Chapter 93 Departure
At this stage, during the intense sprint period of the college entrance examination, senior high school students take half a day off a week.

During this rare half-day break, Chen Xiaoting and Gu Xiaodan usually won't come out, but Shen Qi's face must be given.

Xu Rui didn't care. He had the worst grades in the class and was sent to the Capital University of Science and Technology in 985. He bet on sports right.

Not everyone can go to Shuimu University. There will always be regrets in life. After two games, a third place and a second place, Xu Rui has already thought about it and matured a lot.

Look at Chen Xiaoting and Gu Xiaodan around them, who are still struggling for the college entrance examination, their future is uncertain, Xu Rui has no reason not to be satisfied with the ending of directly recommending 985.

It depends on who he is compared with. Compared with Chen Xiaoting and Gu Xiaodan, Xu Rui is lucky.

Compared with Shen Qi, it was asking for trouble.

Shen Qi also knew that Chen Xiaoting and Gu Xiaodan had limited time recently, and he would not let the boys at the same table and the front row worship him come for nothing.

"Although I have been busy with the competition of things recently, I have some new inspirations in mathematics. Mathematics and physics are similar. Let's provide inspiration for each other. Take these pieces of paper, I believe they will help you to take the college entrance examination. Help." Shen Qi gave Chen Xiaoting and Gu Xiaodan a few pages.

"You don't care, you give it for nothing." Shen Qi said to Xu Rui.

"Don't poison me, I can't understand it." Xu Rui didn't want to see Shen Qi's learning experience.

The content on a few pages is Shen Qi's new understanding of high school mathematics, and some supplements to his book "Mathematics Skills of Shen Qi, the Champion of Mathematical Olympiad".

In addition, some of Shen Qi's knowledge of high school physics was also written down on paper.

"Okay! Thank you Shen Qi!" Chen Xiaoting and Gu Xiaodan were like treasures.

Chen Xiaoting asked, "Shen Qi, why hasn't your math experience been published yet?"

Shen Qi said, "My dad is negotiating business terms with the publishing house. We're almost done, and we're about to start printing."

"After the publication and sale, I'll buy a box first!" Gu Xiaodan said, patting his chest.

"I'll buy...two boxes!" Chen Xiaoting was not far behind.

Xu Rui was unhappy: "You two white-eyed wolves, Shen Qi loves you like a father, you two just buy it in a box?"

"Then how to do it?" Gu Xiaodan asked.

"Shen Qi, I won the [-]-meter runner-up in the National Athletics Youth Trials this time, and there is a bonus on it. After your book goes on sale, I will buy a car first to express my feelings." Xu Rui said proudly.

"Truck or train?" Shen Qi laughed.

"This..." Xu Rui said hesitantly, "The trunk of my dad's Fit is full."



A few days before going to the CPhO National Finals, a reporter found Shen Qi.

The principal greeted Shen Qi in advance, saying that the reporter from the Guangdong section of Koukou News wanted to do an exclusive interview with Shen Qi, and suggested that Shen Qi can cooperate as much as possible. This is advertising at no cost, and Koukou News is a mainstream media after all.

In a coffee shop near Shen Qi's house, the reporter's brother showed Shen Qi his press card.

Koutou news reporter, Qin Wu.

It was him, yes, not a liar.

Shen Qi readily accepted the interview.

"Hello Shen Qi, I mainly do news interviews in the science and education section of our province. In the past two years, the top candidates in the college entrance examination in our province have been interviewed by me." Qin Wuxian introduced his main achievements.

"Mr. Qin, I have been looking forward to it for a long time." Shen Qi responded politely.

Qin Wu turned on the recorder and said, "Actually, what attracted me at first was your IMO gold medal, Shen Qi, and then you advanced to the CPhO finals. I have been following you recently. I went to You Nangang No. [-] Middle School wanted to interview you at your school, but was told that you were not at school. Your principal was very accommodating, and he arranged for us to meet here."

Shen Qi doesn't like coffee, he ordered hot chocolate: "Well, yes, I'm preparing for the CPhO National Finals recently."

"It is said that you are very popular in school, and you are the male theological master in the eyes of many girls." Qin Wu smiled.

"It's okay, it's okay." With the recorder in front of him, Shen Qi didn't dare to talk nonsense, what he said was going to be in the news, the mainstream media.

Qin Wu asked: "I learned from your classmates that you have scored more than 730 in the recent mock exams?"

Shen Qi: "Yes, take the test at will."

"Want to hit the top spot in the college entrance examination?"

"I have this idea. After all, our No. [-] Middle School hasn't won the champion for many years."

"Shen Qi, you won the IMO gold medal, the championship in the national finals, and at least the third prize in the national finals in the physical competition. Then you are a provincial top student, all of which are extra points in the college entrance examination."

"I asked, and our province's rule is that the maximum bonus points for the college entrance examination is 20 points."

"Yes, that's right, the cap is 20 points, and the extra 20 points are usually recorded in parentheses after the score on the paper. Then Shen Qi, if you maintain this good state, this year's college entrance examination is very likely to win the province's science subject. No. 730 Scholar, since the resumption of the college entrance examination, our province has never had a college entrance examination above [-]."

"I try my best."

"If the score on the college entrance examination paper is above 730, plus the 20 points in parentheses, Shen Qi, you will definitely create a new height for the college entrance examination score in our province."

"Well, I try."

The interview ended within 30 minutes, and then Qin Wu wrote a short press release, which was published in the "Focus on College Entrance Examination" column of the Science and Education Channel of the Guangdong Section of Koukou News:
"Shen Qi, the math Olympian champion, takes the test casually, aiming to be the champion of the province's college entrance examination..."


On April 4, Shen Qi set off for the capital, accompanied by Mu Rong.

This year's CMO national final is scheduled to be held in the capital city, and the CPhO national final is held in the capital.

The Nanyue Provincial Physics Society did not organize the 12 national finalists for training.


Because the top high schools in the province conduct their own training in physical competition, produce and sell themselves, and bear their own responsibilities and risks.

Huafu, Shengshi, Special Zone Middle School, and Shimen Middle School, which are relatively good high schools in the province, are quite powerful in conducting subject competitions.

Of the 12 players from Nanyue Province who participated in the CPhO National Finals, 11 came from several famous schools above.

The family is a famous school in the province, and Shen Qi's No. [-] middle school is a key high school in the city, which is different.

But Shen Qi believed that his own coach, Mr. Mu, would not be inferior to those of several famous schools.

Under the leadership of their respective coaches, 12 contestants from Nanyue Province arrived in the capital one after another.

The Chinese Physics Society, the organizer of the CPhO, arranged for more than 400 national finalists from all over the country to live in the Yan University dormitory.

The competition venue for this national final is Yanda University.

Shuimu University has no objection. They admit that Yanda's physics major is stronger than them.

Before the 70s, the Department of Physics of Shuimu University could beat any university in the country, including Yanda University.

Since the departure of Mr. Ye Qisun, the great master of Chinese physics and the founder of modern Chinese physics, the Department of Physics of Shuimu University could no longer beat Yanda, but was overtaken by Yanda.What to do with Nirvana, the emperor takes turns to sit and boil.

The national final will run from May 5 to May 3.

Mu Rong and Shen Qi arrived at Yanda on April 4, several days ahead of schedule.

Mu Rong graduated from Yanda University, and Shen Qi will officially report to Yanda University in a few months.

(End of this chapter)

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