Rebel Demon King

Chapter 994 The Girl by Lake Trito (14)

Chapter 994 The Girl by Lake Trito (14)

The warm sun is shining in the garden, the spring breeze is slightly intoxicating, the birdsong is crisp, and clusters of bright flowers hang their heads in the sun with dewdrops in them.They silently surround the beauty sitting in the garden.

Napoleon VII approached silently, the fragrance of flowers could not hide the sweetness of her body, and the sun was not as bright as her hair color, he felt that this was really a beautiful moment, he approached cautiously, as if he was afraid of being disturbed and fell on the rose The colorful butterfly on the flower.He stopped behind Athena who was sitting on the rattan chair, and seemed to smell the intoxicating aroma of wine. He lowered his head and glanced at the "Old Testament. Ecclesiastes" in her hand, and recited in a low voice: "I also concentrate on discerning wisdom, madness and folly, but know that this is also a chasing after the wind. For with much wisdom there is much sorrow; and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow.” He sighed, “King Solomon is the king of nothingness. His proverb, There is a special kind of joy in reading it for the nihilistic people, while ordinary people will only get depressed after reading it.”

Athena, who was wearing a white study uniform, closed the book and casually threw it on the white wooden lacquer table. She stood up, put her hands in the pockets of her white coat, and said lightly: "Often, when I see some The sentences in the "Bible" are beautiful and meaningful, so I can't help but want to read the "Bible" again. But when I really open the whole Bible, I am not bothered by the rambling prehistory of the Jews For example, who gave birth to how many children and multiplied how many branches, just being annoyed by the capricious creator. So far, I haven’t really read it from beginning to end. It’s better to read "Code Complete" .”

Athena turned and left without taking any of the books.

Napoleon VII glanced at the books on the table, then at Athena's back, and asked loudly, "Are you free tomorrow? I invite you to watch a movie!"

Athena said without looking back, "No time."

Napoleon VII knew what Athena was interested in, and he said loudly: "The Imitation Game!" ("The Imitation Game" is adapted from "The Biography of Alan Turing" edited by Andrew Hodges, belonging to Turing In 2014, it won the Best Adapted Screenplay Award at the 87th Academy Awards, and 7 nominations including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, and Best Supporting Actress)
Athena stopped for a moment, thought for a while and replied, "The movie theater is a little far away."

"Never mind, I'll let the auditorium go! I can also bring Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley."

"I'm not interested in actors." Athena looked back at Napoleon VII, "How about this! After I finish the experiment tomorrow, if I successfully complete the performance index comparison, I can go to the auditorium to have a look. It's best not to have too many People, I don't like crowded places."

After speaking, Athena walked towards the path leaving the garden, and he shouted at the white figure: "There won't be too many people. I'll invite Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Nye Terri watch with us"

Athena didn't answer, he watched her go away, the scent of flowers, sunshine and breeze that had just disappeared briefly appeared with a more comfortable touch.The sky is so blue that it is almost transparent, the flowers are so bright and delicious, everything is so gentle.He picked up the "Old Testament · Ecclesiastes" she had left on the desk, flipped it quickly, the pages rustled in the sweet wind, and his heart also rattled.

He carefully hid the book in his arms, remembering that King Solomon also wrote "Song of Solomon", which is the only chapter about love in the "Bible Old Testament".

He closed his eyes and whispered: "My love, you are beautiful, you are beautiful. Your eyes are like doves' eyes inside the veil. Your hair is like a flock of goats lying beside Mount Gilead. The king's heart For this drooping lock of hair is bound."


Do fireworks hurt when they take off?

At this moment, Jean-Christophe-Louis Ferdinand Alberic Napoleon wondered.

At this moment, he is not Napoleon VII.

Looking back on the past, from a babbling baby to a highly anticipated general, he has never tasted pain, and he doesn't even know how to express the word "pain".He was born in the emperor's family, and he was loved by thousands of people. Regardless of men, women, young or old, nobles and commoners, everyone was kind to him, except that there were no flowers and animals to worship him. Even enemies who hated him had to face him He remains respectful.

He is truly the Chosen One.

Even though he also felt some negative emotions, loneliness, anger, and disappointment, the emperor's strong genes made him not know what pain was.

Because real heroes don't feel pain.

He remembered that when he was young and ignorant, he was playing in the garden, accidentally fell and hit his knee, and the bright red blood flowed down his leg, which frightened him. For some reason, his eyes were filled with blood. The mother scolded the servant, came over but did not allow him to cry, but said to him: "Dear baby, don't cry, remember those heroic stories that mother told you? You want to be a hero! A hero won't cry!"

At that time, he didn't quite understand what "hero" meant. He just clenched his little fist tightly, suppressed tears, dragged his injured leg, and limped back to the house by himself, finding Butler Morris Wipe the potion.

Gradually he grew up, and under the tireless education of his mother, he understood the meaning of his surname to him, and knew what a great ancestor he had. He was proud of this, and vowed in his heart to become a great hero like his ancestors.On his grandfather's birthday, in front of the statue of his ancestor, he recited Pushkin's "Napoleon" in a childish voice: "...his memory stained with pools of blood,

will spread all over the world for a long time,
My glorious name protects you,
Rest in the vast mist...

How majestic is this mausoleum,
On the coffin where your remains rest,
The hatred of the people is extinguished,

The immortal light is flickering.

On a desert island he sometimes forgot,
The throne. Heredity and war,

Alone, alone thinking of Aiko,

Heartbroken. Painful.
Now who is narrow-minded,

Willing to suffer shameful infamy,

to issue rash condemnation,
To disturb the undead he deposed!
ah he for the russian people

pointed out the noble mission,

Give the world eternal freedom,
a legacy of his exile"

His mother was very satisfied with his performance, and she earnestly taught him that it is not easy to become a person like his ancestors. To be self-disciplined, you must work hard, and you must devote all your energy to your studies instead of just thinking about playing game consoles every day. , playing football, reading comic books, being a hero takes sweat.

At the same time, his mother also showed him another world, the world belonging to the Chosen One.And told him that as long as he behaved well, he would give him an Ouroboros.

The dream of a hero, which seemed distant and vague, is within reach.

He can really become a hero in the true sense!
So he immediately locked the game console, football and comic books into the cabinet.

From that day on, he became serious and studied tirelessly every day under the arrangement of his tutor. He had never been so enthusiastic about learning. Recite mathematical, physical, and chemical formulas, because these are the foundations that can actually make him a hero, not just some test paper scores.

