Chapter 145 Report

The weather in Los Angeles is always satisfactory. Even in the cold winter, it can still maintain a temperature of more than ten degrees. Compared with the cold and humid New York, you are so comfortable.

Driving along Highway No. [-], you can see the vast expanse of blue Pacific Ocean on one side, steep cliffs and mountains on the other, or the boundless grassland that occasionally catches your eyes. The scenery is so beautiful.

Passing through the small town of Malibu, the crowds on both sides began to thin out. It was not better until entering the small town of Pepperdine. After bypassing Pepperdine College, Ling Xiao drove into a mountain road on one side, and followed the road to the mountain. After driving for 5 minutes, the car finally stopped on the cliff at the top of the mountain.

Seeing the cliff villa suddenly appearing in front of her eyes, Chang Xi couldn't help but screamed: "Ling Xiao, you are really amazing, you actually bought this kind of villa, don't tell me that this hill belongs to you .”

"How is it possible!" Ling Xiao waved his hand and said with a smile: "The last three acres of land on the top of the cliff belong to me. Gan Jing, I plan to open up a garden in front of the villa and plant it around it." What do you think of some trees enclosing the whole cliff?"

"Well, it's up to me to decide what kind of trees and flowers to plant." Standing in front of the villa, Gan Jing had a hostess smile on his happy face.

"Let's go, let's go in, see what else we need, and go down the mountain to buy some later." Ling Xiao opened the door and said to the two people: "We won't go back to the city today, we will spend a day here on vacation. .”

"Okay, that's it." Before Gan Jing could speak, Chang Xi jumped up with a smile, and Ling Xiao and Gan Jing looked at each other with warmth in their eyes.

Generally speaking, Gan Jing is satisfied with the interior decoration of the villa, but there are still many things in it that cannot be left behind, such as curtains, mattresses, tableware, kitchen utensils and sanitary utensils, bed sheets and quilts. I bought it back, as long as Gan Jing can put it on today, but she and Chang Xi need to go down the mountain to buy the other ones.

After a short greeting, Ling Xiao slipped to Matador Beach not far away by himself, found the small yacht hidden in the crevices of the rocks, and drove the yacht out to sea alone.

The reason why Ling Xiao bought this villa in only one day is mainly because the geographical environment of this villa is so good.The location of the villa is not far from Ling Xiao's secret cave on the seabed. It can even be said that the secret cave on the seabed is just under the cliff. As long as a secret passage is dug in the villa, it can lead directly to the secret cave.

Of course, the secret path needs to be opened, but how to open it needs to be paid attention to. With the ability to penetrate the wall, he can actually enter the secret cave directly from the villa through the cliff of tens of meters.

However, just in case, it is still necessary to open up secret passages in order to have an extra escape route when others attack the villa in the future.

In addition to passing through walls, Ling Xiao's ability also has the ability to manipulate earth and rocks. From the secret cave, he can open up a secret passage upwards, but at the end of the secret passage, he plans to open it in the mountain, at a distance from the basement. The position of three meters is fine, do not open it.

In this way, on the one hand, it can prevent Gan Jing and the others from accidentally discovering it, and on the other hand, it can also ensure that once the villa is occupied by others, the secret passage will not be discovered.

Of course, all of this is for later. After Ling Xiao entered Ling Xiao from the sea, he immediately checked the situation of the dead girl Yuriko Koyama.Under the icy environment of the cave, the solid ice covering her whole body showed no signs of melting.

Gently knocking on the frozen water tank, Ling Xiao nodded in satisfaction. Now his cultivation base is still a little short. If he wants to use spiritual esoteric techniques to control Yuriko Koyama, at least he has to wait for his cultivation base to break through to the ninth floor After that, this is also Ling Xiao's plan for the next period of time.

Looking at the aura spring in the center of the secret cave, Ling Xiao couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction.He once searched along hundreds of kilometers of coastal coast near Los Angeles, and he was able to find a place with aura springs. This is the only place, which is why he chose his secret base here.

