I just want to be a quiet scholar

Chapter 114 What the hell

Chapter 114 What the hell
"Shen Qi, it seems that you are expected to be the squad leader, and the will of the people must not be violated!"

The counselor became a probationary party member when he was 18 years old. He has been in the party for nearly 10 years. His political literacy is particularly high, which is reflected in his words and deeds.

Shen Qi shook his head and waved his hands and continued to decline politely: "No, no, I am also a member of the masses, one of thousands of ordinary people. I really can't bear the burden of the squad leader."

"Be the class monitor, Shen Qi!" All the students shouted in unison.

"My administrative management skills are limited, students!" Shen Qi was in a dilemma. He had been the team leader of a team since he was a child, and suddenly he was asked to be the monitor. The burden is too heavy.

"This has nothing to do with administrative management. The main thing is that you must have a high level of ideological and moral quality. By the way, Shen Qi, aren't you a three-good student in your province? Then your ideological and moral character are amazing! Shen Qi, you will be ours. The class monitor of the XX grade of the mathematics department, the students can rest assured, and I can rest assured, the department leaders can rest assured, and the school leaders can rest assured." The counselor speaks eloquently, and he is very suitable for the position of counselor.

Zhou Yu'an added: "Yan University is at ease, the country is also at ease, the grassroots is at ease, and the central government is even more at ease. Shen Qi, stop acting, hurry up and take the oath of office, Squad Leader Shen!"

"This...isn't appropriate?" Shen Qi pushed again and again.

Zhou Yu'an was about to collapse: "Shen Qi, you love to act too much. You are an actor, a seasoned actor! Do you think you are Cao Cao, the third king of Wei? Don't shy away from the big brother, just let it go, Squad Leader Shen !"

"Come on, Squad Leader Shen!"

"Come on, Squad Leader Shen!"

"Come on, Squad Leader Shen!"

All the people shouted three times and almost knelt and kowtowed.

Even a girl like Ouye, who has been expressionless for thousands of years, couldn't help trembling her vermilion lips. She was probably smiling.

"Counselor... this?" Shen Qi looked at the counselor helplessly, and asked tentatively, "Then I'll try, if the squad leader is not good, you can dismiss me at any time."

"That's it!" The counselor waved his hand, announcing Shen Qi as the class monitor of XX grade in the Department of Mathematics.

Before I read the book, I became a small official first, which is not what Shen Qi expected. Hey, the national conditions are such that small technical experts also have to be in charge of administration, so let's take a step at a time.

Then came the military training, took off the jeans, put on the green military uniform, and the new college students were baptized by the soldiers.

"Everyone is there, stand at attention! Take a rest! Sit down!" The military training instructor shouted, "Mathematics department, let's sing the military song!"

Shen Qi took the lead and shouted: "One two three four, one two three four, like a song!"

More than [-] boys from the Department of Mathematics sang together: "Green barracks, green barracks, teach me!"

Speaking of singing is no different from quarreling.

The team on the opposite side is the Detachment of Women, and they don't give in to their men: "The sunset is red and the mountains are flying, and the soldiers shoot the target and return to the camp, return to the camp!"

Department of Mathematics: "One, one, one, one, one, one steel gun!"

Women's Army: "Misuo, Misuo, La Suomi, come here!"

The boys from the Department of Mathematics got involved with this women's army, and the two teams sang military songs if they disagreed.

In fact, they are all freshmen in the number of colleges, and there are not many girls in the number of colleges. Five departments have formed such a team of more than [-] female soldiers.

The Mathematics Department contributed only one girl, Ouye, who was particularly conspicuous in the team, and fainted while singing.

The girls were shocked: "Report, Ouye has passed out! Is she suffering from heat stroke?"

The boys from the Department of Mathematics on the opposite side stopped singing military songs and looked anxiously at the female soldiers. It was a big deal that their class flower fell.

In the Department of Mathematics, there is only one girl named Ouye, regardless of whether she is ugly or beautiful, she has to be the class belle to support the Department of Mathematics.

Shen Qi stood up and asked the instructor of the team: "Report, Ouye, a female soldier in my class, has fallen, and I must immediately carry out humanitarian assistance to her!"

"Approved!" The instructor of the mathematics department ran to the female soldier team and rescued the unconscious Ouye together with the female instructor.

Ouye's complexion was already pale, but now it became more pale.

After the instructor's emergency treatment, Ouye regained consciousness.

"Hey, are you okay?" Shen Qi knelt down and asked Ouye.

"No." Ouye shook his head, obviously, something was very important.

"Are you a friendly army?" the instructor of the female soldier team asked Shen Qi.

Shen Qi replied: "Yes, I am the monitor of Ouye's class, Shen Qi."

The instructor gave instructions: "Shen Qi, you carry Ouye to the infirmary. She needs to rest. After sending her to the infirmary, you return to the team immediately."

"Yes!" Shen Qi carried Ouye on his back and moved towards the infirmary.

"You're very light, Ouye. Do you have 90 catties?" Shen Qi didn't have any trouble carrying Ouye on his back. She was 1.6 meters seven or sixty-eight meters tall, less than 90 catties, and was on the thin side.

Ouye said weakly, "87 catties."

"Oh, are you feeling better recently?" Shen Qi asked.