Under the teacher's ardent education and his own efforts, the more he learns, the sharper his mind becomes, and the chaotic world becomes clearer. He understands the principle of the operation of all things, the order of social operation, and a real world.When the other children were still at the foot of the mountain, he was already standing halfway up the mountain, and this growth brought him great pleasure.

People's admiration and praise turned his desire for knowledge into an instinctive need.

He is determined to climb to become a hero.

Finally, his achievements were affirmed by his grandfather. On the day of the 16-year-old coming-of-age ceremony, he won the coveted "Ouroboros". He clearly remembered that his mother used Goethe's "On Napoleon" as the opening speech at the banquet: "The heart of a hero is full of pride,

Set sail resolutely towards the throne.

The journey is full of hardships and dangers, fearless and regretless.

The crown is also a heavy burden,

Do my part, have no time to calculate carefully,
Put it on the head of a genius,

Fitting effortlessly, like a corolla.

Even though the mountains are high and the roads are dangerous,

Still going forward indomitably, attacking everything;
Although the road is full of thorns,
Can also discern the way ahead...

Happy times are ahead,
All the people call out with one voice,

Everything changes...

The hero stands proudly in the world,

Whatever fortune teller it is,

No matter what powerful enemy makes trouble,
If you are not afraid of death, why are you afraid of fighting! "

With Ouroboros, he can use more and more time, but he feels that his own time is getting less and less.At the same time, the times were changing more and more violently, and he was keenly aware of the changes.So he became even busier. In addition to studying and wrestling, he also paid attention to French and world trends, as well as socializing. Socializing is a very important part.

He always wished to be able to separate into three people, even if the carrier and the main body can wake up at the same time, it would be great.He doesn't have to plan his time down to the minute every day, and if he can, he never misses time for a meal, a hamburger in the car, or whatever he wants at a party.From colleges to academic seminars and various social occasions, he never missed the slightly important ones.

People can see him everywhere, and his companions said that he is "everywhere". Except in nightclubs, he has been seen in any corner of Paris. He not only deals with nobles, but also businessmen from all over the world. Striking workers took to the streets, as well as refugees, gangsters and even tourists.As long as his name is reported, anyone will have a pleasant chat with him, and he is also willing to put down his body and chat with people, and find the context of the times from the conversations with everyone.

He was only 21 years old this year, and he had already discovered that France and Europa were going to collapse. He didn't feel panic, but excitement.At such a young age, he firmly believes that the fate of France, and even the fate of Europe as a whole, is on his shoulders.

He is not egotistical.

There are so many biographies, movies and poems about his ancestors in the world, his birth has become history, and the blood of the emperor flows in his blood, one of the most noble blood in the world.He grew up in the poetry of his ancestors, and lived in the eyes of the French.Fame and money are at your fingertips, and all the good things that the common people desire are just common to him.

His pursuit can only be to become a hero.

A new era is coming.

He is destined to be admired by all.

For him, there is no choice in life, but to climb towards the throne.

Climb up!Restoring the honor of the family, so that the Napoleon name shines not just because of one person; climb up!Establish immortal feats, let the Napoleon family once again shine on Europa and the whole world; climb up!Achieved the supreme great cause, his ancestors were only emperors, and he
To become "God".

On this bumpy road full of thorns, he will do his best, will not escape any difficulties and obstacles, will not be afraid of any powerful enemies, and will not be bound by any emotions in the world
He thinks he can do it.

He has been doing very well all along, never being tempted by foreign things, and firmly walking on the road of "becoming a god", without any slack.What a romantic country France is, known all over the world; how luxurious and luxurious Paris is, is known all over the world.It is hard for ordinary people to imagine how many temptations a person like him has to face living here.

A party full of models, a smoky gold cave, and infinitely sweet depravity are within reach.He saw that many of his companions were addicted to it, their will was worn down, and they gradually lost their ideals.Indeed, for people like them, as long as they maintain the status quo, they can become a better person, and change is meaningless.

But he is different, he is in it, but he walks out of it with heroic determination.

All this is just a mirror image on his climbing road.

Money and beauties love him, but he doesn't love money and beauties, which are just things that mortals are obsessed with.He has loftier aspirations.

Be a hero.

Until the appearance of Athena.

She wore a golden ponytail and a plain study uniform, but she was more beautiful than blooming flowers.She was standing under the spotlight and talking, and the dazzling blond hair exuded a dazzling halo, which made it impossible for him to look directly at her.He has seen countless beauties, the top bones and skins on Europa's fashion runway, the stunning ladies who play with tycoons, no one can be as dazzling, passionate, and beautiful as her.

Correspondingly, such beauty is even more unbearable.

No one can bear it except him.

He used to think so firmly.

However, at this moment, faith avalanche between Athena's words.For the first time, he felt pain, a pain that would make it impossible to stop crying.This feeling was terrible, like in the boundless sea, he was left alone in a canoe drifting, he couldn't smell the fragrance of flowers, and couldn't see the other shore.

This pain is a kind of vigilance, but also a declaration of war.

He's not flawless, he has a fatal flaw - Athena Onassis.

Conquering her is a more difficult challenge than becoming a god general.

At this moment, he looked at her, her eyes were cold and merciless, and he couldn't tell whether it was luck or misfortune. Fortunately, she was still watching him, but unfortunately, the eyes were meaningless.

He feels pain.

How much he wanted to say "I love you" to that woman, and how much he expected her to reply, "I love you too." But everything today seemed like the woman he loved slapped him in the face.It made him like a vampire who had been hammered into his heart by a silver cross. The curtain was pulled open, and the vampire count hiding in the coffin saw the sun for the first time in his life. The golden color was so dazzling that it made him cry in pain.

It's so sad that today, he is not the prince in the fairy tale, he is the villain hated by the princess.

But, if, as long as you can get the princess, what about being a villain?
"Yes! How about being a villain? As long as you can't refuse!" Napoleon VII thought to himself.

Opening up, he with golden wings and Athena with black wings took over in a magnificent skill exchange.

The storm rolled the clouds into a spiral shape, like a cloud staircase spiraling upward.

That round of Haoyue is the throne of the winner.

Napoleon VII swung the "Sword of Oceanus", the blue holy sword as thin as cicada's wings cut through the white clouds, rolled up layers of cloud waves, and slashed at Athena.

At the same time, a silver ring of light burst in the air with Napoleon VII as the center.The cloud waves that were still surging like a sea tide just now were evaporated instantly, and the sky and the earth were completely clear.

"Truth: Galactic Fountain!"

The ring-shaped flame was like a silver flower blooming at midnight, the huge light covered the night, and the moon and the Milky Way faded at the same time.

