I just want to be a quiet scholar

Chapter 109 Don't Thank Me

Chapter 109 Don't Thank Me
However blocking is ineffective.

The classmates continued to tear up books, at least half of the senior high school students who had just taken the college entrance examination were doing this.

Shen Qi has seen similar reports in the news, tearing up books after the college entrance examination seems to have become a ritualized behavior, venting, venting, and saying goodbye to exam-oriented education.

Seeing all this with his own eyes, Shen Qi was still shocked and very sad.

Exam-oriented education may not be so perfect.

But books are innocent.

Why tear up the book?

Why is this why?

Keep the high school textbooks, maybe they will come in handy in the future.

"Hey, forget it, let them go." Shen Qi walked towards Zhang Wanbang's office.

Zhang Wanbang took out two mathematics literature to Shen Qi, which Shen Qi deposited with him.

"The champion?" Zhang Wanbang asked.

"It's hard to say." Shen Qi shook his head.

"How many points do you estimate yourself?" Zhang Wanbang asked again.

"I don't know, I didn't estimate it." Shen Qi was telling the truth. With his memory and calculation ability, if he really wanted to estimate the score, he would be able to estimate the score.It's not necessary, just let it be.

"You're so low-key, you won't fail the exam, right?" Zhang Wanbang frowned, and then smiled again: "Actually, for you, Shen Qi, there is no such thing as a failure in the college entrance examination, there is only the difference between the champion and the non-champion."

"Let it be." Shen Qi also smiled, and then he was serious, and bowed 90 degrees to Zhang Wanbang very seriously and respectfully: "Thank you Teacher Zhang for cultivating me, pulling me out of the quagmire, and taking me with you. I'm on the right path. Shien is always in my heart, and I dare not forget it."

Zhang Wanbang's heart suddenly trembled. He has been teaching for 20 years, and many students have bowed to him.

These students have one thing in common: they were not the champions and did not get admitted to Shuimu and Yanda, and in the end most of them went to ordinary universities to study.

These ordinary graduates bowed to Zhang Wanbang because, if Zhang Wanbang hadn't yelled at them and scolded them and confiscated their mobile phones and PSPs, they would not know where they would be doing coolies or even being young and dangerous.

There were also students admitted to Shuimu and Yanda, but none of them came back to bow to Zhang Wanbang.

Shen Qi was the first.

Zhang Wanbang turned around and scolds the irritable and tough math teacher who smashed the podium every day. His eyes were a little wet.

Shen Qi is not one of the most distinctive students Zhang Wanbang has ever taught.

Shen Qi used to be a scumbag. Later, he miraculously won the IMO championship, the CMO and CPhO double championships. He was sent to Yanda University. After the college entrance examination, he came back and bowed to Zhang Wanbang.

Being able to teach such students, Zhang Wanbang felt that the teacher's line of work was not in vain. He wiped the corners of his eyes and turned around with emotion: "Shen Qi, this is the responsibility of a people's teacher... What about people?"

Shen Qi had disappeared without a trace.

"Stinky boy, wasting my feelings!" Zhang Wanbang scolded and slammed his desk, which was very refreshing, very happy and gratified.

Shen Qi left Zhang Wanbang's office and went downstairs.

Along the way, I met a Chinese teacher and an English teacher. Shen Qi also thanked them both. Both are female teachers.

"Don't thank me, Shen Qi, I haven't taught you much since you were in your third year of high school," said the Chinese teacher.

"I don't have a chance to teach you. You have been out in competitions for a long time, and it is very difficult to see Shen Qi." The English teacher agreed, and she looked at Shen Qi with sparkling eyes.

Shen Qi chatted a few words with the two female teachers, then left and retreated.

Going down to the first floor of the teaching building, Shen Qi met another teacher who had taught him, Zhao Hongtao, a real physics teacher in their third year (2) class.

When Zhao Hongtao saw Shen Qi, she turned and left.

Shen Qi strode up to catch up: "Mr. Zhao, thank you!"

"Don't, I, Zhao Hongtao, can't bear it."

Zhao Hongtao hurriedly waved her hand with a look of shame on her face: "Shen Qi, why are you thanking me? You asked me questions about physics, and I never told you the answer. Your great achievements have nothing to do with me."

"No, no, if it wasn't for Mr. Zhao who gave me a solid foundation in physics in the first and second year of high school, I would not have won the CPhO championship. All in all, thank you, Mr. Zhao!" Shen Qi bowed to Zhao Hongtao, not 90 degrees. But there are also angles.

Zhao Hongtao was suspicious: "Shen Qi, do you really think so?"

Shen Qi said sincerely: "It is absolutely true, one day is a teacher, and a lifetime is a mother."

Zhao Hongtao's doubts were eliminated, she was instantly filled with maternal love, and she looked at Shen Qi with more kindness: "I gave birth relatively late, I am 50 years old now, and my daughter is not yet 19 years old. Coincidentally, she is also in the capital Studying. Of course, she is studying in an ordinary university, and cannot be compared with Shen Qi and your Yanda University. Shen Qi, I look serious, but my mind is actually quite open..."

"Thank you, Teacher Zhao, goodbye, Teacher Zhao!" Shen Qi turned around and ran away.

"Hey, stinky boy!" Zhao Hongtao stomped her feet, regretting it.

Teacher Zhao has thanked her, can Teacher Mu not thank her?

Shen Qi went to Mu Rong and was told that Teacher Mu was on vacation.

Then I can only thank him on WeChat. Shen Qi sent a WeChat to Mu Rong, thanking Mr. Mu for his guidance on the competition, and sent a red envelope of 9.10 yuan to Mu Rong, which means that on September 9th, Teacher's Day, the teacher's kindness is not good. Forget forever.

Mu Rong returned: "Self-taught, don't thank me, I'm shooting birds, I wish you a bright future."

Shen Qi, the leader of the Nangang No. [-] Middle School's competition team, has graduated from high school. The new school competition is in the stage of reshuffle and reconstruction. Mu Rong has no business recently, so she took her summer vacation early and went to the wild wetlands to shoot birds. .

While Shen Qi thanked the teachers, the grading work of the college entrance examination in Nanyue Province was in progress simultaneously.

A mysterious institution under the Nanyue Provincial Department of Education, located in a quiet place.

There are dozens of computers in a room, and a marking teacher sits in front of each computer.The college entrance examination grading work is carried out here, and there are many such grading rooms.

The college entrance examination online marking has been implemented for many years. The answers to the objective questions are written on the answer sheet with 2B pencils and are automatically evaluated by the computer.

Subjective questions are uploaded to the computer of the marking teacher in the internal system of the Ministry of Education, and the marking teacher manually completes the work of marking and scoring.

Generally, each subjective question is scored independently by two teachers, and an allowable error value will be set in the system before scoring, such as 1 point or 2 points.

If the scores of the two teachers do not exceed the allowable error, the average score will be calculated.

If the score exceeds the allowable error value, it will be arbitrated by a third teacher as the final result.

The grading teacher cannot see the names and schools of the respondents, and the grading mode of the college entrance examination is fair and perfect.

On the first day of the language grading, an essay arbitration took place.

There is an essay, a male teacher gave a perfect score of 60 points, a female teacher gave 57 points, deducted 3 points.

The difference of 3 points has exceeded the range of the allowable error value.

So this self-proposed composition titled "Perseverance" was submitted to the third teacher for final arbitration.

(End of this chapter)

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