Chapter 178

"Hi, Peter, I haven't seen you for a while." While speaking, a man wearing a black cloak and Monkey King mask stood out from behind the pillar and greeted Peter Parker with a light smile.

Harry Osborn, who had been touching his chest, wondering why he hadn't been pierced by a sharp blade, looked at the silver dagger and the Green Goblin skateboard in the man's hand, and seemed to understand something .

The scene just now scared Parker almost out of his mind. Seeing the mysterious person who suddenly appeared and rescued himself and his friends, Parker asked a little puzzled, "Who are you?"

"It's me!" With that said, the person who came took off the Monkey King mask from his head, and it was Ling Xiao who had been hiding nearby for a long time.

Parker naturally knew Ling Xiao, and they met several times at the Stark Expo.

Just when Peter was about to say something, Eddie Brock on the side had already opened his mouth wide and rushed towards Peter Parker again.

At this time, Parker was still tightly hung on the steel beam, and in front of him was his injured friend Harry Osborn. He tried hard to break free from the shackles of the black spider rope, but he was able to do so eagerly.

At this moment, Ling Xiao who was not far away suddenly rushed over, and kicked Eddie Brock away with a kick. The spider rope was cut off very easily, only Ling Xiao said with a chuckle: "It seems that you have encountered a lot of trouble, how about it, I came in time."

"Thank you, Ling." Parker, who was free of his hands and feet, looked at the dagger in Ling Xiao's hand with some surprise. He naturally couldn't understand the toughness of the black spider silk. The dagger in his hand was like cutting tofu. Cutting off the black spider rope easily does not seem to be an ordinary thing.

But Parker didn't pay too much attention to it, not to mention anything else, the sharpness of the blade on the front of his friend Osborne's Green Goblin skateboard is not inferior, but it's a pity that Ling Xiao cut it in half with a sword.

"You're welcome, what else do you need me to do for you?" Ling Xiao nodded slightly, and looked at Eddie Brock, who was standing not far away, who was cautious and did not rush over. Obviously, Ling Xiao's The appearance made him hesitate. He might not be able to deal with two people alone. He was waiting for the Sandman to come up to help. Although his intuition told him that it was best to leave quickly, the hatred for Peter Parker in his heart made him unwilling to give up easily. .

"Please take care of Harry and Mary Jane for me." Peter glanced at Mary Jane and climbed up from downstairs, handed Harry Osborn, who had lost most of his combat power, to Ling Xiao, and then walked towards Ai Dee Brock rushed over.

I saw Peter Parker rushing forward, grabbing the two steel pipes on the ground and hitting them hard. Eddie Brock, who rushed over with grinning teeth, let out a miserable scream immediately, and the black spider made of alien creatures on his body Yi couldn't help but began to squirm violently.

Seeing this scene, Harry Osborn, who originally wanted to hold Peter Parker back, opened his mouth wide in surprise, and let Ling Xiao pull him and Mary Jane back to the side, watching Peter Parker brutally abuse Eddie Bullock.

Eddie Brock's action of almost killing Harry Osborn before pushed Peter Parker's anger to the limit. Parker, who had already found the dead blood in the black spider suit, was merciless. Brock stayed where he was, driving the steel pipe around Eddie into the concrete floor.

Looking at the steel pipes that were deeply embedded in the concrete floor, Ling Xiao's eyelids couldn't help jumping up. Peter Parker's strength has long exceeded the limit of human beings. It seems that Peter Parker, who was indirectly transformed by the super soldier serum, has He is no longer an ordinary human, no wonder he has enough stamina to wander among high-altitude buildings.

Knock Eddie Brock, who wanted to get out of the air, back to the center of the steel pipe circle, and then began to knock non-stop on the surrounding steel pipes.

The rushing sound waves made the alien creatures that made up the black spider clothes miserable, and even the invading relationship between him and Eddie Brock became weak. Peter Parker, who had experience once, saw the opportunity and took a Pulling Eddie out of the black spider suit, even without Eddie Brock, the alien creature is still maintaining the alien in the spider suit, grinning, even more terrifying.

Ling Xiao frowned tightly. The autonomous consciousness of this alien creature is too strong. If Peter Parker hadn't knocked him out today, once Ling Xiao used it for himself in the future, he might also encounter consciousness being blocked. The crisis of invasion and influence, just like Parker and Bullock before.

Seeing the terrifying alien creature in front of him, Parker also frowned. He turned his head to look at Osborn, and shouted in a deep voice, "Harry!"

Harry Osborn is worthy of being Parker's good friend, and the two of them can understand what the other is thinking with just a glance.Harry pulled a pumpkin bomb straight out of his body and threw it at Peter Parker.

Ling Xiao originally planned to stop the pumpkin bomb, but at the last moment, he stopped. On the one hand, he wanted to see how powerful this alien creature could be in front of the bomb. On the other hand, he also wanted to see It is definitely not a good thing to have too much consciousness when this alien creature is severely injured.

As for whether this alien creature will be completely destroyed by the pumpkin bomb, Ling Xiao doesn't care much about it.If it is completely destroyed, it means that his defensive ability is much worse, and he is not worth Ling Xiao's use.And if it is not completely destroyed, it means that it still has a certain value.

Ling Xiao didn't intercept, which doesn't mean others won't. Seeing that Parker was holding the bomb in his hand, Eddie immediately understood what he wanted to do. He couldn't help but rushed towards Parker, and shouted loudly at the same time. : "Peter, what are you doing, no!"

Before he rushed over, Parker had already thrown the pumpkin bomb into the steel pipe circle. Eddie Brock, who saw this scene, couldn't help but turned around and threw himself into the steel pipe circle. Together with the pumpkin bomb, he was wrapped by alien creatures stand up.

"Eddie!" Parker was dumbfounded. Before he could make a move, the pumpkin bomb exploded. The flame shock wave directly broke through the steel pipe circle and filled the entire floor. Ling Xiao sent Harry Osborn and Mary Jane stood behind her and received the shock wave.

When everyone focused their attention on the center of the steel pipe circle again, neither the alien creature nor Eddie Brock had disappeared, leaving only a pile of residue burning in the center of the steel pipe circle lying on all sides. Perhaps they had been completely destroyed. destroyed.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to do this." At this time, the sandman stood up from behind the support pillars on the floor. He had actually been hiding aside for a long time, but he didn't come out to join forces with Eddie Brock to deal with Peter Parker.Now he finally stood up and told the truth about Ben Parker's death.

The Sandman's woman was on the verge of death because of illness, so he had to rob him because he needed money especially. The first time he robbed, he met Ben Parker.

"I told your uncle that I only want his car. But he said to me, why don't you put the gun down and go home!" Sandman said with some grief: "I just know now that he just wanted to help me, Then I saw my mate rushing and the gun I was holding went off... I did a terrible thing and I regret it every day, I don't ask you to forgive me, I just I hope you can understand my difficulties."

Parker could feel the sincerity of the Sand Man's confession, and he felt the same way: "I have done a lot of terrible things too,"

Two men in the true sense looked at each other, and they could understand each other's helplessness, and the grievances and hatred between each other turned into nothingness in this glance.

Standing on the edge of the building and looking at the countless policemen downstairs, the sand man shook his head gently, denying the thought of surrendering himself, and said in a deep voice: "This is not my choice, the only thing I have is my daughter."

"I forgive you." Finally hearing Spider-Man say these words, the Sand Man gave a bitter smile, and then turned into flying sand and disappeared into the dawn night sky.

(End of this chapter)

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