At this moment, there is only one god named Napoleon VII between heaven and earth.

In addition, there is a demon called "Athena".

"Truth: Starquakes!" Strong magnetic field, according to the calculation results of scientists Duncan and Thompson, its strength is about 10 million tesla 8^1 Tesla, and in some cases it can even reach 000 billion tesla. Such strong magnetic field movement will make the magnetic field The surface of the star is heated until it reaches extreme pressure, and the magnetar ruptures. This is a starquake. The strongest starquake observed by humans is from SGR1806-20 in the constellation Centaurus. This neutron star is 5 light-years away from the earth. At that time, the energy ejected by the explosion was very huge, and the energy released in 1/10 second was the sum of the energy released by the sun in 15 years)

The light that engulfed the world suddenly lost a large piece, and was covered by colorful shadows in the shape of pixel spots. This shadow was based on black, and there were countless fluorescent lights with extremely low brightness flowing in it. People could clearly see all kinds of Layers of colors stack, jump, and vibrate in huge black shadows, forming layers of water-like textures.

Especially at the edge of this huge shadow, where it meets the light, more complex colors are produced, like a spectrum.Time loses its speed in the eyes of mortals, slows down in the air at an unbelievable multiple, people can clearly see the trajectory of silver light burning and bursting in the air, they are no longer straight lines, but become a kind of wonderful The colored arcs of the sky twisted into a stormy swirl in the thick shadows.

Athena is located in the center of this shadow, bursting out a dark purple halo.

She turned into a nebula.

Napoleon VII in battle seems to be completely unfettered by gravity and the rules of space and time.He lit up the "Seven-Star Marshal Scepter" in his left hand, and the golden light enveloped him, and the "Sword of Oceanus" in his right hand turned into a trace of blue line, slowly but resolutely splitting the silver flower that was burned to ashes. that shadow.

Gold and blue made him shine like a god descended from heaven.

The giant magneto nebula first condensed into a mirror that reflected light, and then cracked like glass. Countless dark fluorescent fragments fell from the sky like colorful snowflakes.However, in a blink of an eye, those fragments seemed to be attracted by something and came to life, like swarms of colorful butterflies rolling towards Napoleon VII.

These shining fragments easily passed through the golden shield, cutting Napoleon VII bloody, but when they hit the golden "Wings of God", they only splashed tiny sparks, leaving no traces. None remained.Therefore, Napoleon VII's figure was not hindered at all, and those wounds healed completely in just a moment.But he still looked a little embarrassed.

Napoleon VII came through the air, and the "Sword of Oceanus" was spinning rapidly in his palm, like a helicopter blade.The overwhelming debris splashed, and the moment it was about to touch Athena, Napoleon VII lifted the spinning Excalibur, and the blue light soared, turning into a monstrous tide, and opened its fangs and rolled towards Athena, the heart of darkness. .

This violent blow is like a tsunami tens of meters high that will engulf tiny human beings.

Smallness can describe human beings, but it must not be used to describe Athena Onassis. She swung the "Sword of Perseus" and rushed towards Napoleon VII. The "Wings of Shadow" composed of countless black turbofan blades When they were all opened, they spun into two turbines behind Athena, and two blue-purple ring-shaped streamers spewed out, making Athena's speed unimaginably faster, turning into a phantom under the wonders of the sky , straight to the tip of the surf.

The blue "Sword of Oceanus" and the black "Sword of Perseus" collided together, and a series of fireworks lit up in the blue sky.The red flowers are like water, flowing back towards the moon hanging high in the sky, and the beauty is like a strong wind blowing down the cherry blossoms all over the tree.

This earth-shattering scene made all the onlookers tremble.

Not because of fear, but because it is so magnificent!

The feeling of Napoleon VII is not beautiful at all, it is comparable to the strongest electromagnetic system skill of "Gravity" - "Starquake", the sudden repulsive force and the impact of Athena's high speed, knocked him Fly directly.Although neither the "Sword of Oceanus" nor the "Scepter of Seven Stars" was released, it was still a shame for the general.

Napoleon VII was not surprised that Athena had the most powerful new physics skill in the 21st century - "Starquake". What surprised him was Athena's carrier.Not only does her vehicle possess unearthly speed, it also possesses unparalleled strength.

According to the general setting, if a cyborg wants to be fast, it must be lightweight. Lightweight will inevitably lead to a decrease in defense performance and insufficient strength. However, from the battle just now, Athena's carrier clearly violated this common sense.

Not only is his speed reaching the limit, but his defense and strength are also incredibly strong.

"Perhaps the basic speed and basic strength are far beyond the carrier of ordinary people. This is the real mystery of Athena's ability to dominate the top of the list for many years! Cyborg and lizardman blood are actually comparable to the existence of gods?"

These thoughts flashed through Napoleon VII's mind, and before he had time to think more deeply, blows followed.Athena held a black long knife in both hands, with the blade pointing downwards, like a swordfish rushing down the current, straight into his chest.

Napoleon VII, who was forced into a short-term stiff state, couldn't dodge, and could only use his mind to use "Medusa's Bloom". The dazzling blue light ball was blocked between the two, and was immediately pierced by Athena, and the electric current Like a mad snake running wildly, a thunderbolt appeared in the sky above Athens.If it is in China, this must be a scene where immortals are crossing the catastrophe.

Such a short-range instant "Medusa's Bloom" is a choice that kills one thousand enemies and damages oneself by eight hundred.The violent explosion made him fall towards the Aegean Sea in an unstoppable posture.The continuously glowing "Scepter of Seven Stars" made Napoleon VII look like a shining meteor with its trail.

When falling into the Aegean Sea, Napoleon VII saw not only Athena following him, but also a helicopter taking pictures in the distance.This annoyed Napoleon VII very much. He flipped his body in the water nimbly, and at the same time put away the "scepter of seven stars" and soared into the sky from the deep blue sea with bubbling bubbles.

The "Sword of Oceanus" brought nine water jets thicker than a lighthouse and rushed towards Athena. One of the water jets even set off a white ocean-going fishing boat. The sea water in the entire Saron Bay was boiling, and the ships moored in the harbor shook violently, as if an earth-shattering tsunami was coming.

Before the devastating power, Athena had no intention of dodging at all. She descended from the sky with a long black knife in her hand, and ripples of light rippled all over her body. It solidified into crystal blue icicles, and the white frost spread crazily on the surging huge water column until it completely frozen the entire sea at the feet of Napoleon VII.