Now his villa is built on the cliff above the secret cave, and with the addition of the sun and moon essence, his cultivation speed can be increased by three points.

The Renshui transformed from the dripping water droplets from the stalactites in the center of the secret cave has already filled the translucent tempered glass vial. Ling Xiao conveniently replaced it with a new empty bottle and put away the filled vial. His eyes fell on the Bagua circle on the ground.

If you want to guide the aura from here to the inside of the villa, the best way is to build a gossip array in the villa. The formations attract each other, and the aura can naturally be guided out, which can also be used as the driving source of the villa array. Xiao didn't have to move the list of gods and demons to the villa.

After making a plan for the next period of time, Ling Xiao was in a trance, and he had already appeared in the sea outside. Now he no longer needs to enter it through the secret passage under the sea, which just allows him to do more in the secret passage Some arrangements, if anyone wants to enter his secret cave through the secret passage, he must pay half his life first.

When they returned to the villa, Gan Jing and Chang Xi had already prepared their lunch. Of course, Chang Xi, a brat, didn't even count as a helper for Gan Jing, so he could only watch from the sidelines. But when she ate it, she was very active.

The master bedroom on the first floor belonged to Ling Xiao and Gan Jing, and Chang Xi wisely chose a second-floor Linhai guest bedroom, judging by her posture, she meant that she would stay here forever.

But Ling Xiao and Gan Jing didn't care too much. If there were only the two of them in the villa, they would feel a little lonely, and one more person would be more lively.

After staying in the villa for one night, the three of them returned to Los Angeles again. After all, the pharmacy was still open, so they couldn’t stay in the villa all the time, and the two cleansers also started to discuss the redecoration work of the villa. They contacted the decoration company and waited until after New Year’s Day. Start decorating.

During the Christmas and New Year holidays, most companies will take 7 to 10 days off, and a few will take about half a month. Of course, the third type of service is not among them. They are the kind that are open 24 hours a day. On New Year's Day, the booming business made them reluctant to take a holiday.

Ling's pharmacy also belongs to the service industry, and it is not easy to be closed for a day and a half, especially Ling Xiao's skin care work, which is even more busy during this time.

Hollywood beauty stars have to attend various activities during this period, and being able to shine at the banquet is the pursuit of every beauty star.So in the past few days alone, Ling Xiao has taken 10 small orders. You must know that the price of Ling Xiao's medicine is absolutely expensive, and each order costs [-] US dollars.Even so, there are still many people waiting in line for his door-to-door service.

While Ling Xiao was in a hurry, a big event happened on the underworld in Los Angeles. Zhang Xiaotian, the leader of the Four Seas Gang, and Ya Zhixuan, the president of the Nissin Society, were invited to the Los Angeles Serious Crime Squad to assist in the investigation. Even on the same day.

There were even rumors that before Zhang Qingtian left the police station, he saw Ya Zhixuan who was brought in, and the atmosphere on the road became strange for no reason.

Ling Xiao called Beckett, only to find out that it turned out that the president of a small Japanese gang was assassinated. Before that, his gang had conflicts with the Four Seas Gang, and earlier, he was Rejected Yashihyun's request to join forces.

No matter what the mystery was, Beckett took this opportunity to directly bring Zhang Xiaotian and Ya Zhixuan to the police station to ask for assistance in the investigation.And her arrangement was equally ingenious, Zhang Qingtian was found first, and then Ya Zhixuan was found.

Compared to Ya Zhixuan who was focused on profit, Zhang Qingtian seemed to be more broken. After all, everyone knew the hatred between China and Japan, no matter how shrewd Ya Zhixuan was, he had to wonder whether Zhang Qingtian had tripped him.If it was replaced by him, he would never miss this opportunity.

The opportunity came, and Ling Xiao grasped it keenly.A few days later, the Los Angeles Police Department's serious crimes team received a report letter, which listed in detail the details of the assassination sent by the Nissin Society, and even clearly wrote the name of the killer and the time of the attack. The news leaked out inexplicably.

(End of this chapter)

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