I just want to be a quiet scholar

Chapter 102 Small Achievements

Chapter 102 Small Achievements

The CPhO National Finals are over.

Perfect but also regrettable. The highest prize in the physics competition that Shen Qi can win is the first gold medal in the national finals.

IPhO is usually held in July and August every year. This year's IPhO was originally held in Barcelona, ​​Spain in July. Due to the recent tension in Spain, the Catalonia region where Barcelona is located is particularly turbulent.

For the safety of athletes from all over the world, the International Physics Competition Organization changed the venue of the IPhO last month, canceling the qualification of Barcelona and replacing it with the Swedish city of Stockholm.

In order to give Stockholm sufficient preparation time, the IPhO, which originally started in July, was adjusted to September.

In September of this year, Shen Qi was already an official college student, and he automatically lost his qualifications for the Olympiad for middle school students.

So the Chinese Physical Society was shocked.

Relevant departments were shocked.

The media concerned were shocked.

Shen Qi, No.1 in total score in the CPhO national finals, unexpectedly missed the opportunity to participate in this year's IPhO.

Shen Qi himself expressed calmness in an interview with various reporters after the award ceremony. Sometimes imperfection is also a kind of perfection. Human life is not only about Olympic subject competitions. I have achieved some small achievements in high school. At the university level, you can go to the next level and continue to make breakthroughs in more in-depth fields.

I have participated in both the math competition and the physical competition. I have no regrets. Mathematics and physics are not only competitions. In the real academic research field of mathematics and physics, I am not even a weak chicken...

Various media reported in detail the interview with Shen Qi.

After seeing the regular news reports, the Duanzi writers showed their strong adaptation ability:

"Stupid bird flying first is Shen Qi, a small achievement for the double championship."

"Shen Xiaoqi, small grades, Yan Da is okay to worry about you."

"Don't mess with him, if you can't mess with him, just suppress you casually."

"Shen Xiaoqi, love to study, I am a weak chicken."


"I'm really speechless. I don't even know how to deal with the media now." At the Capital Airport, Shen Qi used the time he was waiting for boarding to swipe the news on his mobile phone and found that he had been adapted by Duan Zishou.

"Shen Xiaoqi, congratulations, please take the Yanda Scholarship." Mu Rong almost laughed out her abdominal muscles, she improvised and followed the glove way, "Shen Qi, you don't need to spend money to go to college, maybe you can still get it. Making money, knowledge creates wealth is verified in you."

"Knowledge is power." Shen Qi nodded, and then boarded the plane with Mu Rong.

Shen Qi and Mu Rong returned to Nangang City on May 5.

At this time, there is still a whole month before the college entrance examination on June 6.

What are you doing a month before the college entrance examination?

Some people will say, nonsense, what else can you do, brush the questions!

How to brush?
Still need to ask?

Three long and one short choose the shortest, and three short and one long choose the longest.

For long and short, choose B, and it is uneven to force C.

Do you have a dream for the college entrance examination?
Some people will say nonsense, of course there is!

what dream?
Why not go to Shuimu, I will go to Lanxiang from Hengdao.

Even if Yan Da has no way out, the tiger body is shocked and self-improvement.

Renmin University of Science and Technology, Jiaotong University, I just smiled and didn’t speak.

Ha ha.

The above words are all said by Gu Xiaodan.

As the college entrance examination approached, Gu Xiaodan became more and more anxious. He played some mourning jokes because he felt that he was very mourned now.

In these several mock exams, Gu Xiaodan actually did well in the exam, and he maintained his state.

Originally, Gu Xiaodan set a lofty goal. He wanted to go to a good university in the capital, at least the kind with 211 and above.

He is also working towards this goal.

But as he got closer and closer to the goal, Gu Xiaodan became more and more guilty. He didn't know why, maybe it was the college entrance examination syndrome.

Chen Xiaoting is relatively normal. She does questions every day, reviews and summarizes knowledge points. Combined with the math and physics experience Shen Qi gave her, Chen Xiaoting has made steady progress.

In fact, one month before the college entrance examination, the vast majority of senior high school students are in a similar state to Chen Xiaoting. They are stressed and motivated. They will be nervous, but try to overcome them.This is normal.

A few students have more severe symptoms of college entrance examination syndrome, such as Gu Xiaodan, who has to rely on him to self-regulate and think less about messy things, which won't help.

If you really don’t want to do the questions, then read the Chinese text and English words aloud, find a place where no one is around and shout it out loud, until you are exhausted, you have no strength to think wildly.

At this time, Gu Xiaodan is the only one who can help him. If the teacher can't cure him, neither can Mr. Shen Qi.

At this stage, the teachers in the third grade of Nangang No. [-] Middle and High School have stopped giving lectures. Their main job every day is to pour chicken soup.

"Three minutes on stage, ten years off stage."

"Ten years to sharpen a sword, this year is just right!"

"Students, don't be nervous during the college entrance examination. If you encounter a college entrance examination question that you can't do, you will be fooled!"

"Be bold, and summon up your courage! You don't have to feel guilty in the exam room, you must have a firm belief."

"You can't leave it blank without writing it. You will definitely get 0 points if you leave it blank. You may get a few points for an answer or step."

"I've emphasized it many times. There are not [-] times but [-]. The word 'jie' is particularly important."

"I'll stress it again for the last time, if you really encounter a problem that you can't do, the word 'solution' plus a colon must be written on the paper for me!"

"Sometimes the admission score is the difference."

"Whether you believe it or not, the momentum in the exam room decides everything."

"If you get the momentum, the famous schools are up to you to choose!"


The teachers of the graduating class of high school also have no taboos. In the last month before the college entrance examination, they dare to say anything, and if they don't say it, they will have no chance to say it.

The status of the senior three candidates has reached the peak height in their seventeen or eighteen years of life.

No teachers or parents dare to scold them or blame them at this critical time. They must give smiles, transmit positive energy, and care for the third-year babies with love.

Relevant departments and volunteers in the society also acted, and college entrance examination service stations and green channels for college entrance examinations have been established.

The college students who have gone through the college entrance examination enthusiastically and actively offer advice to their juniors and younger sisters: Hold on!fly! 666!

Taking advantage of the popularity of the college entrance examination, the top students who got high scores in the college entrance examination also became popular.

College students who have not been admitted to prestigious schools remain silent, quietly watching the school tyrants pretend to teach high school students the experience of the college entrance examination.

Therefore, the college entrance examination is an important milestone in a person's life.

If you pass the test, get a high score, go to a famous school, you can brag for several years until you graduate from college.

One month before the college entrance examination, what was Shen Qi doing?

He shut himself up at home to write the questions, the college entrance examination mock questions, the May [-]rd Golden Code, and the previous real questions.

Does the double champion of mathematics and physics competition also need to brush the questions?
I want it.

Shen Qi's math and physics were not a big problem for the college entrance examination papers.

But there are Chinese, English, chemistry, biology to be tested.

The subject competition mode is different from the college entrance examination mode.

Shen Qi needs to switch the mode as soon as possible and switch to the college entrance examination mode.

When you're used to driving Ferraris and McLarens, and suddenly switching to a Fit for you, you may overturn.

Even Shen Qi, he didn't dare to be careless in the college entrance examination. He was no different from other candidates. He only had one chance to take the college entrance examination in his life.

It is impossible for Shen Qi to retake the college entrance examination or something. He only has the opportunity to take the college entrance examination this year, the only time in his life.

(End of this chapter)

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