This also includes the ocean-going fishing boat. The lights on the boat have not been extinguished, and the fishing boat has raised its bow, like an artistic light ice sculpture, frozen in the midair of the ice-free harbour.The trawling net on the deck has been scattered, and the bright silver sea fish are jumping crazily; the propeller at the stern is still struggling to rotate, and the ice chips are flying around; Running on the face, the cry of God can be clearly heard in the sea breeze.

Napoleon VII uprooted the icicles that froze the ocean-going fishing vessel, like an ant lifting a hammer tens of thousands of times larger than its body, the white ocean-going fishing vessel turned into a hammer head, and the blades that were about to stop rotating flew fast again It spun around and slammed fiercely at Athena in mid-air, as if trying to hammer her flat.

Seeing that Athena, who was extremely fast, was about to collide with the propeller on the ocean-going fishing vessel, the "Shadow Wing" behind her suddenly flipped, and the two wings on the left and the right that turned into turbofans burst into blue-purple flames , forcibly restrained Athena's falling trend.She was like a vigorous falcon in the air, turned her body sharply, adjusted her posture and flew flat with the ship, and went straight to the bow. When the steel body of the ship hit the ice, she drew a beautiful curve and jumped on it lightly. up icicles.

At the same time, the nearly [-]-meter-long ship smashed into the ice, making an earth-shattering wail, and the sound of steel tearing pierced the clouds and rocks.Parts are splashed everywhere, thick icicles are cracking fast, and everything is falling apart.

But none of this is as fast as Athena.

She was flying on the icicles, and the cracks on the icicles seemed to be chasing her, but she was still a step away.

Athena attacked Napoleon VII along the icicle, and the black blade pierced Napoleon VII's eyebrows with a heavy frosty air.Behind her, the shattered ice, the torn hull, and various steel components on the ship followed Athena like bullets and rushed towards Napoleon VII, the most striking of which was the rusty ship. The propeller, which spins in the air like a giant boomerang.

Napoleon VII waved the golden "Wings of God", and he roared in a low voice: "You can't beat the general!" Nine frozen icicles suddenly split, and countless water columns connected into a crystal clear ice net. The parts and fragments that covered the sky and the sun were frozen in the air, and the whole world became sticky, only Athena did not slow down.

The black blade shone with a deadly brilliance on the dark ice.

"Law: Occam's Razor!" [Occam's Razor (Occam's Razor, Ockham's Razor), also known as "Ockham's Razor", was developed by Occam, a logician and Franciscan monk in England in the 14th century. William, about 1285-1349).This principle is called "If it is not necessary, do not increase the entity", in short, this law can be interpreted as "on the premise of achieving the goal, how to do it as simple as possible"]

Napoleon VII didn't care about Athena's groan at all. After all, "Occam's Razor" was just a D-level skill, and he even wondered if he had auditory hallucinations.

He didn't think Athena would use a D-level "law" skill that no one would equip, let alone this skill was a "mode skill" to some extent.Its principle is a "way of thinking", so when equipped with this skill, angels and superhumans can reduce the consumption of intelligence points of the skill, and it is more useful for cyborgs. Reduce energy consumption and save energy.

But for the full-level Chosen One, this skill is basically useless, especially in gladiatorial combat.What's more, the "law system" skills are basically auxiliary skills, not offensive. He really doesn't know why Athena uses such a skill at this time.

However, Napoleon VII was always cautious, and besides, the opponent was Athena. Not only did he not underestimate him, but he raised his vigilance. The golden light shield lit up again, and the "Sword of Oceanus" in his hand was also protected in front of his chest.

Various thoughts flashed by, but when Athena's seemingly ordinary sword arrived in front of him, Napoleon VII was still extremely shocked.

He couldn't describe the strange feeling, like a gun is shooting at you at a very close distance, and you know that the bullet is approaching you in a straight line, and you even see the flame bursting from the muzzle, but you don't know what to do dodge.Perhaps this description is not accurate enough. It should be said that a person is falling from a high altitude. You are sure that you will fall to the ground with the shortest straight-line distance and become a meatloaf, but there is nothing you can do. At most, you can only adjust your posture, and you may die. It won't be so ugly.

This has nothing to do with the speed of Athena's sword. Napoleon VII felt that even if he used teleportation, he could not escape the sword.It is an incredible sword. Napoleon VII never thought that someone in this world would make a sword. It is like an eternal law. It is simple and beautiful, and it is a purely logical beauty of truth.

Like a simple mathematical formula.

He subconsciously swung the "Sword of Oceanus" and slashed across the black knife, trying to swing away the sword like a flying fairy.Sure enough, "Oceanus" pulled a trace of blue electricity and hit an empty space, not hitting the "Sword of Perseus" right in front of his eyes at all.

So Napoleon VII watched helplessly as the slightly curved black sword pierced his chest, like a magic soldier returning to its sheath.

Blood splattered.

He stood on the ice and held the blade with his left hand, preventing the huge electric shock from the "Sword of Perseus", forming a blue grid between him and Athena.

The world suddenly entered a state of absolute stillness.

Napoleon VII lowered his head and looked at the half-inserted knife blade. The black color seemed to originate from the chaos of the universe, and it seemed to be emitting strands of black air.Blood dripped from his left hand holding the blade and hit the ice, turning into gorgeous roses.Through the vibration of the "Sword of Perseus", Napoleon VII could clearly feel the rhythm of his own heartbeat.

At this moment, his heart was only a few centimeters away from the blade.

Napoleon VII didn't panic at all, and he became more and more calm at this time.Even if the "Sword of Perseus" pierces his heart directly, as long as there are no cells that can destroy his whole body through instant skills, God will reduce the damage by 40.00% plus a strong recovery ability, so that he will not lose his heart. fighting power.

Instead, now is his chance.

Because he grabbed Athena's sword and lost the speed advantage of being elusive, it was Athena who was dangerous.

Apparently Athena was also aware of this and did not act rashly.

She stood opposite him, opposing him like a mountain.

Behind her, the ice network formed between the eight huge icicles was disintegrating, and the scattered objects frozen in the air lost their support and smashed into the ice.The frozen sea also began to thaw, melting at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the glacier that had occupied the entire bay just now gradually collapsed under the moonlight and sea breeze.

"How did you do it? What does it have to do with 'Occam's Razor'?" Napoleon VII tightly grasped the "Sword of Perseus", staring into Athena's eyes and asked softly.

