I just want to be a quiet scholar

Chapter 107 No pressure or even 1 point to cry

Chapter 107 No pressure and even a little want to cry

There is not much time to ask questions, because the college entrance examination is still in progress.

After the Chinese test in the morning, Shen Qi and his parents went home directly. After a little adjustment and rest, he had to take the test in the afternoon.There are two more exams tomorrow.

Shen Qi didn't know where his classmates took the college entrance examination, which middle school and which classroom?

Shen Qi hopes that Chen Xiaoting and Gu Xiaodan can get the ideal scores in the test. He will never contact them in the past two days. He will not contact anyone. The mobile phone has been turned off and will be turned off for two consecutive days.

It can be said that Shen Qi did his best to cope with the college entrance examination, not for anything else, but for miracles, who asked me to have a strange character in my name.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the second subject of the college entrance examination begins.

Compared with Chinese, the second college entrance examination subject has no pressure on Shen Qi.

The second exam is mathematics.

There are three types of questions in mathematics: multiple choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, and short answer questions.

The full marks of both Chinese and English are 150, and the full marks of Li Zong/Wen Zong are 300. Shen Qi and the others take the college entrance examination according to this model.

Sets, arithmetic sequence, three-dimensional geometry, program block diagram, induction formula, trigonometric function image transformation... 12 multiple-choice questions are not even a pediatrician for Shen Qi, and he solves a multiple-choice question in an average of 20 seconds.

After all, it is the college entrance examination, so be careful, you must be careful.

If it were normal, Shen Qi would be able to solve a problem in 10 seconds.

It took a little over 4 minutes for Shen Qi to complete all the multiple-choice questions.

Fill-in-the-blank questions are equally vulnerable.

The operation of plane vectors, the application of linear programming, the properties of hyperbolas, the volume of geometric bodies... They cannot escape the fate of being destroyed.

Shen Qi completed the four fill-in-the-blank questions in 3 minutes, and did some simple calculations on the scratch paper.

Within 8 minutes, Shen Qi completed the multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank questions.

The highlight of the college entrance examination mathematics paper is of course the short answer questions.

Short answer questions are generally divided into calculation questions and proof questions.

Whether it's a calculation question or a proof question, for Shen Qi, it's a score-giving question.

Short answer question [-]:
"The known function f(x)=-x^2+ax+4, g(x)=|x+1|+|x-1|."

"(1) When a=1, find the solution set of the inequality f(x)≥g(x);"

"(2) If the solution set of f(x)≥g(x) contains [-1, 1], find the value range of a."

12 points for this question.

"These sub-questions, there is no technical content in the sub-sending."

Shen Qi didn't even have a chance to write a draft, so he solved it directly on the test paper.

Very quickly, he solved the set of solutions for f(x)≥g(x) as:

(√【】represents the square root, for example √【17】means there is a 17 below the square root, the same below)
The first question was solved just like that. It was not as good as a fill-in-the-blank question, at least the last question of the fill-in-the-blank question was more difficult than it.

The second question continues to send points.

Shen Qi quickly found that the value range of a is [-1, 1].

What do you think, the two questions of the first short answer question are 12 points for free?
The knowledge points used are nothing more than dividing the absolute value of the interval, solving the inequality separately, taking the union as the solution set of the original inequality... and so on the most basic high school mathematics knowledge.

The following short-answer questions are about the mathematical expectation of the normal distribution, the positional relationship between the straight line and the conic section, the parametric equation...

Send points, send points, continue to send points.

More than 20 minutes passed, and Shen Qi completed the 136-point question.

Shen Qi did not use any knowledge beyond the syllabus, and it was like bullying elementary school students.

"What's so special, someone can get above 140 in the test, right?" Shen Qi was speechless. If mathematics was so simple, would it still be called mathematics?
After taking the test, it is still enjoyable for CMO and IMO. That battlefield is the battlefield for real men.

"The most boring subject in the college entrance examination is mathematics."

Shen Qi was very disappointed, very sad, and was about to lose the last trace of passion.

But there is no way, this is the college entrance examination, Shen Qi must continue to be bored and complete the math test.

The last question is the function question, 14 points.

Generally speaking, the last question of the mathematics examination paper in the provinces of the country is the most difficult.

"Finally, please don't let me continue to be disappointed. The entire mathematics test paper is so low. Even if I get a perfect score, what is the essential difference between me and other candidates?"

"The finale of the language, Composition Master, still has a bit of finale temperament, and you, mathematics, my main talent, don't let me be disappointed in you again." Shen Qi began to carefully review the questions, and the final function question.

The title of the last question is:

When the trial came to this point, Shen Qi's heart was shattered, abolished, non-chief.

Looking at this topic, you can see that it is not a good bird.

A proper weak chicken.

It was so simple that Shen Qi wanted to cry.

The first question is: when a=8, find the monotonic interval of f(x).

"Sure enough..." Shen Qi felt a chill.

Funny, funny, the easiest college entrance examination math test paper in history has just been released.

Everyone can get full marks, don't miss it if you pass by.

Distraught and disappointed, Shen Qi's first question to solve the final math problem:
Obtained: f'(x)=1-√[x]/2√[x(1+x)]

Therefore, when x∈(0], f'(x)≥1;

When x∈[1, +∞), f'(x)≤0
So f(x) increases monotonically in (0, 1] and decreases monotonically in [1, +∞).

The knowledge points examined in this question are very basic, that is, the properties and applications of functions, as well as the solutions and applications of inequalities.

"I want to cry, I really want to cry." Shen Qi frowned. Those questions on May [-] were written in vain, and my math book was written in vain. It's fake, it's all fake.

For you to do this kind of low question, I will ask you if you cry?

You may not cry, and you may even want to laugh a little.

But the IMO champion almost burst into tears, but fortunately, Shen Qi relied on his strong willpower to hold back.

This college entrance examination mathematics test paper is too chilling for Shen Qi. The first question of the final question, 6 points, let alone me, even Chen Xiaoting can easily do it, Chen Xiaoting can't even get a full score.

"Hehehe..." Shen Qi smiled inexplicably, with bitterness in his smile.

The invigilator was startled, and when it was over, one of the exams went crazy, with obvious neurotic features.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in the examination room of the college entrance examination.

Hey, that's not right, the candidate with the test number 1010XXXX, whose name is Shen Qi, seems to be a bit familiar. He won't be the math Olympiad champion, right?

Olympiad champions were all fooled?
This math test paper is too difficult!
The invigilator continued to pay attention to Shen Qi's developments.

"Huh..." Shen Qi took a deep breath and had to calm down.

Fortunately, the second question in the finale question made Shen Qi a little happier.

The second question is: for any positive number a, prove that 1<f(x)<2.

The second question is which professor came up with it, this technique... a bit like the tune of a number competition.

Shen Qi regrouped, and he entered the second question full of energy, which was also the answer to the last question of this college entrance examination mathematics test paper...

(End of this chapter)

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