Ouye's voice was like a mosquito: "Same as usual."

"Okay, stop talking and take a good rest." Shen Qi sent Ouye to the infirmary, handed it to the doctor, and then returned to the team.

During the one-month military training, the freshmen got to know each other better. Shen Qi, as the monitor of the mathematics department, established a good relationship with the 35 boys and 1 girl in the class.

Squad leader Shen has to take care of miscellaneous things, such as posting educational information in the class group, raising funds for team building activities, organizing people to participate in the school sports meeting... This is an administrative business.

There are more business in technology, which one has more textbooks for fractions, whether functionals are really chilling, what is the ultimate mystery of infinite series... Shen Qi discussed with his classmates.

It is easier for boys to communicate with each other. We all live in the same dormitory building, and mutual visits between dormitories are common.

The boys in the Department of Mathematics of Yanda University are not nerds. They are not much different from ordinary college students, except that they have a better foundation in mathematics.

They discussed counting points and solutions, and they also played black games. Shen Qi had four boys in their dormitory plus one boy in the dormitory next door.

No one has ever beaten the five boys who understand the Lanchester equation from the Department of Mathematics of Yanda University, unless they are professional players.

Lanchester's linear law is used in the five-fighter game, only demolishing towers and not killing people, let's lose heads and push crystals, victory!

The square law of Lanchester is used in the five-shooter game, only killing people but not demolishing the tower. The opponent we played 88 to 0 called Dad, and then surrendered in humiliation.

Shen Qi hasn't played a game for a long time, and he applied the Lanchester equation in the game on a whim, which is simply supernatural.

If the opponent knows that their game opponents are all from the Department of Mathematics of Yanda University, and that these top students from the Department of Mathematics have won medals or even gold medals in the national finals of the Mathematical Olympiad, they should be convinced.There is also a possibility that it will be reported.

The boys in the mathematics department quickly bonded together.

The girls in the Mathematics Department were a bit lonely. Ouye, the only girl, didn't even have roommates in the same class. She shared a dormitory with three girls from other departments.

One night after the National Day holiday, the clouds were overcast, and there was no moon or star in the night sky.

Shen Qi came to the girl's dormitory with a book, he called Ouye and asked Ouye to go downstairs.

I saw a white figure slowly floating down from the stairs. She was wearing a large white long-sleeved T-shirt that covered her knees, and her waist-length black straight long hair was brushed to her chest, covering her face.

I don't know if it's the wind, or some strange bird chirping, it's very shrill.

"Fuck...what the hell!" Shen Qi was taken aback. He held up the English version of "Guide to Algebra" and backed away again and again. For ashes!
The white figure swayed in front of Shen Qi, she brushed back half of her long hair, revealing half of her pale face: "It's me."

"Damn, Ouye!" Shen Qi saw the appearance of the woman in white, so he put down the "Algebra Guide", the treasure book of suppressing evil, and complained strongly: "The moon is dark and the wind is high in the middle of the night. What kind of trouble are you dressing up like this?" Ouye?"

Ouye smiled strangely: "Hehe, I just took a shower and let it dry."

"Don't laugh, don't laugh, you're the only girl I've ever seen, laughing is uglier than crying." Shen Qi calmed down, and handed the English version of "Guide to Algebra" to Ouye: "The book you are looking for , is this the book?"

Ouye took the book and nodded: "Yes, it's not easy to find in China."

"Don't lose it, let me tell you, I brought this book back from England last year." Shen Qi reminded, "This "Guide to Algebra" is an internal textbook of the Department of Mathematics at Oxford University, and Andrew Wiles is the editor. One, he mainly studies elliptic curves, but he is also highly accomplished in number theory, otherwise he would not be able to prove Fermat’s last theorem. Read this book, it will help you.”

"Okay." Ouye nodded.

"Ouye, from now on, can you braid your hair and show your face when you go out at night?" Shen Qi made a suggestion and explained the reason: "With your face, you can go directly to the set of Midnight Ring without makeup. "

Ouye: "I will try my best."

"Also." Shen Qi added before leaving, "Professor Sun asked me to bring you a message, you must take the basic courses in freshman year, don't skip classes, remember?"

Oye: "Yeah."

"Then why did you skip Fat Old Sun's senior class yesterday?" Shen Qi asked, "As the monitor of our class, I must remind you, Ouye, even I don't skip class, why do you skip class? Are you better than me? It's only been a few days since school started, where is your organizational discipline, ah, Ouye, do you have any organizational concepts?"


Ouye hesitated for a moment, and then told the reason: "Yesterday, my period came."

"Shu Ji also came to give an example..." Shen Qi stopped half of his words, Shu Ji is also a woman, of course she will have her period, it is understandable, forget it, let's not take it as an example.

The two just said goodbye, and they had nothing to say all night.

The next day, first-year students from the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Science and Engineering Computing had classes together.

The two departments belong to the same mathematics academy, the former is more theoretical research, and the latter is more applied.

The Department of Mathematics and the Department of Science and Engineering Computing have exactly the same curriculum in the freshman and sophomore years. Public compulsory courses such as Ma Zhe, Mao Gai, Deng Lun, military theory, college English, computer, and physical education must take enough credits.

(End of this chapter)

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