"It's nothing difficult. It's why 'Occam's razor' can improve efficiency. Just try to express Occam's razor with mathematical formulas, and you can get the reason. As for the trick just now, the inspiration comes from the linear A classic problem in algebra, use the least squares method to do linear regression. Among the N points on a given plane, find a straight line that best describes these points. In fact, it is not difficult to find a straight line. The difficulty is How to judge which one is the best, use a normal distribution curve to simulate, and use Bayesian formula to calculate, so Occam's razor rule can provide a perfect explanation for this. My sword is the sword of mathematics, Use the simplest and most direct calculations to find the quickest path to defeat the enemy."

Understanding a D-level skill to this level is indeed something that many geniuses cannot do. Napoleon VII has to admit that Athena can stand at the top of the list for a long time, not just because of her strong blood.He was silent for a long time before he said in a low voice: "You are indeed very strong. I admit that if I am not a god general, I will definitely not be able to defeat you. It is a pity that I can't even lose even if I want to."

Napoleon VII slowly pulled out the "Sword of Perseus" stuck in his chest, his left hand was dyed with a layer of faint golden light, and this golden light was firmly attached to the smoky black sword. Those chaotic gas cannot spread.

To the surprise of Napoleon VII, Athena did not take the opportunity to attack, but took the opportunity to draw back the "Sword of Perseus".Napoleon VII was a little surprised. The two of them froze for a while, but Napoleon VII still let go and put down the "Sword of Perseus".

Athena hung down the "Sword of Perseus" that was not stained with a trace of blood, and glanced at the wound on Napoleon VII's chest. The "Sword of Perseus" has its own corrosion effect, and she is also infused with electric energy, so the damage of this sword is quite large, causing a wound the size of half a fist on the upper part of Napoleon VII's chest.

To switch to an ordinary carrier, this kind of damage can at least make the carrier lose its combat effectiveness for more than ten seconds. If the follow-up defense is not timely and her electric energy continues to destroy the carrier cells, it will be gone immediately.

But the resistance and resilience of the carrier of the god general is really astonishing. This sword only caused 1 second of stiffness, and there are already muscles and blood vessels growing rapidly in the bloody wound right now, just like a stage. Invisible robotic hands weaving blood vessels and muscles.

This recovery speed will only make Napoleon VII passive within 30 seconds, and they will return to the same starting line after 30 seconds.That is to say, if you want to defeat the god general, you must kill with one blow, or you must not give a chance to breathe after you have the advantage.Anyone who wants to be dragged into a protracted war will definitely lose.

However, it is almost impossible for ordinary chosen ones to cross the gap between ordinary carriers and god general carriers.But Athena is no ordinary chosen one, she thinks she can win, she has no doubts about it.

Athena looked away from Napoleon VII's wound that had recovered in an instant, and she raised her chin to meet Napoleon VII's eyes, "Your Excellency, you are too dependent on the identity of God!"

Napoleon VII stared at Athena. She stood on the melting glacier. Her black metal wings were slightly fluttered by the sea breeze. The soldiers stared at each other, and the midnight wind of the Aegean Sea played a gloomy tune.

Napoleon VII found that he couldn't hate the woman in front of him, even if she just pierced his chest with the long sword in her hand.He sighed in his heart, pretended to be indifferent, and said in a low voice: "This has nothing to do with dependence, just like no matter how close I am to the people, I can't get rid of my status as an aristocrat. Similarly, I can't help but use it now." It's not my choice to fight the carrier of the gods with you."

Athena shook her head, and said lightly: "It's not so much about dependence as it is. The gods are your beliefs. You always think that if you become a god, you become a god. No, that's not the case. The gods are not omnipotent." cannot"

"You don't need to tell me this, but God will undoubtedly be closer to omnipotence."

"Is this the reason why you don't hesitate to let Paris fall into ruin, and you want to get the position of god general?"

"Why do you provoke me over and over again? Athena! What gave you the courage to hurt me like this? Is it because I love you?" The waves beat against the glacier, and the sound of the waves and the wind couldn't cover it Napoleon VII asked angrily. He raised the "Sword of Oceanus" and pointed it at Athena. The golden wings behind him opened again, and the long metal feathers shone brightly in the moonlight. , against Napoleon VII's suppressed angry face, there is a kind of supreme majesty, "If you want to deny me, I will not allow it!"

Athena glanced at the "Sword of Oceanus", frowned and said, "You have to wait until you get into the coffin in a hurry. Someone has entered my bedroom. I have to go back and solve the trouble."

"What? Entered your bedroom???" Napoleon VII was stunned at first, and then his anger was beyond words. He said with a calm face, "Is the security of your Hydra just for nothing? How can you let someone enter your bedroom?" bedroom?"

"What's none of your business? We are enemies now, Your Excellency!" After a pause, Athena continued to say with a blank expression, "After I get rid of that flea, I will solve the problem between us!"

The sudden accident made Napoleon VII calm down unexpectedly. He fully understood that he still couldn't let go of the woman in front of him, even unconditionally. Far.So he put away the "Sword of Oceanus", pretending to be calm and said: "Forget it, Athena, don't be like a little girl, thinking that violence can solve all problems, as you said, I believe in superstitious generals." , you are too superstitious about your own power. I will not fight with you, but I will destroy the Hydra and uproot the power of the Black Death in Europa. Don't try to escape from my palm, I will temporarily confiscate Your Ouroboros, let you stay at our home in Paris and wait for the day of the wedding. I will fulfill my promise in my own way, so that you have no choice." Napoleon VII took back his hand "Ocean The Sword of Nas", said softly in a resolute tone, "you will eventually understand that the God General can indeed be omnipotent"

Athena sneered: "Are you sure you want to marry someone who may kill you at any time?"

"I am confident that I will live to be a hundred years old with you and give you the rest of my life! I love you, Athena."

Hearing Napoleon say "I love you", Athena showed an incredible expression, and then she raised her middle finger, a bolt of lightning struck Napoleon VII from the sky, and the thick arc illuminated Napoleon VII's calm words. Face, "It's disgusting! Bastard, go find your pure-blooded human, I'm just a shameless, vile, cold-blooded and dirty lizard man!"

After talking about Athena, she soared into the sky, leaving behind Napoleon VII and the floating glaciers, and disappeared into the night of Saron Bay.


Cheng Mo didn't realize it until the elevator was about to close. He quickly reached out to block the elevator, then held the "Seven Sins" tightly, and walked out cautiously.Turning his eyes away from Athena, Cheng Mo discovered that on the 99th floor of the Hydera Building, there are miracles more worthy of admiration than lizards and hybrids, or even Athena appearing in a petri dish.

The room with a pool in the middle is as big as a swimming pool, and there is nothing else in the whole room except a petri dish standing in the center of the pool.

