when the list of gods and demons was rarely awakened this time.

Ling Xiao returned to the third floor, came to the list of gods and demons, and put this blood sample on the altar.

Then, the moment Ling Xiao put the blood sample on the altar, the list of gods and demons swallowed countless lunar essences in midair as before, and directly put a moon-white brilliance on the blood sample above.

This time, there was no need for Ling Xiao to manipulate it at all, as if everything was the behavior of God and Demon List itself, Ling Xiao could feel its infinite desire for this thing.But at this time, Ling Xiao frowned tightly, and he faintly felt an unexpected change, or a pre-planned change, which happened in the list of gods and demons.

When the moon-white brilliance disappeared, the glass bottle on the altar was empty, and the blood samples originally contained in it had disappeared, but the brilliance was constantly circulating on the list of gods and demons in midair.

Slowly, all the brilliance gathered in the center of the list of gods and demons, and three ancient characters appeared in the center of the list of gods and demons. Although Ling Xiao didn't know how these three characters were written, he knew it clearly in his heart Clearly understand the meaning of these three words.

The next moment, under these three ancient characters, a row of characters appeared again. Ling Xiao also just inexplicably understood their meanings. If Ling Xiao really wanted to write these characters, he couldn't write them at all.

The six characters of God, Immortal, Buddha, Demon, Demon, and Witch, which are one size smaller, appear side by side under the three big characters on the list of gods and demons. An unexpected name appeared there, Robert Bruce Banner (Titan).

It turned out that it was the awakening of the Titan's bloodline, and Ling Xiao realized it a little bit. No wonder he felt that the Hulk's appearance was a little familiar earlier. All along, he only thought that it was a bloodline mutation after being irradiated by cosmic rays.

Yes, bloodline mutation, isn't this one of the foundations of the Titan inheritance?

In Western mythology, at the beginning of the creation of the universe, the Titans were the first life of the entire universe.

The Nordic protoss, the Greek protoss, the blood of these protoss are all Titans.

And these people are the ancestors of modern European humans. It is not surprising that they have a trace of Titan blood in their blood, and among the billions of European humans, there are only a few who can truly awaken.

With such a blood mutation, Ling Xiao shook his head slightly. It seems that killing the Hulk that Bruce Banner hoped for is simply impossible, at least Ling Xiao can't do it now, unless he waits for him to become stronger in the future To a certain extent, and then find a way to seal Hulk away, so now Banner can only rely on Banner to find a way to control it.

After all the display was over, the words on the list of gods and demons gradually disappeared, and then began to slowly roll up, but before it finally fell, a colorful beam shot into Ling Xiao's eyebrows, and then slowly rolled up. fell into the altar.

At this time, Ling Xiao had already fallen into a period of mental confusion. In the spacious three-story quiet room, except for dozens of pots of flowers and plants swaying gently under the moonlight, only Ling Xiao sat in front of the altar.

No one knew what happened, but slowly, the aura on Ling Xiao's body changed drastically, just like boiling hot water, and bursts of hot air burst out from the top of his head, appearing in the quiet environment. out of place.

Time was slowly passing by, and Chuyang appeared in the sky overnight. At this time, the list of gods and demons that had been quiet was unfolded again, and after absorbing enough Chuyang's purple energy, a burst of purple brilliance was suddenly released. It shot into Ling Xiao's forehead.

The next moment, Ling Xiao's whole body was shaken, and he sat upright in an instant, shaking all over his body. After only three breaths, Ling Xiao finally calmed down, and finally he slowly opened his eyes.

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(End of this chapter)

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