Chapter 119 The Dam

The Yakali Dam is located in the upper reaches of the Columbia River in Canada. In the undulating glaciers of the western Rocky Mountains, it is a relatively wide "U" shaped valley with steep slopes on both sides of the valley, pines and cypresses covered with snow, white and green.

The steep peaks on both sides trap the snow melted by the glaciers in the valley, forming the famous Yakali Lake.

At the end of the valley, a high earth-rock dam with an oblique core wall blocks the water of Lake Yakali. The water storage dam is 762.5 meters high, 792 meters long, and 33.5 meters wide. The installed capacity has reached a staggering 261 million kilowatts,

In a hidden jungle outside the dam, the stealth plane landed here quietly. At this time, in the cabin, a group of people were discussing the action plan.

"This is a three-dimensional map of the dam, this is the drainage channel, and the road that is densely covered with changes along the terrain is the traffic lane. We will use the drainage channel as the entrance this time." Storm manipulated the virtual three-dimensional image and introduced to everyone: " Now showing the thickness of the ice on the ground, which is the latest flow of the lake."

Qin shook his head and said, "If we enter from here, Stryker will probably flood the passage with lake water once we are discovered."

"Can you use the space transfer to take us in?" Storm looked at the blue devil Wagner who was sitting aside.

"I'm afraid not, I need to have sight to see the road ahead." Wagner shook his head, and said helplessly: "Otherwise, I will crash directly into the wall, and I can get out in time, but bringing people is just... . "

"I'll go. General Stryker wants to capture me alive, I have a chance." Logan interrupted Wagner suddenly, looking at the crowd and said.

This time it was Magneto who raised the question, and he said in a deep voice: "The person who goes in must know how to operate the machine of the drainage channel, Logan, assuming you have successfully entered it, how do you plan to operate it, use your claws to grab it? ?”

Logan may have a strong body, proficient in killing techniques, and even a perfect killing machine, but in these respects he is not even as good as a novice.

It would be fine if someone else raised this question, but it was Magneto who raised him. Logan immediately felt uneasy, staring at Magneto and said, "I am willing to take a chance."

"But I don't want to." Magneto glanced at Logan, walked back full of disdain, walked to Mystique, and patted her shoulder lightly. The next moment, Mystique became Logan's appearance.

"I think it's more appropriate for Mystique to go than Logan. What do you think, Jean?" After finishing speaking, Magneto looked up at Jean Gray. Now Professor Charles is not there, and Jean Gray, who has the same ability as him, is Became the core of this half of the X-Men team.

"I think he's right, Logan." Jean looked at Wolverine and said earnestly, "We can't take any risks."

"I also think Mystique is more appropriate. Her ability allows her to easily invade the control center, Logan." Storm also agreed.

Wolverine took a look at Mystique and thought of something, his expression was complicated for a while, and finally he nodded.

Ling Xiao leaned on the back of the chair with his eyes closed and fell asleep. Regarding matters such as making a plan, Ling Xiao has no right to speak in front of Magneto and Qin Yi. Now his strength is still very weak, so there is no need to get involved in these things things to go.

And he is not interested in doing this pioneer business, such a thankless role.

Just after Mystique left, Qin then made arrangements, and she, Storm and Magneto must enter it.

As a doctor, Ling Xiao must go in in order to prevent some accidents from happening in the dam; and because of Jenny's special abilities, in this environment, she can give full play to her abilities, and she also can go in.

As for the remaining Iceman, Pyroman, and Little Rascal, the three of them were required to stay in the plane.On the one hand, it was because of their lack of ability, and on the other hand, it was to prevent some accidents from happening. Qin even called the Iceman over and gave them careful instructions.

Not long after, Mystique invaded the control room, controlled the mechanism of the drainage channel, and connected with everyone outside.

"She's amazing!" Even Wolverine couldn't help but marvel, Mystique completed all this so fast, Logan thought he couldn't do it himself.

"Of course, she's more powerful than you imagined." Magneto glanced at Wolverine proudly, then put on his own helmet, and stepped off the plane first, and the others followed quickly. Mystique could Not much time is given to them.

Magneto walked in the front, Wolverine, Qin and Storm followed, Blue Devil Wagner walked in the middle, Ling Xiao and Jenny fell behind.

Jenny was different from Iceman, Pyroman, and Little Rascal. She had already graduated from the Mutant Academy a few years ago, entered a university in New York for advanced studies, and had officially become one of the X-Men's reserve members.

Just when the group reached the end of the long drain, the drain was opened by Mystique from the control room.

Behind the drain gate, a dozen or so elite soldiers frantically fired at the approaching group, pouring out countless bullets.However, for Magneto, who is at the forefront, all this is just a matter of raising his hand slightly.

Almost instantly, the bullets shot frantically stagnated in mid-air, and the next moment, as Magneto flipped his hand, all the bullets flew back backwards, and countless wailing came from behind the drain gate.

Wolverine and some others didn't even have time to make a move, and the matter had been resolved by Magneto.

Ling Xiao glanced at Magneto in surprise. He originally thought that the other party would test the strength of this group of people, but he didn't expect him to be so impatient.That's right, it's no wonder that Magneto is anxious. Mystique is trapped in the control room by herself. Her situation is very bad. A group of people outside are frantically trying to blow up the steel door of the control room with bombs. For a moment, what is waiting for Magneto may be a cold corpse.

Along the way, Magneto personally took action and eliminated all the soldiers blocking the road. Qin originally wanted to save one or two people, but unfortunately, Magneto's action was too fast.

With a bang, Magneto slapped his hand, and the thick gate, which had been blown up halfway by Stryker's men, just flew out, and everyone saw Mystique standing in front of the console.

"Have you found Charles?" Entering the control room, Magneto didn't even have time to ask about Mystique's safety, so he directly asked about Professor Charles' situation.

There is no way, the matter is too urgent. Professor Charles may kill all the mutants on this planet through the sensory center at any time, including him Magneto, so he can't help being in a hurry.

"Most of the energy inside has been injected into this room." Mystique called up the actual map of the base on the computer, while pointing to the last corner of this complex maze, said: "The sensory center should be over there."

"Then can you open it from here?" Storm asked anxiously.

"No." Mystique shook her head and said, "There are many switches in that room, which need to be turned on manually from the outside. Think about your own sensory centers, can the central control room of the Mutant Academy be turned on?"

Mystique's rhetorical question made Storm, who had always been somewhat disgusted with her, speechless. Magneto had no time to care about the intrigue between women, so he immediately distributed it to everyone.

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(End of this chapter)

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