The reason why Cheng Mo was shocked was because there was a huge floor-to-ceiling window on one wall around the house, and he could see most of the beautiful city view of Athens.This is of course not worth making a fuss about. It was one side of the floor-to-ceiling windows that stopped Cheng Mo from speaking, and two and a half walls surrounded the semi-enclosed aquarium.

Tall algae live in more than a dozen 20-meter-high aquariums.It blends perfectly with the night view of Athens on the side. Cheng Mo looks up, and clusters of kelp grow beside the orchid sky, just like a forest of kelp growing in the universe.

Among the graceful floating giant algae, there are countless fishes of strange shapes roaming in groups in front of Cheng Mo, ranging from starfish, jellyfish, sunfish, mahi-mahi, green sea turtles, wrasses, to wrought-lipped sharks, Tiger sharks and even wing-flapping ghost manta rays cruise the skies.

Such a large aquarium is already comparable to the facilities of a medium-sized aquarium.

Cheng Mo had to marvel at Beret's luxury. The light refraction, water quality, transparency and furnishings in the aquarium are very close to the real environment of the ocean, which means that not only the "sea water" with specific ingredients must be changed frequently, but also the Use natural light and wave machines to meet the needs of macroalgae for sunlight and ocean currents.

Not to mention the cost of building such an aquarium on the top floor, the maintenance cost alone is astronomical.

What is luxury?This is the real luxury, far beyond a few limited-edition Hermès bags, as well as supercars and yachts.Making a sky aquarium bedroom has reached the limit of Cheng Mo's imagination of bourgeois luxury.

Thinking of the [-]D portrait at the door worth hundreds of millions of euros, Cheng Mo could only feel that Beret, that is, rich people like Athena, would play.

It's a pity that Cheng Mo doesn't have time to appreciate Athena's private aquarium right now. He browsed for a while, and then began to seriously study whether there are any deadly traps in the room.As a result, not only did no traps be found, even the cameras did not see them.

He walked towards the pool, the water in the pool was not particularly clear, rippling with ripples, glowing with a faint green color, probably because there were not many lights around, the bottom could not be seen at all, like a deep pool.Cheng Mo stared and saw that the edge of the pool was densely covered with gooseneck barnacles. Those gray animals piled up on the pool wall looked like rock flowers, but this flower was really scary, and it would be serious for people with trypophobia. Physical discomfort.

Cheng Mo didn't think it was ugly. In fact, the "goose-neck barnacle" looked like a strange-shaped shellfish, but it was more closely related to "shrimp and crab".This kind of animal not only grows on rocks, but also grows on animals, such as whales and sea turtles. It can be said that it is a terrifying creature without natural enemies.

But for humans, "gooseneck barnacles" are called "hell seafood", because the taste is extremely delicious, countless Europeans are crazy about it, and the price can reach hundreds of euros per catty, which is the best seafood without compromise .

"Gooseneck barnacles" have extremely high requirements on water quality, which means that the seemingly green water in the pool is actually very good.

But Cheng Mo didn't have the guts to go into the water. He guessed that the water quality might be suitable for the muscular lizardmen in No. [-] Hospital.Cheng Mo stared at the extremely calm water, always feeling that a lizard man would jump out of it.

Cheng Mo secretly raised his vigilance, raised his head and looked at the petri dish in the center of the pool. The figure of Athena in a tight diving suit is really eye-catching, as dazzling as the summer sun, which makes people dare not look directly at it, and cannot Hidden from her light.

Even a battle-tested veteran like Cheng Mo couldn't help but blush, and couldn't help but think to himself that the lizard man's line sense is really amazing.Tight, but without the muscle feeling of excessive fitness, it seems to be so tight by nature.

Cheng Mo naturally thought of Xie Minyun. Although the woman in front of him and his wife were clearly not the same species, he still saw some similarities.

He closed his eyes for a moment, and the image of Xie Minyun swimming in the water under the icy lake in the wasteland appeared in his mind, just like the mermaid in a fairy tale swimming in the clear sea.

Cheng Mo is not a hypocritical person, and besides, it is not the time to be hypocritical, he quickly got rid of his thoughts, opened his eyes and visually measured the distance from the edge of the pool to the petri dish, at least 35 meters above, the danger of swimming over The sex is too big, it is safer to pass through the air.

So Cheng Mo shot the "Seven Sins" at the ceiling above the petri dish, and controlled the "Seven Sins" to stick firmly into the concrete wall like a hook.Then Cheng Mo increased the power to make the "Seven Sins" radiate high heat, and at the same time shook it vigorously in the air a few times to see if it would trigger the mechanism.Noticing any movement, Cheng Mo immediately shrank the "Seven Sins", and used the inertia to make the "Seven Sins" bring himself to the top of the cylindrical petri dish.

It was only when Cheng Mo entered the pool that he felt a wonderful cold wind mixed with salty taste, like ocean current monsoon.This familiar smell reminded Cheng Mo of the short and pleasant days on the "Timely Carpe de mer". At this moment, he suddenly heard the sound of water splashing under his feet. Looking down, I saw a huge creature somewhat similar to a crocodile, jumping up from the water with its bloody mouth wide open, and biting itself in mid-air.

At this moment, Cheng Mo could clearly see that above the scarlet tongue fluttering in the wind, there were two rows of protruding fangs, and its lower jaw was in the shape of a double hinge. There is no doubt that this structure is similar to that of a snake, and it can completely capture the prey. swallow.But the monster's body is like a modern monitor lizard, covered with layers of scales, and has grown a lot of barnacles. It is much larger, slender, and more streamlined than the monitor lizard.It jumped in the air, its oar-like tail still flung in the pool water. The floor height of this room was about 20 meters, which meant that its length was at least eight or nine meters.

At the critical moment, Cheng Mo calmly arched his back, retracted his legs and feet, and rolled his body into a ball.He stared wide-eyed, staring down at the giant mouth closing against his soles, making a piercing "click" sound, and then the monster fell into the pool with its huge body half-horizontally, creating the effect of turbulent waves.

The swimming fish in the aquarium on the side seemed to be fried and fled in all directions. In the blink of an eye, even the ghost manta ray and tiger shark disappeared.

Cheng Mo stood on the top of the petri dish, looked down, and saw the monster's back above the water surface, cruising a little farther away from the petri dish, it didn't get too close to the petri dish, as if it was affected what a limit.He grabbed the "Seven Sins" and looked at the jagged spikes on the monster's gray-green back piercing the water, and suddenly remembered the super-strength Neptune in "Jurassic World". That one was bigger, but there was no doubt that it was almost identical to that thing.

Neptune, which only lived in the Cretaceous period, was kept in the bedroom by Athena as a watchdog?Comparing the two, the sleeping lizardmen in No. [-] Hospital are nothing more than little green grasshoppers, good only as rations.

Cheng Mo's scalp was numb, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Only then did he feel a little bit of fear in his heart, and he broke out in cold sweat.Sometimes he himself has to be thankful that he has a big heart and is calm enough to make the most scientific judgments at critical moments.

If he pulled the "Seven Sins" from the ceiling to protect himself and unfortunately fell into the pool, even with the protection of the "Seven Sins", it would 100% become Neptune's meal.

Fortunately, not only his reaction is fast enough, but also the contraction speed of the "Seven Sins" is fast enough. If it is a little slower, then Cheng Mo's best result for the rest of his life is to install a prosthetic limb.

Seeing that the Canghai Wanglong was just cruising around the petri dish and didn't dare to get close to the petri dish at all, Cheng Mo felt a little relieved, exhaled, and held the "Seven Sins" with one hand, testing the firmness of the petri dish a little .When he judged that the petri dish was strong enough to support him standing on it, he carefully put away the "Seven Sins", and began to try to use the "Seven Sins" to cut off the iron-gray metal cover under his feet.

I don't know what kind of material this iron-gray metal is. It's terribly hard. Cheng Mo drove the energy with all his strength, and managed to stab the "Seven Sins" in it.Wanting to cut such an alloy consumes too much energy and time, Cheng Mo can only switch targets.Crouching on top of the petri dish, he stretched out his hand, trying to cut the transparent glass cover.Before he had time to attack, the Neptune Dragon in the pool raised his head violently and let out a mournful cry.

This sound was like the deep and distant singing of a whale, but it was sharper, without a sense of sadness, and a majestic warning like a bullhorn.

Cheng Mo stopped his movements, looked down at Neptune's mouth full of fine teeth, hesitated for a while but gave up the idea of ​​cutting the glass, and planned to open the lid out of Neptune's sight, which was safer.

The lights were dim, and the night view of Athens and the kelp forest not far away were beautiful. Cheng Mo didn't care to appreciate it. Occasionally, he glanced at the pool. The sea king dragon was still circling with its rocky back, and its speed was getting faster and faster. The faster it was, the higher and faster the waves in the pool were driven, which made Cheng Mo feel the urgency.

He knows that time is the biggest unfavorable factor for him, but the energy output of the main body is only at this level, even if he wants to hurry up, he can't do it, he can only use the "Seven Sins" to melt the iron-gray alloy bit by bit The cover is like slowly chiseling away iron with a hacksaw.

"Kidnapping Athena" is definitely one of the craziest things Cheng Mo has ever done. As far as the current situation is concerned, it is almost as crazy as sneaking into "Ouyu Headquarters".You must know that the woman in the petri dish is not just the demon god Beret of the Black Death, but also the fiancée of Napoleon VII
Thinking of this, Cheng Mo really felt excited.

However, he didn't have any intention of driving the old driver of Qiu Mingshan. There was a serious dragon "watching" at his feet, and there was an even more terrifying general, Napoleon VII, not far away.As the villain who destroys the love affair between the prince and the princess, if I were to put it in an ordinary novel, it would definitely not end well.

Of course, if it is a novel written by a Japanese writer, it is another matter.

While thinking wildly, the door on the side of the elevator was suddenly opened, and a team of future soldiers wearing exoskeletons rushed in, and at the same time, Ayala's roar reached Cheng Mo's ears, "Bastard! What are you doing! Hold up Come!"

Cheng Mo groaned secretly in his heart, seeing that he could cut the lid off immediately, but it still fell short in the end. If he could control Athena, he still had bargaining chips, but he was still a little short, only a little bit.

"I'll shoot before I raise my hand!"

Cheng silently put away the "Seven Sins", raised his hands and looked at Ayala standing at the door, as well as the group of future soldiers holding plasma guns.Obviously, it was also the first time for the other party to enter this incredible room. The eyes under the glass mask were almost not focused on Cheng Mo, and most of them were staring at Athena in the petri dish in a daze.

Whether male or female, true "beauty" is definitely an irresistible attraction.

Some came in from behind, perhaps blocked by the front ones, and failed to see Athena at first glance, so the attention was focused on the spectacular kelp forest in the aquarium on one side.

Ayala is the one Cheng Mo observes most carefully. Although she is staring at herself, her eyes can't help moving down, as if there is something like a magnet under Cheng Mo that strongly attracts her.Cheng Mo's brain turned sharply, quickly thinking about what he should do.

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" While pretending to be afraid, he secretly changed his posture, quietly raised his left foot, knelt with his right knee on the alloy cover that was only connected together at one point, and pressed down hard. It's a pity that the alloy cover does not move the tattoo, which is staggeringly firm.It seems that there is absolutely no way to open the lid by manpower.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Ayala walked a few steps towards the pool and asked in a deep voice.

"I am a subordinate of Napoleon, and I was ordered to enter the Hydera Building in order to save Miss Athena who was imprisoned by Beret." Cheng Mo didn't need to write a draft for lying.

Ayala squinted his eyes, "How did you get in?"

"General Napoleon got me the identity of a drug dealer, and even bribed the insiders of your Hydra. They found an opportunity to cause a fire in the Hydra Building, and I took the opportunity to sneak into the 99th floor."

Ayala didn't try to judge the truth of Cheng Mo's words, but just turned his head and said in a cold voice: "Get off the top right now! Don't play any tricks!"

Cheng Mo raised his hands and said "OK", and then he said: "I'll put the hook on the roof first, and then swing over. Don't shoot, I don't intend to attack."

"Hurry up!" Ayala warned.

"I'm just here to save people." Cheng Mo stood up slowly, pretending to find out the "Seven Sins" from behind.With such a long distance, it is not realistic to use the "Seven Sins" to kill eleven people at once. You must control Athena's body to have a chance to escape.

Cheng Mo grabbed the cable-shaped "Seven Sins" and threw it towards the roof.Even if the shimmering "Seven Sins" don't look so much like ropes, but who doesn't have a few high-tech gadgets in their hands, the glowing cables are nothing particularly suspicious in comparison. .

After embedding the "Seven Sins" into the roof again, Cheng Mo took a deep breath, pretended to be cautious and whispered: "I'm coming down!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Ayala said impatiently.

Cheng Mo grabbed the Seven Sins and squatted down, and inserted towards the place where the metal cover was still connected to the edge at the end, and at the same time jumped backwards with lightning speed, grabbed the edge with his left hand and hid his body at the back of the petri dish.At this time, Ayala and the future fighters were all at the door, and with Athena in the petri dish as cover, the enemy had to move to the side of the pool if they wanted to shoot him. Cheng Mo didn't believe that the Neptune in the pool would be indifferent.

But even if Neptune can help to delay for a while, he has to hurry up, and he doesn't care about saving energy right now, Cheng Mo goes all out to drive the light snakes on both sides of the spine, pouring energy into the "Seven Sins".Only by melting the last connection point as soon as possible so that he can control Athena's body can he take the initiative.

Seeing that Cheng Mo hid behind the petri dish, although Ayala didn't know what he was doing, he was definitely trying to harm Athena.

"Quick! Stop him!" Ayala yelled angrily. She waved the future fighters to jump into the pool, but something unexpected happened.

The submerged Neptune suddenly set off huge waves and lifted its head from the pool. It opened its huge mouth at an incredible speed, bit the first future soldier who jumped into the pool, threw it into the air and chewed twice, Probably because he thought the taste was wrong, he shook his head and threw the future soldier whose exoskeleton was in pieces.

The dull roar of "Woo~~~~~" made everyone's hair stand on end. This sudden cry caused echoes in layers of echoes in the empty room like a swimming pool.The sound waves overlapped together, like an ancient bell, making people dizzy.

The future fighters are still well-trained, and they didn't panic when they encountered such a terrible monster. They immediately shot and launched a counterattack against Neptune.All of a sudden, all the high-temperature plasma clusters emitted by the plasma gun shot towards the sea king dragon in the middle of the pool.

Cheng Mo silently cheered for Comrade Hai Wanglong, and continued to speed up the melting of the last remaining connection on the metal cover.

Ayala realized something was wrong, she guessed that the sea king dragon should not be their enemy, but it was too late to stop, and two future warriors were swept by the sea king dragon's thick tail and smashed on the glass of the aquarium. Splashed with blood, it fell to the edge of the pool.

The battle showed a one-sided trend. The high-temperature plasma light cluster hitting the rock-like body of Neptune was not painful at all, and it was useless except to make Neptune more crazy.In a blink of an eye, the future fighters were a little at a loss, shrinking back and not daring to move forward.

Finding that Neptune never crossed the pool, Ayala shouted: "Keep a distance first! Keep a distance first! Don't worry about this monster! You go around the pool and kill the one who sneaked into Lord Beret's bedroom." bastard."

Holding the "Seven Sins" in one hand and the edge of the Petri dish in the other, Cheng Mo also drove the light snake in his body to the limit. He was sweating profusely, and the space between the exoskeleton and his body was filled with sweat. He shook his body, You can feel the water sloshing.He really wanted to wipe the sweat accumulated on his forehead. The salty sweat flowed into his eyes, which made him unable to open his eyes, but he couldn't keep both hands free, so he could only blink desperately. The eyes can be a little more comfortable.

Neptune no longer screamed, as if it had dived into the water, and there was a running sound not far away. Cheng Mo also guessed that Neptune had a fixed range of activities, and even guessed that the other party had already circled around the pool. It's not Neptune. If it's a bullet, the exoskeleton can resist it for a while, but Cheng Mo, a plasma gun, can't hold it.

The closer the danger was, the calmer Cheng Mo's heart became. He tried his best to increase the vibration frequency of the Light Snake so that more energy could enter the "Seven Sins".However, the limit is there, and he still needs dozens of seconds to completely melt away the metal cover.

The slight sound of electric current fired by the plasma gun has already been heard by his ears, and his spiritual platform is clear, but the dangerous stimulation caused the adrenaline to soar, so the tense nerves, the body in motion, and the sides of the back tried to break through. The Light Snake, which vibrates to the limit, has reached a subtle state of harmony.

The light of the Seven Sins surged, and with a "pop", the metal cover sank, and Cheng Mo raised his left hand and quickly lifted the metal cover, grabbed the "Seven Sins", passed by the plasma light ball, and jumped into it. Petri dish.He sank into the unknown liquid, and a cool feeling permeated his whole body.

Athena's long golden hair fluttered in front of his eyes like seaweed, through the golden hair and a series of tumbling bubbles, he could still see Athena's slender and fair neck.

He put his arm around Athena's neck, and held Athena who was a little taller than him in his arms.At the same time, the "Seven Sins" embedded in the ceiling was retracted, and the "Seven Sins" was aimed at Athena's temple.

Before Ayala gave the order, the future fighters stopped shooting, but the sea king dragon in the pool seemed to realize something, a little restless, it turned the waves in the pool, circling the petri dish frantically, Even brought a whirlpool.

Cheng Moli couldn't understand that much, because he could hold his breath longer than ordinary people by practicing "Book of Law", but he couldn't stop breathing.But he wasn't too nervous. When he was putting on the petri dish, he observed that the switch was at the bottom of the petri dish.

After moving around a little and exploring, Cheng Mo stepped on the switch, and the glass cover of the petri dish sank down slowly, and the liquid also "squeaked" into the pool.

When the water in the petri dish was halfway through, Athena's soft body completely leaned into Cheng Mo's arms.Ayala looks at Cheng Mo as if he wants to swallow him alive, which makes Cheng Mo have to suspect that Ayala has feelings for Athena that go beyond friendship.

Cheng Mo didn't care about Ayala's feelings, he licked his dry lips, and said coldly: "Now you guys don't act rashly!"

While speaking, Cheng Mo's left hand was still groping around Athena's waist until he grabbed Athena's wrist and took off her Uroboros.

Ayala's face turned pale with anger, she gritted her teeth and said, "You can't leave Hydera! You are playing with fire."

"I didn't want Lord Beret's life! I didn't want to be an enemy with her either. I just wanted to survive, find my companions by the way, and take them away."

"Aren't you from Napoleon VII?"

Cheng Mo was just about to answer, but found that the speed of the sea king dragon that had been circling under the petri dish slowed down, and the swimming posture became quite leisurely. A warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart, and he immediately stopped without hesitation. Tightening Athena's neck, grasping the "Seven Sins", said in a deep voice: "Master Beret, come out! No matter how fast you are, I can guarantee that the sword in my hand will penetrate your head!"

A cold female voice came from the void, "Really?"

Immediately, Cheng Mo flew upside down and smashed straight onto the glass curtain wall.

Athena, holding the sword of Perseus, appeared on the base of the petri dish, supporting her body, and she said lightly, "You really can't overestimate yourself!"

However, at this moment, colored DNA helixes rose from Athena's feet, and her carrier was forced into a return state.
(End of this chapter)

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